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Module 2 Developing and Developed Countrie Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points.单句语法填空1The bridge _ (measure) as long as 500 meters needs repairing.2We are in a position _ we may lose a great deal of money.3They love their daughter so much that they are always ready to do everything they can to make sure_ her happiness.4It's up to you _(decide)where we will go for our holiday.5The effort that he made _ (finish) the task is great.6Tom is very good at singing, _ his brother is clever at dancing.7At the foot of the mountain_(stand) a tower built in the Ming Dynasty.8With my brother _ (help) me, I will finish the task in a shorter time.9Last night he saw two dark _(figure)enter the building,and then there was the explosion.10_ (educate) by the Youth League, she has made rapid progress.【答案】1.measuring2.where3.of4.to decide5to finish6.while7.stands8.to help9figures10.Educated.单句改错1It is amazing that the little boy can swim across the river measured 100 meters wide._2He lay on the grass with his eyes looked at the sky._3They promised to spare no effort help those who are in poverty._4On the top of the hill stand an old temple._5My new English teacher is very humorous,but my previous one is quite serious._【答案】1.measuredmeasuring2.lookedlooking3.help前加to4.standstands5.butwhile.阅读理解In many developed countries,especially in the United States,racism(种族主义) was widespread in the early part of the twentieth century.Many African Americans were not given equal opportunities in education or employment.Marian Anderson(18971993)was an African American woman who gained fame as a concert singer in this climate of racism.She was born in Philadelphia and sang in church choirs during her childhood.When she applied for admission to a local music school in 1917,she was turned down because she was black.Unable to attend music school,she began her career as a singer for church gatherings.In 1929,she went to Europe to study voice and spent several years performing there.Her voice was widely praised throughout Europe.Then she returned to the US in 1935 and became a top concert singer after performing at Town Hall in New York City.Racism again affected Anderson in 1939.When it was arranged for her to sing at Constitution Hall in Washington,DC,the daughters of the American Revolution opposed it because of her color.She sang instead at the Lincoln Memorial for over 75,000 people.In 1955,Anderson became the first black soloist to sing in the Metropolitan Opera of New York City.The famous conductor Toscanini praised her voice as “heard only once in a hundred years”She was a US delegate to the United Nations in 1958 and won the UN peace prize in 1977.Anderson eventually triumphed over racism.1According to this passage,what did Marian Anderson do between 1917 and 1929?AShe studied at a music school.BShe sang for religious activities.CShe sang at Town Hall in New York.DShe studied voice in Europe.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段的“Unable to attend music school,she began her career as a singer for church gatherings.”可知在1917年到1929年之间Anderson为宗教活动唱歌。【答案】B2Toscanini thought that Marian Anderson _.Ahad a very rare voiceBsang occasionally in publicCsang only once in many yearsDwas seldom heard by people【解析】推理判断题。由第二段的“The famous conductor Toscanini praised her voice as heard only once in a hundred years”可推知答案。【答案】A3Anderson's beautiful voice was first recognized _.Aat the Lincoln MemorialBin Washington,DCCin EuropeDat the United Nations【解析】细节理解题。由第一段倒数第二、三句“.she went to Europe to study voice and spent several years performing there.Her voice was widely praised throughout Europe.”可知答案选C。【答案】C4This passage shows that Anderson finally defeated racism in the US by _.Aprotesting to the governmentBappealing to the United NationsCdemonstrating in the streetsDworking hard to perfect her art【解析】推理判断题。由文章主旨可知,Anderson凭着认真工作以使得她的艺术完美,借此击败种族歧视。【答案】D.完形填空【导学号:91390030】I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people.Luckily there're some ways of helping them and you needn't have a lot of _1_.One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine._2_ doing this one day,I got to _3_ a young homeless man.He was often _4_ the magazine at the train station.He was a poor farmer from another country.After a while,I discovered that his _5_ was close to mine.It _6_ that we were born in the same month.I met him last year _7_ after his birthday,and after congr


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