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2019中考(人新)英语八下U10阅读练习及答案一、阅读理解:AAs space science develops(发展), man has learned more and more about space. Space is not only amazing but also dangerous. While working in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success.Scientists have found out that the radiation(辐射)is the greatest danger to spacemen in space. When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of the radiation from the sun and other stars, which is bad for their health. The harm(伤害)of the radiation wont be found until their children even grandchildren are born. Some special medicine may work a little, but no really effective(有效的)medicine has been found so far.Space rubbish is also thought to be a great danger to spacemen. Its reported that there were 9,000 man-made things flying in space. About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish. An explosion(爆炸)in space in 1999 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments, each at least 4mm in size. A small piece of these even knocked a spaceship window and caused some damage(损坏).Scientists are watching and reporting any possible danger all the time. They are working to deal with space rubbish. Although space is really dangerous, it interests many people on the earth. In the near future, it may become possible for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space in a few years. So we should do something to help improve the space environment.1Most of the man-made things flying in space are_.A. satellites B. spaceships C. space shuttles D. space rubbish2The radiation from the sun and other stars is _ to spacemen.A. good B. helpful C. useful D. harmful3The underlined word “fragments”means “_”.A. 碎片 B. 泡沫 C. 烟雾 D. 飞碟4The passage talks about _ kinds of danger in space.A. two B. three C. four D. five5Which of the following is TRUE?A. Scientists have found out ways to solve any problem in space.B. Every one of us can have a travel to space in ten years.C. The harm of the radiation may be found in the spacemens children.D. Space is really dangerous, so it doesnt interest anyone on the earth.【答案】1D 2D 3A 4A 5C【解析】试题分析:本文叙述了宇航员在天空遇到的危险。可知在太空中宇航员可能遇到的两种危险有:辐射和太空垃圾。辐射的危害可能直到宇航员的孩子甚至孙子才被发现。在太空中人造的东西中,大约有30%是人造卫星,10%是太空飞船,剩下的都是太空垃圾。爆炸会产生碎片,一片小的碎片会给飞船带来损害。科学家正在观察和报道太空中的危险,正在想办法解决这些危险。1D推理判断题。根据About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish.可知人造的东西在太空中成为垃圾的比例为1-30%-10%=60%。故选D。2D细节理解题。根据文中信息When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of the radiation from the sun and other stars, which is bad for their health. 可知来自太阳和其他星体的辐射对宇航员有害,故选D。3A词义猜测题。根据A small piece of these even knocked a spaceship window and caused some damage(损坏).可知爆炸会产生碎片,一片小的碎片会给飞船带来损害。故选A。4A细节理解题。根据Scientists have found out that the radiation(辐射)is the greatest danger to spacemen in space.和 Space rubbish is also thought to be a great danger to spacemen.可知在太空中宇航员可能遇到的危险有:辐射和太空垃圾,共两种。故选A。5C细节理解题。根据The harm of the radiation wont be found until their children even grandchildren are born.可知辐射的危害可能在宇航员的孩子甚至孙子身上发生。故选C。【难度】一般B2018·成都改编Thank you for dining atPizza ManMenuFood & drinksSMLSpecial DayHawaii Pizza$6$8$10MondayBeef Pizza$8$10$12WednesdayChicken Pizza$7$9$11ThursdayFrench Fries$2$3$4TuesdayOrange Juice$3$4$5WednesdayCoca-Cola$2$3$4WednesdayYou can get something at half price on Special Days!Pizza ManThe best pizza in town!Opening Hours:MonThurs 11 a.m.9 p.m.Fri, Sat & Sun 11 a.m.10 p.m.Add:103 Center Street, New YorkIf you want to order food, find us:Tel:678-453-4416www.pizzaman.comNo Money? No Worry!Chinese customers can also pay by:1.If you want to buy a chicken pizza at half price, you should go on . A.MondayB.Tuesday C.Wednesday D.Thursday2.At weekends, you should pay dollars for a large cola and a small Hawaii pizza. A.seven B.ten C.twelve D.fourteen3.You can get your meal at all the week. A.8:00 amB.10:00 pm C.noonD.midnight参考答案:主旨大意 这是一则广告,介绍了一家比萨店的营业时间,联系方式和付款方式。1.D细节理解题。由chicken pizza和half price可知,这是周四的特卖,故选D。2.B细节理解题。由weekends和large cola, Hawaii pizza可知,这段时间没有特价,两件商品原价$6+$4=$10。故选B。3.C细节理解题。由all the week和最小营业时间11:00a.m.-9:00p.m.可知,中午是都可以买到餐的时间,故选C。C阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。No one knows exactly when jazz was invented, or by whom. But it is said that it began in the early 1900s. Jazz was a new kind of music, for America and the world, and New Orleans was its birthplace. Who were the jazz pioneers? Most were blacks. This music was not written down, and at first only blacks played it. It was hard for white musicians to learn the new style. But soon they, too, were playing jazz.The popularit


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