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2017-2018学年高中英语 小题狂刷13 unit 2 warming up pre-reading reading comprehendingg(含解析)新人教版选修6

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2017-2018学年高中英语 小题狂刷13 unit 2 warming up pre-reading reading comprehendingg(含解析)新人教版选修6

小题狂刷13 Unit 2 Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehendingg.单词拼写1. He hates to be_ (取笑) about his bald head.2. You know what? Reality and dream are almost _ (矛盾的) for me.3. We need to make the working day more _ (灵活的).4. You must practice each day for a _(最低限度) of 30 minutes.5. The_ (翻译) is well done except for a few small mistakes.6. It was a long journey, but we_ (最终) arrived.7. Its easier to think in_ (具体的) terms than in the abstract.8. He told me with_(悲痛) that his mother was very ill.9. The magician_(变换) the girl into a tiger.10. Its too bad of you to_ (逗弄) the child like that.【参考答案】1. teased 2. contradictory 3. flexible 4. minimum 5. translation 6. eventually 7. specific 8. sorrow 9. transformed 10. tease.单句语法填空1. _ fact, I think the driver is not to blame for the traffic accident but the person who was crossing the street.2. A _ (library) is a person who is in charge of or helps to run a library.3. The government was _ flexible in applying economic program that the stock market quickly emerged from the crisis.4. If _ any chance Professor Masaccio fails to come, we will invite another one.5. The affection between them has worn off, leaving only a sad memory of _ (end) quarrels.6. If I _ (be) you, I would do everything I can to persuade him to quit smoking.7. The _ (explain) that he had been trapped in the traffic didnt enable her to believe him.8. The money the girl spent last month _ (add) up to more than five thousand dollars.【参考答案】1. In 2. librarian 3. so 4. by 5. endless 6. were 7. explanation 8. added. 单项填空1. A lot of lectures are unable adequately to _ their knowledge to their audience.A. surveyB. conveyC. deliverD. inform【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:很多讲座不能把他们的知识传达给他们的观众。survey调查;convey传达;deliver交付,传送;inform通知,告诉。根据语境可知选B。2. A good plan must be _, so that it can adapt to some necessary changes.A. flexibleB. convenientC. specificD. considerate【答案】A3.Im afraid Ill fail in the exam. _. It wont be so bad.A. Dont be afraidB. It doesnt matterC. Take it easyD. Youll not fail【答案】C【解析】考查交际用语。句意:我害怕考试不及格。放轻松。不会很糟糕的。Dont be afraid别害怕;It doesnt matter没关系;Take it easy放轻松;Youll not fail你不会失败的(这是汉语的表达)。故选C。4.Im feeling terrible. I feel pain here and there. Oh. . Nothing seriously.A. Go slowlyB. Take it easyC. Stay longerD. See you【答案】B【解析】考查交际用语。句意:我感觉很难过。我感觉到处疼。由上句可知,下句应是医生安慰病人,用take it easy别紧张; 轻松一下。Go slowly 慢慢走;Stay longer呆长一些时间;See you再见。故选B。5. I think we should accept that offer, for we _ such bad luck up till now and time _.A. have, is run outB. have had, is running outC. have had, is run outD. have, is running out【答案】B6. His success doesnt _ out of nowhere. As he self-studied College English in high school he has had a head start over the people of his age.A. break upB. spring upC. make upD. live up【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语。句意:他的成功不是突然冒出来的,因为他在高中时自学了大学英语,他比自己这个年龄段的人有了一个良好的开端。A. break up打碎,破碎;结束;解散; B.spring up出现;涌现;C. make up组成;补足;化妆;编造;D. live up快乐地过日子。故选B。7. "China Daily", whose editorial office is in Beijing, also has _ in all major cities in China.A. branchesB. companiesC. organizationsD. businesses【答案】A【解析】考查名词的辨析。branch"分支,分部",符合题意,即中国日报编辑部在北京,它在中国所有大城市都有分部。其他几项不合题意:company"公司"organization"组织"business"生意"。8. _, we should sleep at least 8 hours a day, but _ many people sleep less than that.A. In particular; in demandB. In theory; in practiceC. In public; in theoryD. In general; in advance【答案】B【解析】考查介词短语。A. In particular“尤其,特别”,in demand“非常需要的”;B. In theory“理论上”,in practice“实际上”;C. In public“在公共场合”,in theory“理论上”;D. In general“总体上”,in advance“提前”。句意:理论上,我们每天睡眠要至少八小时,但实际上,大部分人睡眠少于八小时。故选B。9. The difficult maths problem has been solved by Tom at last. Indeed; and the _way Tom worked out the problem impressed the teacher deeply.A. outstandingB. uniqueC. particularD. strange【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。outstanding“突出,显眼的”;unique“独特的”;particular“挑剔的,特别的”;strange“奇怪的,陌生的”。句意:最后这道数学难题被汤姆解决了。的确;汤姆解决问题的特别方式也给老师留下深刻的印象。故选C。 10. In general , it is failure which encourages us to work harder that _ leads to success .A. accidentallyB. ridiculouslyC. traditionallyD. eventually【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。句意:一般来说,正是鼓励我们努力工作的失败最终导致了成功。accidentally偶然地,ridiculously荒谬地,traditionally传统地,eventually最后,终于。故此题应选D。11. The reason _ I didnt go to Shanghai was _ I got a new job.A. why; becauseB. why; thatC. that; becauseD. that; that【答案】B12. _ not neces


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