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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary.单句语法填空1Everybody has his _(strong) and weaknesses so we shouldn't judge a person by his look.2_(catch) in the heavy snow, they had no choice but to wait at the railway station.3The new coat looked too large on Mary,so her mother had to cut it _.4It is so difficult a problem _ we can't work it out.5Little Tom made it a rule _(read) aloud and recite ten English words every morning.6Some steps have been taken to prevent the forest from _(destroy)【导学号:91390036】7She appeared to _(keep) waiting for a long time.8He was almost _(frighten) to death at the sight of the frightening snake.9_ a result of his carelessness, he didn't pass the examination.10There are _(mass) of dark clouds in the sky, which looks as if it is going to rain.【答案】1.strengths2.Caught3.down4.that5to read6.being destroyed7.have been kept8frightened9.As10.masses.单句改错1It was such hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything._2Finished their homework,the children went out to play football._3The chairman thought it necessary invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting._4He appeared to be read when I entered the room._5The boy who seemed to be honest was caught steal in the shop._【答案】1.suchso2.FinishedHaving finished3invite前加to4.readreading5.stealstealing.阅读理解Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts so that people can live and grow food there.They are learning a lot about the deserts,but more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the desert in time.Why is more and more land becoming deserts?Scientists think that people make deserts.People are doing bad things to the earth.For example,scientists tell the people how important plants are for stopping land becoming deserts,but people don't pay enough attention to the green plants.Some places on the earth don't get much rain.But they still don't become deserts.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places.Plants don't let the sun make the earth even drier.Plants don't let the wind blow the soil away.When a bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can become the desert more easily.The present fact is that green plants on the earth are fewer and fewer.If there were no green plants on the earth,the whole earth would become deserts.1Small green plants are very important to dry places because _.Athey don't let the sun make the earth into good landBthey don't let the wind blow soil awayCthey are greenDthey have leaves【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第六句“Plants don't let the wind blow the soil away.”可知,植物可以阻止风把土壤吹走,由此得出答案B项。【答案】B2Land is becoming deserts little by little because _.Afew plants grow thereBthere is not enough rainCpeople haven't done what scientists want them to doDscientists know little about the deserts【解析】推理判断题。由整篇文章可知植物在保护土地沙漠化方面起着重要的作用,土地沙漠化就反映了植物少的事实。由此选择A项。【答案】A3From the second paragraph,we know that _.Ascientists know how to change deserts into good landBto stop the earth becoming deserts,people should do good things to the earth as scientists sayCif scientists can bring water to a desert,people can live and grow food thereDmore and more places are becoming deserts all the time【解析】推理判断题。第二段主要告诉我们土地沙漠化是由于人们对地球正在进行破坏(砍伐树木等),因此我们可以知道:要想阻止地球的沙漠化,人们必须对地球做些好事(植树造林等)。【答案】B4After reading this,we learn that _.Aplants can keep dry land from becoming desertsBit is good to get rid of the grass in the desertsCall places without much rain will become desertsDit is better for the dry land to grow grass than to grow trees【解析】推理判断题。整篇文章都在告诉我们这样一个不争的事实:植物对于阻止土地沙漠化起着非常重要的作用。【答案】A.完形填空Have you seen a sandstorm?I would like to share with you my personal _1_of the sandstorm in northern China.On April 7,2009,we decided to_2_a city of Jilin Province.It was supposed to be four hours' drive from the place where we lived.We _3_ at about 7:00 only to see the most amazing _4_ we had ever seen.The sky was _5_ as if it was midnight.The _6_ from the few cars that dared travel in the streets were yellowish.So we had to stay at home,_7_ for a better condition for our trip.The wind was fairly _8_ and might have been stronger at night _9_ we woke up.The visibility(能见度)at this point was close to


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