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2015年高中英语 unit2 growing pains project教案 牛津译林版必修1

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2015年高中英语 unit2 growing pains project教案 牛津译林版必修1

Unit 2 Growing Pains Period 6 Project Writing a report on growing painsThe analysis of this part: This section is designed to help Ss improve their English through doing a project. The article “ Growing pains” are designed to help the students to know more about the growing pains and its normal for teenagers. After they understand the main point of this article, they will be asked to do a report on growing pains.Teaching aims:1. Make sure Ss understand what growing pains are all about.2. Improve Ss writing ability.3. Encourage students to do teamwork and learn to cooperate with each other.4. Ask Ss to cooperate with others.Teaching Important and difficult points:1. To know the general idea of the article.2. Make sure Ss know how to write a report on growing pains.Teaching methods:1. Get students to know about some useful information about growing pains by reading2. Ask students to do teamwork to finish the project.3. Let students search some useful information about the project and write down important information.4. Encourage students to make group discussion to know how to plan and prepare for a report.Teaching procedures:Step One: Presentation First talk about different kinds of growing pains. Encourage the students to speak out what does growing pains mean to them and how did they figure out the problems.Step Two: Reading 1. Let Ss read the article about growing pains. Ask them to find out the answers to the following questions: 1)How many different kinds of growing pains are mentioned in this article? Kinds of growing pains: physical changes psychological changes how to fit in society2) How many parts can this article be divided into and what is the main point for each part?Part 1: paras 1-2 Many teenagers feel lonely and are going through many changes. These changes are part of adolescence.Part 2: paras 3-5 Physical changes and psychological changes happen inside teenagers. They become confused and want to know how to fit in society.Part 3: paras 6 Growing pains do not last long.2. Ask the students sort the experiences they discusses before reading, and decide which is physical and which is psychological. 3. Explain the language points in the article, especially the words and phrases such as as if, go through, adolescence, misunderstand, along with, in this regard, limit, wisdom, independence, balance, last, challenge.Step Three: Writing a report on growing pains.1. Planning a) Ask Ss to work in groups of four. b) Ask Ss to discuss the four questions given in this part.Which kind of growing pain causes teenagers the most anxiety? Why?Which kind of growing pain is the least understood by teenagers?Which kind of growing pain most interests your group?Are there any other things that can be called growing pains?c) Ask Ss to decide which kind of growing pain their group wishes to do a report on.d) Ask Ss to assign roles to each of them and write their names beside the following jobs. Research _ Write an outline for the report _ Write the report_ Provide art work for the report _ 2. Preparing a) Those who responsible for doing research to get enough information can look at the resources as follows: Magazines Experts( health teachers, doctors, etc.) Internet sites Books in the library b) The group members will discuss the information found and decide how to write the report and then make a draft of the outlines of the report. 3. Producing a) Ask Ss to write the report by following the outline. b) Proofread the draft and write the report, which should be approved by the whole group.4. Presenting a) Choose one member to read the report in front of the class. b) Answer the questions the other groups have about their report. c) Display their reports on the wall of the classroom.Step Four Practice writing Ask Ss to finish writing on workbook.Step five: more practice Ask the students to do other exercises on workbook, if time permits, check the answer together in class.


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