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九年级英语上册 unit 2 saving the earth topic 2 all these problems are very serious section a(1a-4)导学案(新版)仁爱版

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九年级英语上册 unit 2 saving the earth topic 2 all these problems are very serious section a(1a-4)导学案(新版)仁爱版

Unit 2 Saving the Earth教师寄语:The best way to predict the future is to create it .(预测未来的最好方式就是创造未来。)Class_ Grade9 Group_ Name_课型:预习+展示课Title: Unit 2 Saving the Earth (拯救地球)Topic 2:All these problems are very serious. ( 所有这些问题都非常严重。)Section: A 1a-4 ( P35-36) 二课时Learning steps (学习过程): (Check before class)(5)(我会做)1、根据汉语提示,完成句子。 1)Can you use this word to make a _(句子)? 2)_(几个)boys are flying kites on the playground. 3)_(血)was pouring out from her mouth. 4)Judy found a new job in Nanjing _(不久前).2、自学新词汇:先汉译英并写出单词的音标及词性,然后熟读。各组派 C层次的学生上台展示学习成果。(在二次铃时完成,学习组长组织并检查评定)1) 沙 ( ) / / _2) 沙暴 ( ) / / _3) 沙漠, 舍弃,遗弃 ( ) / / _4) 虽然, 尽管,即使 ( ) / / _5) 减少,减轻 ( ) / / _6彻底地,完整地 ( ) / / _7) 转换成,变成_ 8)人 _ (Learning target)(1) 1学习新单词及词组:sand, sandstorm, change into, desert, human being, although, reduce , completely stop from doing sth. (阻止做某事);2学习并背诵1a的对话,了解人类乱砍滥伐对环境造成的严重破坏,唤起我们爱护树木,保护环境的意识;3. 学习重点句型: 1) As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert. 2) Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 3) And a lot of water can be saved by forests. 熟记新单词及词组,背诵1a的对话;(Self-study)(20)(我最棒)1、跟读P35/1a,画出新单词及词组,并在文中划出下面的句子并分析。 1) As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert. 译:_【点拨】change into :_ a lot of =_ 后接可数/ 不可数名词,同义词组是_2) Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.译:_【牢记】stop sb. / sth. (from) doing sth. = prevent sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人/某物做某事, from 可以省略。blow away : 吹走 3) And a lot of water can be saved by forests.译:_【点拨】save :在这是贮存,保留,保存的意思。can be saved:是含有情态动词的被动语态。4) Although we have built “The Green Great Wall ”, we still need to do something to protect the environment .译:_【点拨】although 和though 一般用来引导让步状语从句,不能与but 和however 连用。2、听1a的录音完成1b.(选择正确的答案。) The answer is :_3、根据1a完成1c.(填写树的作用。) The answers are : a)_ b) A lot of water can be saved by forests. c)_4、看3的图片并排序。5、听力练习:听4的录音二遍完成A-B部分,然后核对。(Lets show and improve )(15)(我参与) 1分角色朗读1a的对话。2独立完成2,然后核对并展示。(用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成句子。) The answers are : 1) _ 2)_ _ 3)_ 4)_ _ 5) _【点拨】 a large number of 许多,大量,其后只能接可数名词复数或集体名词,谓语动词只能用复数。 少量:a small number of 【区别】 1) a number of : 一些, 数个;the number of 的数量,后接可数名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。2) a lot of = lots of 与plenty of 可以互换, 他们后面既可接可数名词,又可接不可数名词。(Summary )(4)(我能行)1、本节课我学习_ _ _ _ _六个单词和_ _等词组;2、学习了1a的短文并了解了_;3、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。(Test in the end )(5)(我会做)1、单项选择。( )1) - What a bad sandstorm ! It will blow the _into our eyes. - Yes . Wed better wear a pair of glasses.A. air B.sand C. water D fire( )2) Stopping smoking can _the risk of heart diseases. A. reduce B. cause C. protect D. create ( )3)The number of workers in that factory _over 200. A small number of them _ women workers . A.is , is B. are , are C. is , are D. are , is ( )4) It was so dark outside. I couldnt see _. A.somting B. everything C. anything D. nothing 2、根据句汉语提示,完成句子。1) A small fish _ _(变成) a beautiful girl in that story.2)_( 尽管) everyone played well, we _( 仍然)lost the game.3) We must _ people _( 阻止) cutting trees.4) _ _ _ _( 大量的) birds are looking for food beside the river.5) The strong wind _ _( 吹走) my clothes on the rope yesterday.七、课后反思1、我今天学到了什么知识?_2、这节课我的表现( ) A、很好 B、好 C、一般D、有待改进


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