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江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 八下 unit 3 online travel

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江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 八下 unit 3 online travel

Unit3 Online travel复习目标:1.能够灵活运用本单元出现的四会词,重点短语和句型2.掌握并使用被动语态(结构,用法)3.能够写文章描述自己喜欢的教育类游戏光盘Task1:words默写下列单词1. 旅游者_2. 睡着的_3. 正确地_4. 角色_5. 到达_6. 通过_7. 紫色,紫色的_8. 广泛地_9. 键盘_10. 自有的_11. 每日的_12. 做标记_13. 总数,总和_14. 联网的,在线的_15. 电视_16. 教育的,教育性的_17. 等级_18. 菜单_19. 订购_20. 鼠标,老鼠_Do exercise (见随堂练习第一题)Task2: the important phrases and sentences 一.Phrases:英汉互译1. look like _ 2. turn on _3.for example _4.print out _5.learn about _6.travel around the world _7.search for information_ 8.a total of _ 9.be designed by _10.send and receive e-mails_1.出版,发行 _2.睡着了 _3.扮演的角色_4.把连接到_5.卖完 _6.同时 _7.下车_8.查明,弄清楚 _9.介意做某事_10. 我不知道。_二.The important sentences1. I have no idea!=I dont know!2. What do you use your computer for ?=why do you use your computer?3. It is designed by Nancy Jackson.4. Its very good for tourist and students. 5. Do you mind telling me how to use this function?三.Do exercise (见随堂练习第二题)四.Tell the differences between them 1. asleep/sleeping/sleepy【讲解】asleep和sleeping都是形容词,但用法不同。Asleep只能作表语,不能像sleeping一样放在名词前作定语。如不能说 the asleep boy, 而应该说the sleeping boy或The boy is asleep.sleepy是困倦的如I felt sleepy all day.我整天都犯困。【中考链接】1)I didnt sleep well yesterday and I feel _ now. 2)Dont make so much noise. My parents are _ . 2.turn on / turn off / turn up / turn down 【讲解】turn on 打开 turn off 关掉 turn up 把声音开大点turn down 把声音关小点【中考链接】( )Would you please _ the TV a little? Jack is doing his homework. Terribly sorry .I will. A. turn down B. turn up C. turn off D. turn down (2007杭州) Task3: Grammar(一):英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态即主语是动作的执行者。eg: He cleans the classroom every afternoon.被动语态即主语是动作的承受者。eg: The classroom is cleaned by him every afternoon.(二):被动语态的构成:be+及物动词的过去分词一般现在时被动语态的构成:amis are+及物动词的过去分词一般过去时被动语态的构成:waswere+及物动词的过去分词(三):被动语态的用法1 当不知道或者没有必要说明动作执行者时,须用被动语态。Some new computers were stolen last night.2. 强调动作的承受者。如果需要指出动作的执行者时用by+动作的执行者来表示。The window was broken by Tom.【注意】1)有些动词不能用于被动语态:如happen, take place. come out 2)感官动词(hear,watch,see, feel, notice)和使役动词(make, let, have)后面接不带to的不定式,但如果改成被动语态,则要恢复to.【中考链接】1.The old in the home for the elderly _ (take) to the hospital for treatment once a year.(2007泰州) ( )2. All my favourite story books _ by my mother before my last exams.(2010江苏南通) A. hid B. have hidden C. were hiding D. were hidden( )3. Do you see William _ on the playground? (2010潍坊) No, but he is often seen _ Chinese Kongfu in the park.A. run, play B. run, to play C. running, play D. running, to play Task4:Spoken EnglishCan you help me?The first thing you need to do is?Do you know how to ?Let me show you how to ?What else can it do? =What other things can it do ?Task5:Writing能够写文章描述自己喜欢的教育类游戏光盘Task6:SummaryTask7:ExerciseTask8:Homework 1. 预习下一课时的内容。2。整理错题集Test for 8B Unit 3一, 词汇1.When did you _ (收到) a letter from your pen friend?Last night.2. My mother was so tired that she fell a _ when watching TV.(2011江苏盐城)3.You will get a point if you p_ a level.4. K_ is power.(力量)5.Can you answer this question _ (正确)?6.This is an _ (教育)CDROM。7. Please _ (连接) your computer to a telephone line .8. In a few years, trees will _ (覆盖) that mountain.9. We must practice speaking _(日常的) English.10. Though she answered the teachers questions _( 不正确地),the teacher didnt blame her. (2011江苏泰州)二 完成下列句子1.他睡着了,做了个奇怪的梦。He_ and had a _.2.在这部影片中,成龙将扮演警察的角色。Jackie Chan will _ the policeman in the film.3.你能告诉我为什么买电脑吗?Could you tell me _ you bought the computer _ ?4.你要的尺码的鞋子昨天卖光了。The shoes of your size _.5.你介意我打开窗子吗?Do you mind my _ ?三 语法专练1.These photos _(take) by Nancy last year .2.The little girl _ (save) by a policeman yesterday.3. English _ (spoken) widely in the world.4. Last Friday afternoon the young man _ (hurt) in the traffic accident which happened on the highway


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