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2014年秋九年级第四次月考试卷英语第一部分 听力 (25分)题号12345678910答案题号11121314151617181920答案.听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近的选项。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )1.A.Either Jane or I like coffee. B.Neither Jane nor I like coffee. C.Both Jane and I like coffee. ( )2.A.Would you leave a message?B.Could you tell me where you live now?C.Would you help me to find the address?( )3.A.He spent two hours reading a book yesterday. B.It took him two hours to look for a bookstore yesterday. C.He spent two hours looking for a book yesterday. ( )4.A.I like coffee, but I dont like milk. B.I like milk, but I dont like coffee. C.I like coffee better than milk. ( )5.A.The plane will leave the airport in half an hour. B.The plane has been at the airport for half an hour. C.The plane will reach the airport in thirty minutes. .听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读两遍。(5分)F6._ 7. _ 8._ 9._ 10._.听对话,选择最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11.The moon looks very _ tonight.A.far awayB.roundC.bright( )12. _ can be found on the moon.A.Living thingsB.Rocks and mountains C.Air and water听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。( )13.Whats Lilys good luck?A.She saw an alien with her own eyes.B.She watched a movie on aliens.C.She read a book on science.( )14.Lily was late for class because she _.A.had a bad dreamB.was caught by aliens C.got up late( )15.Lily was punished to _.A.write a passageB.clean her houseC.finish the exercise on aliens.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(10分)( )16.What did they paint?A.The front of the house. B.The back of the house. C.The outside of the house. ( )17.Why did they do the painting themselves?A.They wanted to spend less money. B.The house is very easy to paint. C.No one else could do the work well. ( )18.How long did the work last?A.One day. B.Two days. C.Three days. ( )19.How many windows did they have to mend?A.Seven windows.B.Three windows. C.All the windows. ( )20.What will they do if the windows need to be painted next time?A.They will spend more money to do that. B.They will ask someone else to do it. C.They will do that themselves. 第二部分 笔试部分 (95分).单项选择题(15分)题号212223242526272829303132333435答案21.When did the Greens come to China? They China for seven years. A.have come to B. have been to C. have come in D. have been in 22. David has made great progress recently. , and . A.So he has, so you have B. So he has, so have you C. So has he, so have you D. So has he , so you have23. In our class, of the students girls. A.third fifths, is B.third fifth, are C. three fifth, is D. three fifths, are24. Dont give up you will never succeed. A.and B. but C. while D. or25. Do you know him? Im sure Ive seen him , but I cant remember the right place. A.anywhere B. nowhere C. everywhere D. somewhere 26. More and more trees were cut down, ,many birds are dying out. A. in the end B. so that C.as a result D. at last27. A cellphone a camera by most young people in China. A.is used by B. .is used for C. .is used as D. .is used to28. Sorry,I cant follow you.I beg your pardon? . A. Youre welcome. B. Thats all right. C.Not at all. D. No problem.29. Hi,Jane , tell you a piece of good news, I America tomorrow. Wow, have a good trip.A. will leave to . B. am leaving for C.leave for D. am leaving to30. I wont have a trip to Mount Huang unless Amy . Your mean youll go if Amy goes? A. is invited B. will be invited C.invites D. will invite31. The flight to Guangzhou had to be because of the heavy snow. A. put up B. put away C.put off D. put down32. the morning of December 1st,2006, the 15th Asia Games in Doha(多哈)。 A. In,held B. On, was held C.At, held D. For, was held33. Our playground is not so tidy and beautiful as before. Students must dirty things on it. A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped form throwing C. stop to throw D. stop form throwing 34. Do you know ? Sorry,I dont know. A. whats the population of Japan B. what the population of France is C. how much of the population of Japan is D. how many is the population of France35. Have you read the poems are written by Du Fu? Of course, many of them. A.which B. who C.whose D. where.完形填空。(10分) 根据短文内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。题号36373839404


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