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江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 八下 unit 4 牛津译林版

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江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 八下 unit 4 牛津译林版

2015年中考英语专题训练(8B Unit4)一、单词拼写1Is your father good at_(烹饪)?2.There is something wrong with my_(胃)3They will stay here_(直到为止)winter comes.4Be careful! Don't cut your_(手指)5. Can you_(设法)to finish the work in two days?6. The farmer_(捆,绑)the horse to a tree to avoid it running away just now.7There was a_(极小的)fishing boat on the sea.8We get_(知识)not only from books but also from our daily life.9. It is reported that China will send some teenage football players to_(德国)10. Our English teacher has 20 years of teaching_(经验)二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Be sure to ask me for help when you find yourself _ (able) to work out the problem.2. Most international business letters_ (write) in English3. This novel sold very well. I had booked two_ (copy) online before they were sold out.4. Some_ (Canada) will sing songs in our show.5. "We are proud of your_ (successful), Daniel, " said Father.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.I don't know what makes him_ (laugh) so excitedly?2. Andy Law_ (give) two performances in Nanjing this year.3. I like writing. I hope I can be a good_ (write) when I grow up.4. He made a decision_ (not go) there this week5. In order_ (cook) better food for us. My mother is attending a cooking course these days.四、单项选择( )1. -_ good advice Jim has offered! - Yes. He always has so many good ideas. A What B. What a C. How D. How a( )2. My grandpa always drinks a glass of water after he gets up every morning. He has had the good_ for many years. A exercise B result C. hobby D. habit( )3. After the long walk, we both sat _ the tree with tired bodies. A. onto B. into C. with D. against( )4. - Did James invite you to his party? - Yes. But I had to_ it because it was hard for me to have spare time. A. accept B. refuse C. return D. receive( )5. Lily borrowed my bike and_ it for a week. A. keeps B. kept C. has borrowed D. borrowed( )6. - I find the book is so boring. - I have no interest in it_. A. also B. too C. either D. instead( )7. A mother tiger can give birth to 35 babies_. A. at times B. on time C. at the time D. at a time( )8. Be careful with the machines and you_ touch any of them! A . mustn't B. needn't C. don't have to D. may not( )9. - How is your work? -I started working early this morning and_ half of it so far. A did B. will do C. have done D. was doing( )10. We had bad weather_ this Friday. So we didn't hold the sports meeting. A since B. afterC. until D. for五、完形填空Today, people in the world have busy lives, and they of ten feel unhappy under so much pressure. In fact, 1 happy is important and necessary for everyone. Most people want to be happy, 2 few know how to be happy. Money and success can bring pleasure, however, it won't 3 long. Actually, happiness depends on 4 . Here are some ways to help you be happy. The first secret is to enjoy the 5 things in life. We often spend too much time thinking about the future, for example, going to a famous university or getting a good job after graduation. You should enjoy the simple pleasures in life, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music and spending time 6 good friends. The second secret is to be 7 . Many people enjoy dancing or playing sports. You can forget all your 8 and think only about the activity you are doing. The third secret: helping 9 . It is a good way to keep happy. You will always feel happy when you do something 10 for someone. You can do chores for your parents, help a friend or a classmate, or go shopping to buy food for an old neighbor. In a word, learning to be happy is good for your health.l. A. getting B. keeping C. turning D. making2. A. but B. so C. or D. and3. A. continue B. last C. show D. feel4. A. our B. we C. ourselves D. ours5. A. easy B. difficult C. simple D. magic6. A. on B. at C. for D. with7. A. strict B. quiet C. active D. smart8. A. problems B. questions C. solutions D. confidence9. A. other B. the other C. another D. others10. A. nice B. wrong C. bad D. hard六、阅读理解 In America, when people say "man's best friend", they don't mean another person Instead, they are talking about a lovely animal-dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs and other pets can give joy to people's lives. Some people think of their pets as their children Some people even leave all their mo


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