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2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 module2 a job worth doing课件 外研版必修5

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2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 module2 a job worth doing课件 外研版必修5

1_ n志愿者 2_ vi. (主动)提出(愿意做某事) 3_ n. 信号 4_ vt. 遵守 5_ vt. 指挥 6_ adj. (影响)深刻的;极大的 7_ n. 合同;契约 8_ adj. 必不可少的;绝对重要的,volunteer,offer,signal,respect,direct,profound,contract,essential,9_ adj. 感激的;感谢的 10_ adj. 可获得的 11_ vi.申请_ n申请;申请书_ n申请人 12_ vi.遭受(痛苦) _ n痛苦 13_ vt.需要_ n要求;必要条件 14_ adj.充满压力的;紧张的_ n压力,grateful,available,apply,application,applicant,suffer,suffering,require,requirement,stressful,stress,15_ n要求;需要_ adj.要求高的;要求极严的 16_ adj.组织的_ vt.组织;安排_ adj.有组织的_ n组织 17_ adj.暂时的;临时的_ adj.长久的;永久的;永恒的(反义词) 18_ adj.令人满意的_ vt.使满意;使满足_ adj.感到满意的_ n满足;令人满意的事,demand,demanding,organisational,organise,organised,organisation,temporary,permanent,satisfying,satisfy,satisfied,satisfaction,2All _ who have _ for the job must hand in the _ forms before next Monday.(apply) 3The student _ showed its _ ability by _ a highly _ activity.(organise),satisfied,satisfying,satisfaction,applicants,applied,application,organisation,organisational,organising,organised,1_ 尤其;特别 2_ 平均 3_ 理论上;从理论上来说 4_ 实际上;在实践中 5_ 经过 6_ 以为理所当然 7_ 对产生影响 8_ 站好位置以备;开始从事 9_ 注意到 10_ 作为的回应,in particular,on average,in theory,in practice,pass by,take.for granted,have an effect on,take up,take notice of,in response to,2Johns brother has determined to _ farming when he graduates from university,which dissatisfies his parents. 3I really dislike it when some children are accustomed to being looked after by their parents and _ everything they do _,in theory,take up,take,for granted,4Unfortunately,the class teacher happened to be _ when the students spoke ill of him. 5A study suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also _ your eating habits.,passing by,have an effect on,is considered (to be),with a book in his hand,staring at the sky,was playing computer games happily when,复习动词的形式() 单句语法填空 1(2016·北京第66中期中检测)Have you been to the United States? Yes,only once.I _(stay) there only for seven days. 2(2016·山东邹城一中月考)That was the first time I _(be) to Hong Kong so I had great difficulty finding the hotel. 3(2016·陕西宝鸡中学模拟)When I got to the cinema,the film _(be) on for half an hour.,stayed,had been,had been,4We _(talk) about the piano and the pianist that were in the concert we attended last night. 5You were not in when I dropped in on you yesterday evening. Oh,so sorry.I _(wait) at the railway station for my sister from Beijing.,are talking,was waiting,offering,to give,an,一句多译 那个年轻人将自己的座位让给了那个老人。 The young man _ his own seat _ the old man. The young man _ the old man _ his own seat. The young man _ his own seat _ the old man.,supplied/offered,to,supplied/provided,with,provided,for,2 apply vi.申请 vt.& vi.适用,应用于 佳句背诵 Now think of some more questions to ask people applying for these jobs. 现在要想出更多的问题来问申请这些工作的人们。,applicant,for,application,to,improving,句式升级 If you really apply yourself to your study,you will pass the College Entrance Examination. _ (现在分词短语作状语) _ (过去分词短语作状语),Applying yourself to your study,you will pass the College Entrance Examination.,Applied to your study,you will pass the College Entrance Examination.,3require vt. 需要;要求,命令 佳句背诵 She patiently explained all the rules to the students and required everyone to follow them. 她给同学们耐心地解释所有的规则,并且要求每一个人去遵守这些规则。(2015·广东高考读写任务),(should)be raised,requirements,repairing/to be repaired,句型转换 It is required that every student should take daily exercise for one hour. Every student _take daily exercise for one hour. The rules require all students to attend at least 90 percent of the lectures. The rules require that all students_ at least 90 percent of the lectures.,is required to,(should) attend,4demand n要求;需求 v要求;请求;需要 佳句背诵 The manager promised that they would try to meet/satisfy their customers demands. 经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。,(should) clean,in,demanding,句型转换 He demanded that he (should) be told everything at any time. He _ everything at any time.,demanded to be told,5 suffer vi.&vt.遭受(痛苦或困难),受苦;经受(损失等) 佳句背诵 The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year. 公司在上


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