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云南省2016八年级英语上册 units 8-10考前强化演练(新版)人教新目标版

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云南省2016八年级英语上册 units 8-10考前强化演练(新版)人教新目标版

Units810.完形填空This is a great recipe. It is fun and easy. I made these cookies when I was a little girl and the cookies _1_ great. They are called Eskimo Cookies because you don't cook them. Instead, you keep them in the _2_ so they will be colder when you eat them.The first thing you need to do is _3_ your hands. Second, gather up all the things that you will need. Get a mixing bowl, a wooden spoon, some sugar, and a plate to put the cookies on. _4_, gather the ingredients you will need:a cup of sugar, 3 spoons of cocoa, 1 spoon of water, 2 cups of oats(热麦片). Next, pour some sugar into the plate _5_ it will be ready to use later.Now here is where the fun begins! Put the butter _6_ the mixing bowl and all the sugar, then mix it with the wooden spoon. After it _7_, add the cocoa, water and mix that again. Finally, you will add the oats.When it is mixed well, form the mixture into little _8_. It should make about 36 balls. Roll _9_ in the sugar and then set them on the plate. You can eat them now or you can store them in the refrigerator. They will be good for two weeks, but I doubt if they will _10_ that long. I dare you to eat just one!(B )1.AsoundBtasteClookDsmell(D )2.AtableBplateCopen airDrefrigerator(C )3.AwashBwashesCto washDwashed(C )4.AFirstBSecondCThirdDFinally(A )5.AsoBbutCandDalthough(B )6.AtoBintoConDonto(D )7.AmixedBmixingCbe mixedDis mixed(A )8.AballsBpiecesChalvesDbowls(C )9.AitBtheyCthemDthose(B )10.AputBlastCeatDwait【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了做爱斯基摩饼干的方法和步骤。【答案精析】1B考查感官动词辨析。sound“听起来”;taste“尝起来”;look“看起来”;smell“闻起来”。句意为“当我还是小女孩时我做的这些饼干并且这些饼干尝起来不错。”故选B。2D考查名词辨析。table“桌子”;plate“盘子”;open air“户外”;refrigerator“冰箱”。由下文“so they will be colder when you eat them”可知选D。3C考查非谓语动词。你要做的第一件事是洗手,动词不定式作表语。故选C。4C考查序数词辨析。first“首先”;second“第二”;third“第三”;finally“最后”。由上文中“The first thing”。“second”可知接下来是第三步。故选C。5A考查连词辨析。so“因此”;but“但是”;and“和;与”;although“尽管”。句意为“接着把所需用的糖放在盘子里,以便随后用。”so表示目的。故选A。6B考查固定搭配。句意为“把黄油放进搅拌钵里”put into意为“放入”。故选B。7D考查被动语态。句意为“在它被充分搅拌后”。故选D。8A考查名词辨析。ball“球状”;piece“块;片”;halfe“一半”;bowl“碗”。由下文“It should make about 36 balls.”可知选A。9C考查代词辨析。it“它”;they“他们”,主格;them“他们”,宾格;those“那些”。them 在此指代前文提到的圆球状的食品,故选C。10B考查动词辨析。put“放”;last“延续;持续”;eat“吃”;wait“等待”。由句意“两个星期之内都可以食用,但是我怀疑它们是否可以持续那么长时间。”可 知选B。.阅读理解One school district(学区) is trying something new. They are changing the amount of time their kindergarteners are in school. Many kindergarten(幼儿园) classes are only three and a half hours long each day. This district is having their kindergarteners stay for five hours each day. The district will try this for a while to see if it works well or not.Teachers hope that this extra time will give students a chance to learn more. Teachers want their kindergarteners to be able to read and do simple math problems before they go into first grade. They think that this extra time in class will help the students.Some school districts already have these longer days. Some schools still have the shorter days. This district wants to try longer days to see if it will help their students become better prepared for first grade.One parent thinks that her son is doing very well. She said that his writing really improved once his school day got longer. She even said that his attention got better too.Some people think that a full day of kindergarten is too long for such young children. They believe that the kids get too tired. They do not think that kindergarteners should be in school for so long.This school district is just trying out a longer day for kindergarteners. They want to see how much they can teach the children in the longer day. They also want to see if it is too difficult for the kids to be there for an extra hour and a half. They will decide later if they continue with the longer days or go back to the way it was.(C )1.With new timetable, many kindergarten classes will be _ each day.Aan hour and a halfBthree and a half hoursCfive hoursDeight hours(D )2.Why is the school district trying to change the time of kindergarten classes?ABecause the government asks them to do so.BBecause parents had less time to take care of their kids.CBecause kids will be safer in kindergarten than at home.DBecause teachers can teach the children more in the longer day.(B )3.What does the underlined word “extra” in Paragraph 2 mean?A加强的B额外的C特别的D准确的(D )4.Some people are against changing the time, because _.Atheir children are good at reading and mathBthey are too busy to stay with their children after workCthey will take their children to different classes after schoolDthey are afraid their children will get too tired after long hours at school(D )5.From the passage, we can infer(推断)_Achildren will have no time to do what they likeBall the parents agre


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