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Unit 19 Language Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.语法填空1The growing demand _(purchase) goods on credit was satisfied for the moment.答案:to purchase2When we saw the road_(block) with snow,we decided to spend the holiday at home.答案:blocked3He once observed that “All happy families_(resemblance) one another,but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”答案:resemble4I know you didnt break the vase_purpose.Dont cry.答案:on5Did you hand in your application for a league member?Not yet.If I_(not,go) to see my father,I would have.答案:hadnt gone6The amount of money given to everyone will be the same,regardless_whether they are kids or adults.答案: of7I know the job of mine isnt well paid,but on_hand I dont have to work long hours.答案:the other 8At first I thought I understood what my teacher said,but the more he explained,the _confused I became.答案:more9It is just three months since we received official_(approve) to go ahead with the project and it will be completed next week.答案:approval 10It is rather difficult to make friends with him,but his friendship,once_(gain),is stronger than any others.答案:gained11Of the two best­sellers,which do you think is the_suitable to me?答案:more 12Im calling to enquire about the position_(advertise) in yesterdays China Daily.答案:advertised.完成句子1我将与他们的教练就比赛时间进行协商。Ill_their coach _the date of the match.答案:negotiate with;on2我们都祝贺李娜在澳公开赛中获胜。We all _Li Na_the Australian Open.答案:congratulated;on her winning3法律规定人人平等,不分种族、宗教或性别。The law requires equal treatment for all,_race,religion or sex.答案:regardless of4你再说一遍好吗?我没明白。Would you mind repeating that?I didnt quite_.答案: catch on5你认为他是故意犯错误的吗?Do you think he made that mistake_?答案: on purpose6你越放松,考试的成绩会越好。_you worry,_results you will get in the examination.答案:The less;the better.完形填空Having a son as a woman who has only really been around women can be a strange experience.I sometimes tell my husband that raising our 3­year­old boy_1_someone dropped me off on another planet where I didnt know the_2_and had no map.My son makes me laugh like no other,but his desires and interests sometimes do feel as_3_to me as another galaxy.He has taught me so much about the bigger man in my life (my husband) and even more about _4_in general.When I get mad at my husband now,I look at our son and_5_.He was once as sweet and precious as my son,even if he is so_6_now.My mother­in­laws attitude used to be confusing to me,but now I kind of_7_it.I love my son fiercely.If some woman ever_8_him,shed be punished for that._9_my daughter cant find something,she searches.But my son is_10_calling,“Mommy!Daddy!Where is my toy?” Its so much like my husband.He also will spend 0.1 seconds_11_before calling out to me and _12_where the butter,cheese,or coat is.My son has taught me its a male thing._13_,that doesnt mean I wont break him of it.I_14_will.Isnt that what all moms say?My husband showers every day on most_15_days.But on the weekends or on vacation?Forget it.Now I understand that.My son hates bath time and _16_ the whole time.I have to fight with him and bribe him to get _17_.Nothing is sweeter for a mom than her baby boy.My daughter and I are equally_18_,but in a different way.He tells me he loves me and how_19_I am.I wish I could bottle that sweetness and _20_it for the teen years.语篇解读 在养育儿子的过程中,作者加深了对丈夫乃至全部男性的认识。1Afeels like Bcompetes withCcontributes to Dturns out解析:作者把养育儿子与被扔到其它的星球的感觉进行比较。答案:A2Aconnection BmovementClanguage Dchange解析:在一个陌生的星球,语言不通又没有地图,非常困惑。答案:C3Arisky BmildCforeign Dclassic解析:作者感觉儿子的很多行为都是自己不熟悉的。答案:C4Ainterests BplanetsCkids Dmen解析:通过与儿子的相处,作者加深了对丈夫乃至全部男性的认识。答案:D5Astop BgrowCrise Dburst解析:从后面的He was once as sweet and precious as my son可知作者想起了丈夫好的一面,应该会停止发火。 答案:A6Aexciting BconfusingCtouching Dannoying解析:从前面的When I get mad at my husband可知这时的丈夫很让人恼火。 答案:D7Aset BgetCmake Dtake解析:婆婆的态度曾让作者感到困惑,但是现在她有些明白了。答案:B8Aapproaches BhurtsCignores Dpersuades解析:从后面的shed be punished for that可知前面假设的是做了不好的事的情况。答案:B9ABefore BBecauseCIf DUnless解析:if表示“如果”,在此处引导条件状语从句,假设了一种情况。答案:C10Asincerely BimmediatelyCfortunately Dobviously解析:与作者的女儿自己找东西相比,作者的儿子总是第一时间就找别人要。 答案:B11Aguessing BimaginingCwondering Dlooking解析:与儿子一样,作者的丈夫也不会花时间四处找找看。 答案:D12Athinking BtellingCasking Ddebating解析:作者的丈夫会直接问她东西在哪里。答案:C13AStill BMoreoverCOtherwise DTherefore解析:still可以表示转折的含义,意为“但是,尽管如此”。答案:A14Afinally Bpr


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