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9.1 课件10(外研版九年级上).ppt

Module 9 Cartoon stories,Unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony,He is a hero with super power that every boy likes very much,Can you name the cartoon character?,Superman,Its about a cat and a mouse which is both smart and cute,Tom and Jerry,Its a cute orange-and-white fish that saved his friends.,Nemo,He is a huge monster(怪物) who fell in love with a beautiful princess(公主).,Shrek,He is a hero who could climb up the wall like a spider(蜘蛛).,Spiderman,It is a famous Monkey that all the people know very well.,The Monkey King,Its a smart goat who always beat the wolves.,Pleasant goat,He is one of the classic American cartoons who could fly like a bat(蝙蝠).,Batman,I like him because he is to do good things for people and always ready to help those who are unhappy or in trouble.,I like Batman best. Why?,Use these words to help you,1.What kind of cartoons do you like? 2.Does it always have a happy ending? 3.Is it always funny? 4.Who is your favourite cartoon character?,Talk about cartoons,cartoon character ending flash funny hero joke laugh news save drawing serious smart story,L: What kind of _ do you like, Betty? B:Well, I like cartoon stories with a hero who _ the world, like Superman. D: Is Superman _ in England, Tony? T: Yes, he is, but we also like funny cartoons, like Tom and Jerry. I like Jerry because hes both smart and _. L: And do they all have happy_? B: Yes, theres usually someone in trouble, and the hero arrives in a _and saves the person. D: Are the cartoons funny or serious? T: There are some serious cartoons about news stories, maybe with just one or two _. But I like the ones which make me_.,cartoons,popular,cute,flash,drawings,endings,saves,Listen again and fill in the blanks,laugh,cartoon stories flash go over over there have a happy ending have a word with be in deep trouble Its no laughing matter,卡通故事 闪光,闪光灯 走过去 那边 有一个完美的结局和说几句话 遇到大麻烦 这不是什么可笑的事情,Learn new words and phrases,cartoon stories flash go over over there have a happy ending have a word with be in deep trouble Its no laughing matter,卡通故事 闪光,闪光灯 走过去 那边 有一个完美的结局和说几句话 遇到大麻烦 这不是什么可笑的事情,Learn new words and phrases,1.Who does Mr Jackson give the camera to? A. Tony B. Daming C. Betty 2.Why is the situation no laughing matter? A. Because it isnt funny at all. B. Because Tony has lost his fathers camera and his father will be angry when he finds out. C. Because Tony is very angry with them. 3.When will Tony possibly find out that his friends have got the camera? A. When they returns it to him. B. When they take a flash photo of him. C. When Tony take a photo and see the flash.,4. What does Betty think the ending will be? She thinks it will be _ _ ending. 5. How do you think Superman can save Tony? He can help Tony _ . 6. Why does Betty say shell be Superman? Because she can_ Tony _the bad situation.,Read again and complete answer.,an,unhappy,find the camera,save,from,Read loudly and underline sentences with “which “or “who“,1.This isnt one of those cartoons which make you laugh. 2.We need someone like Superman who can save Tony 3.Ive got a camera which has got his name on it. 4.but perhaps itll be a cartoon which has a happy ending. 5.The cartoons I like have lots of jokes. 6. And the characters I like are heroes like Superman or Batman. 7. If Tony tells his father that hes lost the camera he borrowed, hell be in deep trouble.,定语从句中的引导词作主语时不能省略,定语从句中的引导词作宾语时可以省略,仔细看看它们有何不同。,Guess who they are? 1.He is a hero with super power (that) every boy likes very much. 2.Its a smart and cute mouse which likes playing jokes on a cat. 3.Its a cute orange-and-white fish that saved his friends from bad situation. 4.He is a huge green monster who fell in love with a beautiful prince. 5. He is a hero who could climb up the wall like a spider. 6.He is a smart goat who always beat the wolves. 7.He is one of the classic American cartoons who is always ready to help those who are unhappy or in trouble. He can even fly like a bat.,superman,Jerry,Nemo,Sherk,Spideman,Pleasant goat,Batman,1. New words 2. Some phrases: be in deep trouble have a word with Its no laughing matter. 3.Grammar:定语从句中的引导词_不能省略,_可以省略。,Summary,做主语时,做宾语时,Homework,1. Try to remember the new words and phrases. 2. Finish Activity1&2on Page144,


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