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JJ七年级(下),学练优英语教学课件,Unit 2 Its Show Time!,Lesson 12 A Blog about the Silk Road,Lead in, Do you have a blog? What do you usually do on the blog?,You can write anything you like in your blog. A trip must be the most popular one. You can write about your trip, show some photos, and share some stories and food.,博客,又译为网络日志、部落格或部落阁等,是一种通常由个人管理、不定期张贴新的文章的网站。博客上的文章通常根据张贴时间,以倒序方式由新到旧排列。,博客 (blog),许多博客专注在特定的课题上提供评论或新闻,其他则被作为比较个人的日记。一个典型的博客结合了文字、图像、其他博客或网站的链接及其它与主题相关的媒体,能够让读者以互动的方式留下意见,是许多博客的重要要素。,大部分的博客内容以文字为主,仍有一些博客专注在艺术、摄影、视频、音乐、播客等各种主题。博客是社会媒体网络的一部分。,Words and expressions,blog experience alive own should anyone suggestion yum,n. 博客(网络电子日志) v. & n. 体验;经历;经验 adj. 活着的;有活力的 adj. 自己的 v. aux. 应该;将要 n. 任何人;无论谁 n. 建议 int. 好吃;味道或气味非常好,Phrases 1. have a good time 玩得很高兴 2. experience a lot 经历了很多 3. open ones eyes 开阔了某人的眼界 4. take a picture/pictures 拍照片 5. the ancient city of Xian 古城西安,objectives,To understand the article To use the words correctly: get back, in a way, have a god time,LIMINGBLOGSPOT.ORG I just got back from a great trip to the Silk Road. My friends from Canada went with me. On our trip, I realized many things about China. Our country has a very long history and a rich culture.,Listen and read.,Li Ming had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road. He wants to write about his trip.,I saw and experienced a lot on the trip. We went to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the ancient city of Xian. The history of China is so alive in these places. I learned so much!,This trip opened my eyes. I saw my own history and culture in a new way. I hope to travel more around my country someday. Where should I go next? Does anyone have any suggestions?,Here are some photos from my trip. Enjoy!,This is me with a Terra Cotta Warrior.,I took this picture in Xi'an. Jenny and Danny are in the Drum Tower.,This is Danny in Dunhuang. He is riding a camel.,Here I am in Lanzhou. I love Lanzhou noodles. Yum!,Lets Do It!,Which pictures does Li Ming NOT mention? Listen to the passage and tick.,1,×,Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.,2,Li Ming had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road. He saw and _ many great things. On the trip, he learned China has a _ history and a _ culture. The history of China is _ in the ancient city of Xian. He _ to travel more around his country someday.,experienced,long,rich,alive,hope,Wang Mei is searching for more information about the Silk Road. Work in groups. Help her answer the questions below.,3,1.When did people begin to travel along the Silk Road? People began to travel along the Silk Road 2,000 years ago.,2. What other cities or districts does the Silk Road go through? It goes through Xian, Lanzhou and Xinjiang.,3. How did it get the name the “Silk Road”? It got the name because people moved silk and other goods between Asia and Europe. Among all the goods, silk was the most expensive and special thing.,Xianthe Walled City,Language points,1. have a good time = have fun/ enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 Translation: 昨晚你玩得高兴吗? _ you _ last night?,Did,have a good time/ have fun/ enjoy yourself,Xianthe Walled City,2. get back to 回到 = return to get back home 回到家 Translation: 今年夏天他将回到北京。,He will get back to Beijing this summer.,Xianthe Walled City,3. experience n./v. 体验;经历;经验 Translation: 1)她在教学上经验丰富。 2)对我来说,那是一次愉快的经历。 3)她体验到了帮助别人的快乐。,She has a lot of experience in teaching.,Thats a wonderful experience for me.,She experienced the joy of helping others.,Xianthe Walled City,experience v. &n. 经验;经历;体会 I saw and experienced a lot on the trip. 在旅途中我看到了很多,也经历了很多。 Do you have any experience of teaching English? 你有教授英语的经验吗?,Xianthe Walled City,I had a rather strange experience last Sunday. 上周日,我有一次相当奇怪的经历。 Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使有经验的教师也可能犯错误。,Xianthe Walled City,【探究总结】experience的用法 (1) experience用作动词,表示“体验,经历”; (2) 用作名词,表示“经验,体验”,是_(可数/不可数)名词; (3) 而表示“经历,感受”,通常是_(可数/不可数)名词。,不可数,可数,Xianthe Walled City,4. alive adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的 The history of China is so alive in these places. 在这些地方中国的历史如此生动。 He is (very) much alive. 他非常活跃。 He told a very lively story. 他讲了一个非常生动的故事。,Xianthe Walled City,【探究总结】alive, living, live, lively的区别,Xianthe Walled City,【探究总结】alive, living, live, lively的区别,Xianthe Walled City,4. own adj. 自己的 Translation: 我亲眼看到它。 I saw it with _. own v. 拥有 This house is mine. I own it.,my own eyes,Xianthe Walled City,5. Where should I go next?下一次我应该去哪呢? should 意为“应该;将要” 情态动词+动词原形 Translation: 在学校,我们应该穿校服。,We should wear the school uniforms at school.,Xianthe Walled City,6. Does anyone have any suggestions? anyone 任何人;无论谁=anybody everyone 人人 no one 没有人 Suggestion 建议,可数名词 Could you give me some _ (suggest) on how to improve English?,suggestions,Xianthe Walled City,Exercises,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. This _ (be) me with a funny dog. 2. No one has some new _ (suggestion) about the classroom culture in my class.,suggestions,is,Xianthe Walled City,3. I sho


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