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高中英语 unit2learning about language课件 新人教版选修6

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高中英语 unit2learning about language课件 新人教版选修6

人教课标 高二 选修 6 Unit 2,Unit 2 Poems,1. Find the words in the poems that rhymes with each of the words below. Then add other words that rhyme. The first one has been done for you.,1. dead lead red thread fed said bed 2. high 3. sing 4. today 5. lace 6. true,sky pie my fly shy lie tie sigh ring wing thing king fling string away say play lay tray may bay race face case chase place space too shoe canoe blue,When I was a baby, my mother used to read me _ rhymes. I loved their _ meaning and the way that the words _ at the end of the lines.,nursery,contradictory,rhymed,2. Complete the passage using the words in the box in the correct form.,When I grew older, I was introduced to other _ of poetry. Many of them also had a strong _ which was repeated. The forms I liked best _ their meaning by using the bare _ of words. Some of these forms came from Asia (like the haiku) and some of these were _ from their original language.,forms,pattern,conveyed,minimum,translations,When I _ new poems to read and enjoy, I would go to the library for some more. The librarian was a friend of my mother, and she would put poetry books on one side for me. In fact, my family love reading so much that we keep buying books. Now the living room of our _ is full of books.,ran out of,cottage,3. Look at the two meanings for the words below. Choose the meaning that was used in the reading passage. Then make up a sentence with the words having the same meaning.,Words Meaning flexible A: something that can bend or be bent easily B: person, plan etc that can change according to the situation,e.g. We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well. 既要有原则性, 也要有灵活性。,Words Meaning tease A: to make jokes and laugh at someone in order to have fun B: to deliberately make an animal angry,e.g. Dont tease my child. 别逗弄我的孩子!,Words Meaning endless A: very large amount or number B: something that seems to last forever,e.g. The endless noise is driving me crazy. 这种无休止的噪音使我受不了啦。,Words Meaning branch A: a part of a tree that grows from the stem B: part of an organization,e.g. She climbed the tree and hid in the branches. 她爬上树,躲进枝丫里。,Words Meaning concrete A: definite and specific B: something used for building that is made by mixing sand, very small stones, cement and water,e.g. We should make a concrete analysis of each specific question. 对于每个具体问题要进行具体分析。,I. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳选项。,1. If they _ earlier than expected, they _ here now. A. had started; would be B. started; might be C. had started; would have been D. will start; might have been,2. _ possible, I _ him the answer, but I was so busy then. A. If it had been; could tell B. Were it; must have told C. Had it been; should have told D. Should it be; should have told,3. Without your help, we _ so much. wont achieve B. didnt achieve C. dont achieve D. wouldnt have achieved,II. 用所给词或短语的适当形式完成下面 短文。 Rick forgot to take his notebook home yesterday. He really wishes he _ (remember) it. If he _ (remember) it, he _ (be able to),had remembered,had remembered,would have been able to,review last night for todays science test. And if he _ (review) for todays science test, he probably _ (do) so badly on it.,wouldnt have done,had reviewed,


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