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七年级英语上册 unit 4 where’s my schoolbag the 3rd period of class section b(1a-1f)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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七年级英语上册 unit 4 where’s my schoolbag the 3rd period of class section b(1a-1f)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

The 3rd period of Class: Section B (1a- 1f )Teaching aims(教学目标)1熟练运用Where is/are?问句和一般疑问句及其回答;2熟练运用in, on, under, behind, in front of, near等介词。Language points(语言点)1. Wheres ? Its in/on/under2. Wherere? Theyre in/on/underDifficulties(难点):方位介词的正确使用。Teaching steps (教学步骤)Lead in: Good morning, boys and girls. Shall we continue our lessons? Could you please tell me what we learnt in section A? Yes. We learnt to ask where the things are. Step 1: Revision 1Review some prepositions a. I will show you some pictures, please answer my questions according to them. Questions: (1)Where is the baseball? (2)Where are the books? (3)Where is the schoolbag? (4)Is the pen on the table? (5)Are the keys under the sofa? b. I would like some of you to ask the questions and others answer according to the pictures. 2翻译练习: Lets do some translation exercises, and please translate my sentences into English. a.那个棒球在哪里?它在书包里。 b.钥匙在书架上吗?不,不在。 c.你的书在哪里?它们在床头柜上。 d.我的游戏机在沙发上。 3Dictation Lets have a dictation. Step 2: Section B 1a 1Look and look up a. Open your books at page 22. Would you please look at activity 1a? b. There are some words in the box. Do you know what they mean? Please look them up in the word list on page 102 and then write down the Chinese meanings under each word. c. Now, I am sure you know what they are. 2Match Please match the words with the things in the picture. 3Check the answers Finished, everyone? Lets check the answers now. Answers: 1b 2d 3a 4e 5f 6c 4Read a. Read the words and phrases after me. Math book one two . b. Would you please read the words one student by one? 【教学设计说明】培养学生语句组织能力,通过直观图片学习第二部分新单词,并在小组活动中加以操练。Step 3: Section B 1b 1Look and remember Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes and try to remember the things in it as many as possible. 2Write a. Write down the things you remember on your notebooks. b. Write down the positions of the things you remember. 3Read Read the things and their positions you write on your notebooks. 【教学设计说明】可以转化成running dictation活动。TaskWho has better memory? Lets perform a task now. Lets find who has better memory. Just now, you write down the things you remember. Would you please check the things and their positions with your partners by asking questions like: A: Where is the alarm clock? B: Its on the table. If your answers are the same, just go on. If your answers are different, please check the book and find whose answer is correct. Finally, please check how many things you remembered well, and how many things your partner remembered well. Step 4: Section B 1c 1Listen and circle a. Lets move to activity 2a now. It is a listening exercise. For the first time, I would like you to listen only. b. Now, for the second time, please listen to it again and circle the words you hear in 2a. 2Check the answers I think most of you have finished it. Lets check them together. Answers: circled items: math book, ruler, notebook, CDs, video tape 【教学设计说明】通过小组对话、讨论、调查和设计等一系列的课堂活动,培养学生的合作精神。Step 5: Section B 1d 1Listen Listen to the conversations for the first time. 2Listen and write a. Listen to the conversations for the second time and write where the things are. b. Listen to the conversations for the third time and check them by yourselves. 3Check the answers Lets check the answers together. Who would like to tell us your notes? Answers: The math book is on the dresser. The ruler is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The CDs are on the bookcase. The video tape is on the table. 4Read the tape script a. Lets read the tape script together. b. Would you please read the tape script in pairs? c. Who would like to read in class? 【教学设计说明】延续自我评价活动,把个人的生活经验与实际结合起来,完成自我观点的sharing,同时为最后的Project打基础。Step 7: Ask and answerAsk and answer questions about the things in Toms room. 根据汤姆房间里的物品位置进行问答。Step 8: Summarize Lets summarize what we learnt in this period. Step 9: Homework Copy the sentences in section B 2b.


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