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七年级英语下册 unit 8 is there a post office near here part 5 section b同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版

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七年级英语下册 unit 8 is there a post office near here part 5 section b同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版

Unit 8 Is there a post office near herePart 5 Section B(课后)理解运用,提升思维一、善用语境,学会猜词。根据语境选择画线单词的意思,并圈出能帮助你选择的关键词。( B )1Our farm is arable to plant oranges and they sell well every year.A可能的 B适合的 C贫瘠的 D美丽的( C )2An island like Taiwan and Hainan is a land and there is water around it. A城市 B国家 C岛屿 D大海( A )3Carol is passionate about reading. She likes reading Beauty and Beast best. A喜爱的 B讨厌的 C困难的 D容易的( B )4On this hot summer afternoon, I feel very languid. I want to sleep.A兴奋的 B疲倦的 C骄傲的 D礼貌的( C )5I think it is a new idea, but my teacher thinks it is trite.A有趣的 B新颖的 C陈旧的 D好玩的二、Section B2b课文重点句型过关。 1这附近有餐馆吗? 有的,它在邮局前面。 Is there a restaurant near here? Yes, there is. Its in front of the post office.2公园在哪里? 它在银行和图书馆之间。Where is the park? Its between the bank and the library.3在第七大街向右转然后沿着这条街一直走。Turn right on the Seventh Street and then walk along the street.4在超市的对面有一座大的公园。There is a big park across from the supermarket.5在学校后面有一家银行。There is a bank behind the school.三、Section B语法过关。( B )1Look! The clock stopped. Maybe theres _ wrong with it.Aeverything Bsomething Canything Dnothing( D )2There _ lots of pigs and sheep on my uncles farm now.Awas Bwere Cis Dare ( B )3Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel? Go _ the street, and you will find it on the left. Aon Balong Cto Din( B )4It will _ me many years to learn English well.Acost Btake Cspend Dpay( A )5Every day I _ 2 hours finishing my homework.Aspend Bcost Ctake Dpay( A )6_ there on time, she usually takes a taxi.ATo get BGetting CTo arrive DArriving( A )7I often exercise here _ I love the sunshine.Abecause Bso Cwhen Dbut ( B )8Lots of students are talking loudly in the classroom. Its very _.Anoise BnoisyCquietly Dquiet ( D )9If you want to go to the library, you have to _ Center Street.Awalk Bacross CturnDcross( B )10Go along the street and you can see a post office _ your left.Ain Bon CforDwith四、文本再构Section B课文填空。Anna lives near a zoo. She likes to 1 time watching monkeys there. They look 1 her friends. She usually walks to get there. Just 3 right on Bridge Road and walk along. The zoo is 4 the right. John lives near a supermarket. 5 parents often shop there. He likes doing 6 at the park across from the supermarket, 7 he loves the clean air and sunshine. Lisa lives in a noisy neighborhood. Her 8 place is the library. Its 9 and she enjoys reading. She can 10 to the library easily. Just go down North Street and turn left. Its across from the park.1 spend 2 like 3 turn 4 on 5 His 6 exercise 7 because 8 favorite 9 quiet 10 get 五、Section B相关阅读。What is Kobian? Kobian is a robot, a humanoid robot. It looks like a human. It has been shown by researchers at Waseda University in Japan. The robot can express(表达)seven different feelings, happiness, surprise, sadness, and dislike. To express happiness, for example, the robot put its hands over its head and opens its mouth and eyes wide. To show sadness, kobian hangs its head and holds a hand up to its face to show its sadness. Kobian can also walk around. The robot has a special neck. It helps the robot take more interesting poses(姿势).It was developed(发展)by researchers at Wasedas Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering in Tokyo on Tuesday June 23.Maybe the humanoid robot will be very popular in Japan and many people will use it to do some daily activity.( A )1What does the robot mean if it puts its hands over its head and opens its mouth and eyes wide?AHappy. BLucky. CSad. DAngry. ( C )2How did Kobian show its sadness?ABy crying. BBy shouting. CBy hanging its head. DBy running away.( B )3Kobian was developed _.Aat Waseda University Bat Wasedas Graduate School Cin Kitakyushu Din a university in the USA ( B )4The underlined word “humanoid” means _.A动物的 B人形的 C机器的 D手工的( D )5What does the passage(文章) talk about?AProfessor at Wasedas Graduate school BThe robot factory Tmsuk.CHow a robot works DA “humanoid” robot.


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