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Module 1 Travel Unit 1 The flight was late开学必备课件 外研版九年级下.ppt

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Module 1 Travel Unit 1 The flight was late开学必备课件 外研版九年级下.ppt

外研小学起点 九年级(下) Module 1,英语课件,Unit 1 The flight was late.,Module 1 Travel,Look at the following pictures and tell us which of these forms of transport do you like most / least? (use most/least/often),Warm-up,bike,car,coach,train,ship,airplane,Which of these forms of transport do you 1. like most? 2. like least? 3. use most often? 4. use least often?,Can you say why?,Example: A: Do you like trvelling, B? B: Yes, I like it a lot. A: How do you often travel? B: I often travel by plane. A: What about you, C? C: I often travel by train.,Listen and answer,Listen to Tony and his father and answer the questions. Use the words to help you.,airline departure lounge late,航线 候机厅 迟的,晚的,1. What form of transport are they going to take? 2. What has happened? 3. What do they have to do?,They are going to take an airplane.,The flight is three hours late.,They have to return to the departure lounge and wait.,Listen again and complete the table.,CA938,London,Beijing,20:30,23:30,14:30,17:30,10,8,Listen and read,1. How many people can you hear in the dialogue?,Three. Betty, Lingling and Daming.,They are talking about their trips.,2. What are they talking about?,Listen again and complete the chart.,Henan Province,UK,Hong Kong,family visit,airplane,train,airplane, boat,went to Disneyland,bus, taxi, coach,sightseeing,not mentioned,1. When do you think the conversation takes place?,Answer the questions.,When they get back to school after the winter holidays.,2. Did Lingling generally enjoy her holiday? 3. Why is travel “so difficult in winter”?,Because its the busiest season in China.,Yes, she did.,4. What are Daming, Lingling and Betty looking forward to this term?,The school trip, the school leavers party, a visit to the English-speaking theatre in Beijing and a trip to Los Angeles.,Complete the sentences.,1. Lingling had a good holiday although _. 2. Tony is flying back tomorrow because _. 3. During the holiday, Betty _.,the trip back was very long,the flights were late,went sightseeing in Beijing,4. There are exams at the end of the term, so Daming is _ _. 5. Because there will be plenty of fun things to do, they _ _.,going to get back,will have a great,time,to work,Everyday English,1. the trip back was very long. 返程 2. Better get back to work. 回去 3. plenty of fun things 许多 4. Well have a great time! 玩得很开心,Language points,1. The train was full of people, and I had to stand for over six hours. be full of 充满 = be filled with e.g. The hall was full of people. 大厅里挤满了人。 I was filled with admiration. 我内心充满了敬慕。,have to意为“不得不”, 表示因为客观条件而不得不做某事。当表示主观需要时, 用must, 意为“必须”。如: Daniels mother was ill, so he had to stay at home to look after her. 丹尼尔的母亲病了,因此他不得不呆在家里照顾她。,2. departure lounge (机场的) 候机厅 departure n. 出发; 启程; 航班; 车次 take ones departure 动身, 离开 What is the departure time? 何时起飞? Two hours before departure time. 起飞前2小时。,= departure hall,domestic departure 国内航班出站 international departure 国际航班出站 prior to departure 临走之前 departure dates 动身日期 asking for departure time 查询起飞时间 departure gate 登机口 time of departure 发车时间,= before departure,lounge n.(机场等的)等候室 She is waiting for me in the departure lounge. 她在候机室等我。 We had coffee in the lounge. 我们在客厅里喝咖啡。 We watched television in the hotel lounge. 我们在旅馆休息室里看电视。,although 用法讲解,although 意思相当于though(尽管, 虽然),用来引导让步状语从句。 e.g.: Although he was tired, he went on working. 虽然他很疲劳, 但他继续工作。,2. although引导的从句放在主句前后 均可,有时还可放在句中。 e.g.: He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我 学英语。,3. although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连用。 如: 虽然他很疲劳, 但他继续工作。 可以说:Although he was tired, he went on working. 也可以说:He was tired, but he went on working. 但不能说 Although he was tired, but he went on working.,but 用法讲解,作连词,可以连接两个并列成分或两个并列分句,意为“但是,然而”。 如:He is young but very experienced. 他虽然年轻,但很有经验。 注意: but不能与though/although连用。,2. 作介词, 常与nothing, nobody, who, all 等连用, 意为“除之外”。如: We had nothing to do but wait. 除了等待之外, 我们一筹莫展。 No one but me saw him. 除了我之外, 没人看到他。,because conj. 因为 e.g.: John didnt attend the meeting because he was ill. 约翰没有出席会议, 因为他病了。 Because he is tired, he does not want to go with us. 因为他太疲劳所以他不想和我们一起去。,because用法讲解,so 用法讲解,so conj. 因而, 所以, 结果是 e.g.: It was late, so we went home. 天晚了, 所以我们就回家去了。 He was sick, so they were quiet. 他病了, 所以他们很安静。 注意:because和so也不能连用。,Work in pairs.,1. Listen the tape and repeat the dialogues. 2. Take turns to act the dialogues out. Pay attention to your pronunciation.,3. Talk about your holiday and this term: what you did talk about the trip say what youre looking forward to this term,A: What did you do during your holiday? B: I went to see my grandparents in Xian. A: How did you go there? B: I went there by bus. A: How about the trip?,Sample,B: The bus was full of people and I had to stand for two hours. A: What are you looking forward to this term? B: Im looking forward to Beijing.


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