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江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 八下 unit 6 牛津译林版

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江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 八下 unit 6 牛津译林版

2015年中考英语专题训练(8B Unit6)一、单项填空(20分)( ) 1Im proud to work a volunteer the coming 2016 Olympic Afor;as Bfor;in Cas;for Din;for( ) 2The money you donated help people in need Ais used to Bused to Cuse to D be use to( ) 3Well some money by holding a charity show,and then it to the poor students in the west Araise,raise Braise,donate Cdonate,donate Ddonate,raise( ) 4Its important us closely with these special athletes Afor;working Bof;working Cfor;to work Dof;to work( ) 5Though it was dangerous him to save the woman from the fire, it was really brave him to do so. Aof;of Bof;for Cfor;for Dfor:of( ) 6Nobody them except their family and friendsASupports Bhates Csuggests Dsupposes( ) 7Do you feel like or shall we go there bv bus? 一I prefer to walk,but we have a taxi,for time is short Awalking;to take Bto walk:takes Cwalking;taken Dto walk:to take( )8Andrews thought is mineWe couldnt agree more with each other Adifferent from Bas well as Csimilar to Dagree with( )9Computers have made easier for us pictures. this;to draw Bit;drawing Cthat;drawing Dit;to draw( )10Its hard for me to be a trailwalker! Never Believe in yourself Aput up Bgive up Churry up Dset up( )11I dont think we can work out this problem Aby this way Bin some way Cin this way Don the way( )12Do we have for the event?No,I thik are needed Avolunteers enough;more some Benough volunteers;some more Cvolunteer enough;some more Denough volunteers;more some( )13They set up the organization poor people Ato bring;together Bbringing;together Cto bring;down Dbringing:down( )14一I heard that you the running race? 一Yes,but I only finished AJoined in;fourth Btook part:fourth Ctook part in;four Djoined;four ( )15一Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match? 一Yes,they have better players,so I them to win Ahope Bprefer Cexpect Dthink( )16It is wise a map and a mobile phonePlease take a raincoat if Ato take;it necessary Bto take:necessary Ctaking;necessary Dtaking;it necessary( )17I like English very muchI never miss a to practise English with foreigners Asubject Bmistake Cchance Dspace( )18Jim sat close to his mother with his eyes half Aopened Bopen Copening Dclose( )19一I hear that the old man has given up . Yes,he has already given . Adrinking;it up Bto drink;up it C. drinking;up it D. to drink; it up ( )20一I just cant stop worrying about the result of the job interview 一 . Theres nothing you can do but wait AGood luck BGo ahead CGo for it DRelax二、完形填空(10分)People use their mouths for many thingsThey eat,talk,shout, 1 and smileSo there are many expressions about mouthFor example,if you say 2 things about a person,the person will be unhappy and say“Do not bad mouth me.” Sometimes, people say something to a friend or a family member and later they regret 3 they hurt that persons feelingsThe speaker might say,“I really put my foot in mymouth this time”If this happens, the speaker might feel down in the mouth Information is 4 spread through the mouthThis is general communication 5 people,like friends talking to each other“How did you hear about that movie?” Someone might askThe 6 may be:“Oh,by word of mouth.” A more official way of getting information is through a company or government mouthpiece Sometimes, a person has a bad or unpleasant 7 with another personHe might say:“It left a bad taste in my mouth” Or a person might have a very 8 experience,like being chased by an angry dogHe might say:“I had my 9 in my mouth” Some people have lots of money because they were 10 into a very rich familyYou might say such a person “ was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. ”( ) 1Adance Bsing Cwalk Dthink( ) 2Abeautiful Bnervous Cbad Dcrazy(


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