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七年级英语上册《unit 3 getting together topic 2 what does your mother do?section b》教学设计 (新版)仁爱版

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七年级英语上册《unit 3 getting together topic 2 what does your mother do?section b》教学设计 (新版)仁爱版

Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section B. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and a phrase:work, hospital, on, farm, on a farm, drive 2. Talk about jobs and workplaces:(1)What does the man do?Hes a doctor.(2)Where does he work?He works in a hospital. Teaching aids 教具图片/教学挂图/小黑板/录音机/幻灯片/自制的转盘. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟)通过检查家庭作业,问答接龙等形式,复习重点知识,导入新课。1. (师生应用Glad to meet you.相互问候,全体起立。)T:Good morning/afternoon, class. Glad to meet you again.Ss:Glad to meet you, too. Miss/Mr. T:Please have a seat.Ss:Thank you.2. (将学生分为五人一组。学生先在小组内宣读上节课布置的家庭作业,然后各小组推选一名学生向全班宣读。) T:Please work in groups of five and introduce your father or mother to your classmates in groups. Then vote a student to report to us.3. (运用图片,做“问答接龙”活动,复习What do/does do?)T:What does do? (教师手持有某职业人员的图片。)S1:He/She is a (转向另一个学生)What does/do do?S2:He/She is a /They are (转向下一个学生)What do/does do?S3:Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)运用图片及教学挂图,通过师生、生生问答的形式,引出并学习生词及新句型。1.(教师出示一位医生在医院的图片。) T: Very good. Boys and girls, do you know what Kangkangs father does?Ss:Hes a doctor.T: Yes, hes a doctor. He works in a hospital.(板书并要求学生掌握。)workhospitalin a hospitalT:Where does Kangkangs father work?Ss:He works in a hospital. (教师帮助学生回答。)(板书并要求学生掌握句型。)Where does Kangkangs father work?He works in a hospital.(教师解释in a hospital表示地点,用where提问。)T:(出示一个农民在农场的图片。) Boys and girls, look at this picture. Wheres the farmer?Ss:Hes on a farm. (教师帮助学生回答,并强调“在农场”是“on a farm”。注意介词“on”的使用。)(板书并要求掌握。)on, farm, on a farm2. (利用构词法教授新词drive,板书并要求学生掌握。) (出示小黑板)work(工作)worker(工人)farm(务农)farmer(农民)drive(开车)driver(司机)teach(教学)teacher(教师) T:Look at the small blackboard and guess the meaning of“drive”.(先让学生仔细观察每组词的变化,再观察汉语意思,然后总结规律。在小组内讨论、探究,达成一致意见后,各小组长向全班汇报。)(教师总结:一些动词,如果在其后加er(或or)之后,就变成了名词,名词表示执行这个动词动作的人。教师可以利用学过的动词进行补充,让学生猜测其意。例如:think(思考)thinker(思想家);speak(说,讲) speaker(演讲者);visit(参观) visitor(来访者)等等。)(学生大声朗读教师板书的词。)(导入1a。)3. (教师出示1a教学挂图并谈论。)T:Look at this picture. The man is a doctor. This is a hospital. He works in a hospital.(教师要求学生看图复述,可以增加更多的内容。)4. (教师放1a录音,学生跟读,然后师生互动,先模仿,后操练。)T:Listen to the tape and repeat. Then practice 1a in pairs.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)通过对话、猜谜等形式,让学生进一步掌握重点句型及生词,完成1b和2。1. (用幻灯片呈现1b中女教师上课的图片。) T:Look at this picture. What does she do, S1?S1:She is a teacher.T:Where does she work, S2?S2:She works in a school.T: Well done! (教师接着用幻灯片呈现农民干活的图片。) T:Look at this picture. What do the men do? S3:They are farmers. T:Where do they work?S4:They work on a farm.(教师用幻灯片呈现机关人员工作的图片。)T:Look at the picture. What do they do, S5?S5:They are office workers.T:Where do they work?S5:They work in an office.2. (学生看1b,两人一组依照范例操练对话,完成1b。然后找几组学生到前面表演。)T:Practice in pairs according to the pictures in 1b after the example. Then Ill ask several pairs to act out in the front.3. (两人一组做“问答猜谜”活动,教师示范,完成2。)T:Lets ask and answer to guess riddles.Example:T:My sister works in a hospital. But she isnt a doctor. What does she do, S6?S6:I think she is a nurse.4. (教师将Section A,3a中的图片呈现出来,依次和学生进行问答练习。)T:What does the boy do?S7:He is a student.T:What does that man do?S8:He is an office worker.T:Where does he work?S9:He works in an office.T:What does the girl do?S10: She is a nurse.T:Where does she work?S11: She works in a hospital.T:What does the man do?S12: He is a driver.T:Where does he work?(然后鼓励学生在小组内自由问答,并表扬表现积极的小组。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)通过听录音回答问题并填空,做调查等形式,继续巩固本课的重点语言项目,完成3和4。1. (教师播放3录音,先让学生口头回答下列问题,然后再听录音填表格,完成3。)T:Listen to the tape, and answer the following questions orally. Then listen again and fill out the table in 3.(小黑板出示下列问题。)(1)What do David and Paul do?(2)Is Lisa a driver? Where does she work?(3)Where does Danny work?(依次让五名学生回答问题并核对答案,核对3中表格的答案。)2. (做调查,完成4。每个学生至少要问三个学生,然后完成表格。先在小组内汇报,然后每个小组挑选一个代表向全班汇报。) T: Make a survey. Ask your classmates about their parents jobs and workplaces. Then fill out the table in 4. First report in groups, then vote a student to report to the class.3. (教师利用幻灯片呈现下列内容,要求学生填写所缺的句子,补全对话。) T:Please look at the slide and complete the dialog.Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?Sure, my name is Da Long. And you?My name is Li Gang. Glad to meet you, Da Long.Glad to meet you, too.What do you do?Im a student.What does your father do?My father is a worker.Where does he work?He works in a factory.(画线句子为学生要填写的。)4. (出示小黑板或幻灯片。让学生把职业和职业特征连接,复习职业类词汇及相关句型。)farmer works in the hospitaldriverteaches at schoolcookworks on the farmnursedrives a busdoctorworks in an officeoffice workerstudies Englishstudentworks in the kitchen(厨房)teacherlooks after patients(


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