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福建省2016届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 仁爱版

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福建省2016届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 仁爱版

惠安三中2015-2016学年九年级(上)英语第一次月考试卷笔试部分(120分) 第I卷I. 选择填空(15分)从A,B,C三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 21. - _ the population of China? - _ over 1.3 billion. A. Whats; Its B. Whats; Theyre C. How much is; Its( ) 22. _ everyone in our team played well in this football match, _ we still lost it . A. Because; so B. Though, but C.Though, /( ) 23. - She liked playing football when she was young. -_. A. So did I. B. Neither did I. C. So I did.( ) 24. -Have you_ Quanzhou for a long time? - Yes, I _here five years ago.A. been to ; have come B. gone to; come C. been in; came( ) 25. About _ of the students in our school _ from the countryside.A. one third; are B. two thirds; is C. two third; are ( ) 26. I want to invite Jenny for dinner. But I havent _.A. ring up herB.picked up herC. called her up( ) 27.Song Zuying is known_ an excellent singer. She is famous _ her folk songs.A. as ; asB. for; asC. as; for( ) 28.Have you heard from your parents_?-Yes, Ive_heard from them.A. already, yet B. yet, just C.ever, already( ) 29.-Some students cheated in the exam. Its bad for them. -So it is. Our school should _ stop it.A. work well in B. take measures to C. carry out( ) 30. How long have you_ the house?_ 2010.A. had ;Since B. had; For C. bought; Since ( ) 31. -Are you going to Tibet for vacation?-Yes. Could you _me with some information about it?A offer B. provide C. send( ) 32. -How are you getting along with your classmates? -Very well. We often _ each other by Internet.A. keep away from B. keep up with C.keep in touch with( ) 33. Mr. Green has a lovely son _ Tom.A. called B. calling C. is called( ) 34. If you work hard, youll _in _ the exam A. succeed ; passing B. successful; passing C.succeed; pass( ) 35. He _ to school by bike, but now he _ to school on foot.A. used to go; gets used to go B. gets used to going; used to go C. used to go; gets used to goingII. 完形填空:从每小题三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)There was a family with only two kids left, a boy and his little sister. Their parents died very 36 . And the boy loved his sister very much because she was his only 37 . However, the little girl got a serious illness and 38 be given a transfusion(输血) at once. 39 the hospital didnt have the same type of blood for the girl, the doctor asked the boy, “Would you like to give your blood to your sister? If not, her illness will be more 40 .The boy thought about it for moment, and then he agreed. After the transfusion, the boy asked the doctor 41 , “Sir, how long can I live from now on?” The doctor just smiled 42 saying a word. But after a minute he understood and was surprised to find that the boy believed he would 43 soon after he lost some of his blood. So the doctor told the boy, “Dont worry, my kid. You wont die if you lose a little blood.”“Padon?” the boy asked the doctor again. “_44_can I live?”I think you can live to be 100 years old,” said the doctor. “Well,” the boy lifted his own arms and said happily, “Please transfuse 45 of my blood to my little sister! Then both of us can live 50 years!”( ) 36. A.early B. late C. quickly( ) 37 A.cousin B. relative C. partner( ) 38 A.may B.can C.must( ) 39 A.Because of B.Because C.Although( ) 40A.rapid B.strange C.serious( ) 41A.sadly B.happily C.excitedly( ) 42A.except B.with C.without( ) 43A.cry B. die C. sleep( ) 44.A.How far B.How long C. How old( ) 45.A.some B. half C. allIII.口语运用补全对话:根据对话内容,从方框中选出最佳选项补全对话。(10分)A: Do you like living in the city or the countryside?B: 46 A: But I think the country is much better than the city for living.B: 47 A: Because there is terrible traffic and it is too noisy in the city.B: 48 I think the city is a wonderful place to live. We can also have a better education in the city than in the country.A: 49 But I like living in a quiet and safe place.B: 50 _A: About eight years.A. I dont think so.B. Maybe you are right.C.Why do you think so?D.I like living in the city.E. How long have you lived in the village?IV. 阅读理解(45分)(A)What will the car be like in the future? Maybe we can sit in a car that can drive itself.About 40 years ago, scientists from the United States sta


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