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Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points.单句语法填空1Mum,the soup is a little salty.Try adding(add)some water to it.2It's wise of you to_think(think)twice before you make the final decision.3Have you got in touch with Tom?Oh,sorry.I couldn't think of his phone number at the moment.4It was difficult to guess what his reaction(react)to the news would be.5We have been working on it for several hours but we haven't reached any conclusion(conclude)that was practical.【导学号:67550085】6They will start their project aiming(aim)at helping the poor children to be educated in China's west.7Please observe the mixture(mix)and write down what you will have seen.8After the experiment,everything is put in order in the cupboard.9Three­fifths of the students in our class are(be)girls.10China Daily has nine websites in three languages and three mobile platforms,forming(form)Asia's biggest network of English­language news and information.单句改错1Please close the windows to keep flies out the room._【答案】out后加of2These newly­built gardens added up to the beauty of the city._【答案】去掉up3It is impossible of him to sleep on such a small bed._【答案】offor4I'm not sure how she will react on the decision._【答案】onto5About a quarter of the wall are painted blue._【答案】areis.完形填空It was the first morning of the New Year and the weather was very cold.I have always been an early bird and my morning walks have been the _1_ for the last 7 years,so I put on my shoes to _2_ for my first walk of the New Year.There was complete _3_ outside.Litter could be seen everywhere.It seemed that everyone had an all­night _4_.It was too cold to _5_ anyone to be awake to clear all the walkways at 5 in the morning.I was _6_ to walk on the dirty walkways and decided to go back home.I was about to leave _7_ I saw Sam cleaning the garden.He is an employee of our society association and is _8_ to take care of the walkways and the garden.I walked up to Sam as it was a(n)_9_ to see him there cleaning at that time.He saw me and politely _10_ me,“Happy New Year!” “How come you are here and doing all this on the very first day of a New Year?” I asked.Sam answered _11_,“It is the first day of the year.I do not want people to walk on _12_ walkways.It is the first day of the year so they should feel good and special.For me,today is like any other day and my job starts with the _13_.”It was good to see someone so _14_ at heart.Like other staff members,Sam could have taken a day _15_,but he woke up early and came for all of us.I suddenly realized life does not _16_ when the clock strikes twelve at midnight and a New Year begins.We _17_ all night,drinking and feeding ourselves.Then we leave the place in high spirits,leaving the surroundings dirty.Life goes on and others need to _18_ up early and clear the garbage.Isn't the very next morning a new day of a New Year for all those who clear our garbage?Why can't we also keep our _19_ clean so that everyone can have a New Year the very next day?It is true that small things can make a big _20_ in our lives.1A.mannerBapproach Croutine Daccess2A.look Bhead Clong Dsend3A.waste Bfreedom Csilence Dabsence4A.conclusion Btradition Ccelebration Dpollution5A.order Bexpect Ctrust Dcatch6A.tired BscaredCpuzzled Dbothered7A.because BthoughCunless Dwhen8A.advised BdesignedCsupposed Ddetermined9A.pleasure BsuccessCsurprise Dhonour10A.advised BwishedCasked Dcongratulated11A.coldly BhopefullyCpartially Dquietly12A.dirty BnarrowCbusy Dcold13A.beginning BsameCspecial Dnew14A.devoted BcuriousChonest Dpolite15A.over BoutCup Doff16A.change BimproveCreturn Dhappen17A.sleep BpartyCwork Dclean18A.put BstayCwake Dpick19A.surroundings BconditionsCbackgrounds Dlocations20A.decision BdifferenceCpromise Dsuggestion【语篇解读】作者在新年第一天晨练,走在脏乱的街道上,作者很心烦,没想到遇见了清洁工萨姆。为了给大家营造干净的环境萨姆不能休息。作者意识到一个小的举动就能有大的不同。1C“我”一直是个早起的人,晨练是“我”过去七年里的惯例。manner方式;approach方式,接近;routine惯例;access通道,机会。2B新年的第一天也不例外,“我”穿上鞋子前往自己新年的第一次散步中。head for前往。3C后文交代了作者是早晨五点钟去晨练的,因此当时外面是很安静的。waste浪费;freedom自由;silence安静;absence缺席。4C看起来大家都经过了整夜的庆祝狂欢。conclusion结论;tradition传统;celebration庆祝;pollution污染。5B外面如此冷以至于不会期望能见到有人在五点醒来清理街道。expect期望,期待。6D“我”走在脏乱的街道上,心里感到很不舒服,决定要回家。tired厌倦的;scared害怕的;puzzled困惑的;bothered恼火的。7D“我”正打算离


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