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山东省淄川般阳中学高中英语《module 1 our body and healthy habits》课件 外研版必修2

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山东省淄川般阳中学高中英语《module 1 our body and healthy habits》课件 外研版必修2

TB2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 基础落实 .高频单词思忆 1.It is important to have a balanced, healthy (饮食). 2.She was born in a (富裕的) family. 3.Helen is (担心的) about travelling on her own. 4.The rainfall has been below (正常水 平) for this time of the year.,diet,wealthy,anxious,normal,5.In ancient China,most governors had a luxurious (生活方式). 6.The chairman cleared his (嗓子) before he made his speech. 7.People are concerned about the quality of the air they (呼吸). 8.Anyone who fills in the (问 卷) will have the chance to win a reward. 9.There are many kinds of (保险). Which one do you think is the most important? 10.As everyone knows,improper diet will make people (不健康的).,lifestyle,throat,breathe,questionnaire,insurances,unhealthy,.重点短语再现 1.put 投入put 储存put 镇压;记下put (用完后)收拾起来 2.have a 发烧 ones temperature量的体温 3.be anxious sth.担心某事be anxious sb.为某人担心 4.have a sweet 喜欢甜食 5. weight减肥 weight增加体重,into,aside,down,away,fever/temperature,take,about,for,tooth,lose,put on,6.be crazy 对着迷like 飞 快地;拼命地 crazy变疯 7.begin 以开始end up 以 结束 8. exercise锻炼 9.be connected 与有联系 10.be work休假get down work开始认 真工作be work有工作,about,crazy,with,with,take,with,off,to,in,go,1.Two years ago,Zhou Kai hurt his arm while playing football. 两年前,周凯在踢足球时 伤了他的胳膊。 while引导从句的省略 那位老妇人在过路时被车撞倒了。,考点提炼,句子仿造,The old woman was knocked down while,crossing the road.,.典型句式运用,2.Go to bed now or youll be really tired tomorrow.现在就去睡觉,否则你明天会非常疲劳。 “祈使句+and/or+简单句”句式 多运动,这样你就会有一个真正健康的 身体。,考点提炼,句子仿造,Take more exercise and you will keep really,fit.,3.Not many people are fit enough to do this. 适合这样做的人并不多。 部分否定 并非所有的人都能解决这个问题。,考点提炼,句子仿造,Not all the people can solve the problem.,4.When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on,she eyed him anxiously. 当周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走 去时,她担心地盯着周凯。 感官动词的复合结构,see sb. doing sth. 这个失踪的男孩最后被看到时正在 河边玩耍。,考点提炼,句子仿造,The missing boy was last seen playing,near the river.,5.But thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. 但是那次感冒是因为我蠢得竟然在雨中踢足球。 because引导的表语从句,Thats because. 爱因斯坦离开了德国,那是因为二战 的爆发。,考点提炼,句子仿造,Einstein left Germany.Thats because World,War broke out.,导练互动 重点单词 1.fit adj.合适的;健康的;能胜任的;v.适 合,合身;使胜任 Im quite .我很健康。(回归课本P1) 观察思考 He keeps fit with diet and exercise. 他通过节食和运动来保持健康。 That kind of music fits your mood. 那种类型的音乐适合你的心情。 This coat fits you perfectly but the trousers are too large. 这件外套你穿着很合适,但是裤子太大了。 She is not fit to look after children. 她不适合照看小孩。,fit,归纳拓展 be fit for适合;胜任 be fit to do适合干 It is fit for sb. to do/that.某人做是合适的 keep/stay fit保持健康 fit in安排时间见(某人);安排时间做某事;相处融洽;适应,易混辨异 match/suit/fit 这三个词都可表示“适合,配得上”,但用法上 仍有差别。 (1)match指两者的“相配;配得上”,指人或物 在品质、颜色、设计等方面相当或相配。 (2)suit常用于指“适合;恰当”,多指符合需要、口味、性格、条件等。尤其用来指衣着的式样、颜色或发式与人相配。 (3)fit多用来指大小、形状、位置等适合及服装合身。,活学活用用fit,suit,match的适当形式填空 (1)These shoes me perfectly. (2)The doors were painted blue to the walls. (3)The climate the old man well. (4)The patient girl is for teaching. (5)No one can him because he is a leading professor in the field of physics. (6)Will Thursday or Wednesday you?,fit,match,suits,fit,match,suit,2.anxious adj.焦虑的;渴望的;不安的 Why is Zhou Kais mother ? 周凯的妈妈为什么担心?(回归课本P2) 观察思考 Helen is anxious about travelling on her own. 海伦对自己一个人出门旅行感到担心。 She was anxious to finish school and get a job. 她渴望毕业找到一份工作。 The mother waited for her son with anxiety. 母亲焦虑地等着儿子。,anxious,归纳拓展 anxiously adv.焦急地;担忧地 anxiety n.忧虑;渴望 be anxious about担心,忧虑 be anxious for.渴望得到 be anxious (for sb.) to do sth.渴望(某人)做too anxious to do sth.非常渴望做某事,易混辨异 eager/anxious (1)eager指以巨大的热情渴望实现或达到目的,含有积极向上的意义,有时也指由于其他感情而表现得急不可耐。 He is eager to do that interesting job. 他急于做那份有趣的工作。(有积极的干劲和热情) (2)anxious指热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑,强调“担心”和“焦虑”,对结果感到不安。 Im anxious to know the final result. 我急切地想知道最后的结果。(心中焦急),活学活用 (1)I wonder if she will show up at the concert. She will.She is only too to watch the famous conductor. A.anxious B.proud C.interested D.satisfied 解析 由句意可知,此处指“她很渴望看到 那位著名的指挥家”,故用anxious。B、C 两项不合题意;D项无此搭配。 (2)My mother always gets a little if we dont arrive when we say we will. A.anxious B.ashamed C.weak D.patient 解析 句意为:当我们说将要到而没到时,母 亲总是有点担心。,A,A,3.pain n.疼痛;痛苦;辛苦,努力(用复数);vt. 使痛苦;vi.感到疼痛 观察思考 His broken leg gave him a lot of pain. 他的断腿使他非常疼痛。 She suffers greatly from a pain in the back. 她的背痛得很厉害。 No pains,no gains.(谚语)不劳无获。 We are pained to see such wastefulness. 我们看到这种浪费现象很痛心。,归纳拓展 with great pain煞费苦心地 take pains to do/in doing.费尽力气,煞费苦心,尽力 spare no pains to do.不遗余力,不辞劳苦,全力以赴 in pain疼痛;在苦恼中 be pained to do sth.很痛心地做某事 pain作名词时,表示精神上的痛苦为不可数名词;指身体上某个部位疼痛时为可数名词;指辛苦、辛劳时用复数形式。,注意,活学活用 As a mother,she always takes great to make her family members eat healthily. A.effect B.pain C.effort D.pains 解析 take pains to do.尽力做。,D,7.be crazy about.迷恋;热心于;醉心于 But theres one thing I really love football. 但是,我真的喜欢一件事情我非常喜欢足 球。(回归课本P3) 观察思考 The boy is crazy about/on skating. 那孩子对溜冰着了迷。 Turn the music do


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