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Unit 3 Celebration Section Grammar.单句语法填空1Experiments of this kind_(conduct) in both the US and Europe well before the Second World War.答案:had been conducted2Have you moved to your new house?Not yet.It_(decorate) now.答案:is being decorated3Its a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal _(serve)答案:is served4Come and look.What _(happen) to the flowers?答案:has happened5Great changes _(take) place in my village in the past few years.答案:have taken6I have a letter_(write)I cant go out with you.答案:to write7Though small,the oranges _(sell) well,because they_(taste) nice.答案:sell;taste8Hurry up!There is no time to get _(change)答案:changed9As a result of the serious flood,two­thirds of the buildings in the area need _(repair)答案:repairing/to be repaired10Take this medicine three times a day,Tom.Do I have to take it?It_(taste) so terrible.答案:tastes.语法填空(用动词的适当时态和语态填空)Good afternoon.The lunch time news today 1._(read) by John Howard.The Prime Minister has visited a primary school in Ipswich where she 2._(meet) by the children and their teachers.She opened a new sports centre that 3._(build) with money raised by the parents and teachers.Another 20,000 4._(need) to finish the swimming pool,so more money raising activities 5._(organize) for the summer months.Earlier today a group of teachers were in an accident when their coach 6._(hit) by a truck.The teachers 7._(help) by local people until ambulances (救护车) arrived.Most of the teachers 8._(allow) to go home immediately,but those with more serious injuries 9._(take) to Norwich Central Hospital later today.More details 10._(report) to you later this afternoon.答案:1.is read2.was met3.is being built4.is needed 5will be organized6.was hit7.were helped8.were allowed 9were taken10.will be reported.选词填空can,cant,dont have to,ought to,have t 1It_be the postman at the door.Its only six oclock.答案:cant2No one_be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.Oh,you are really his big fan.答案:can3Shall I go and buy some fruit for the party?No,I have already bought 3 baskets.That_be enough.答案:ought to4The fire spread through the hotel very quickly,so I_leave there.答案:had to5Sorry to trouble you,but_I ask a personal question?No problem.答案:can6We hope that as many people as possible_join us for the picnic tomorrow.答案:can7What do you think we can do for our aged parents?You_do anything except that you visit them as often as possible.答案:dont have to8You_be hungry alreadyyou had lunch only two hours ago!答案:cant.完成句子1你必须作出决定是离职还是留下?(客观上需要做这件事)You_make a choice.Are you going to leave the job or stay?答案:have to2如果你想用电话的话,你可以用。You_use the phone if you want to.答案:can3他现在非常生气,你不必把此事告诉他。He is very angry how and you _tell him about it.答案:dont have to4你一定不要告诉他,他没有通过期末考试。You _tell him that he didnt pass the final exam.答案:mustnt5你应当按他说的去做,因为他总是为你着想。You _do as he says because he is always thinking of you.答案:ought to6你不应该浪费时间整天玩电子游戏。You _waste any time playing video games all day.答案:ought not to.完形填空In 1991,Davenport played in her first professional tennis match when she was 15 years old.Over the next 20 years,Davenport would_1_to have one of the greatest tennis careers (职业生涯) in recent history.She_2_three different Grand Slam titles.She got the 1996 Olympic gold_3_.She was ranked (排名) the Number 1 woman_4_player in the world eight different times.The_5_prize money Davenport earned is over $22 million throughout her career.I had the chance to_6_Davenport at the 2012 US Open._7_that night,she answered some questions from our group and I asked her,“Ms Davenport,_8_can teach people a lot of lessons.What lessons did you_9_during your time as a professional tennis player that you didnt learn_10_an amateur (业余运动员)?” To be honest,I had a_11_reason for asking this question.I played baseball in college,but not _12_.So I wanted to know what I missed.Davenports first_13_was to talk about how she had to grow up_14_.She mentioned the power of the media and learning to live her life in front of a(n)_15_.But then she changed the_16_and talked about improving her skill and the lessons of competition,hard work,and perseverance.Those things,she said,were learned long_17_she became a professional.In other words,to learn about what its like to_18_as a professional athlete,you n


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