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高中英语 unit1-3 情景再现复习课件 新人教版选修7

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高中英语 unit1-3 情景再现复习课件 新人教版选修7

情景重现,选修七,Unit 1 Living well,One may have a mental or _disability. You may have difficulty _ your eyesight. Disabilities make _ hard for people to do some things, so they have to try their best to _ these difficulties. She is proud to _(take) part in competitions and to _(break) a record. Now her _ is to become _ of the national team.,physical,with,it,overcome,have taken,have broken,ambition,part,a member,The entry “Family Village” on a website gives young people with a disability a _ to tell their personal stories. Great _ are that they will find it _. In _ words, hes dishonest. in _ word/all _ all/_ short(brief)/_ conclusion My motto is this(_ ): live one day at _ time. He cant cut (up/down/out/off) smoking and have little idea what the future _.,chance,chances,beneficial,other,a,in,in,in,as follows,a,holds,promises,受益的,After running a short way, I got out of _ and had to rest _ up the stairs. That some of my _ students dont accept me doesnt annoy me. I just (neglect/ignore/overlook) them. Polite forms of wording may encourage the reader to take your ideas _. As _ as going to entertainment, I enjoy looking after pets properly. All this (costs/ spends/takes/pays) a lot of time but I find it _.,breath,halfway,fellow,seriously,well,worthwhile,A Letter to a Cinema Designer (Adapted) It would be _to have adequate _ to all parts of the cinema for wheelchairs and it would _ to fit _of earphones to all seats. If the toilets could be located near the entrances, the disabled customers would _ from it. Id also like to suggest that parking spaces_ (reserved/preserved) for elderly or disabled drivers. I hope my suggestions will meet_your_. The disabled should benefit from your _(周密的)design, and easy access will bring higher _to the cinema owner.,access,help,benefit,with,profits,handy,sets,(should ) be,approval,considerate,情景重现,选修七,Unit 2 The Robots,Robot Tony was_out by Larrys wife, Claire. When Claire first met Tony, she felt_(alarm) as Tony seemes more like a human _a machine. On the second morning, Tony, wearing an _, brought her breakfast and asked her _she needed help _ (dress), _made her _(embarrass). One day, when Tony comforted her, she thought it was_to_(offer) _(同情)by a machine, but she began to _(相信)him.,tested,_alarmed,than,apron,whether,dressing,which,embarrassed,ridiculous,be offered,sympathy,trust,After _(know) Claire was suffering from her own _(自卑感),_(作为帮助),Tony decided to help her make herself smarter and her home_(更加优雅). As Tony was not allowed to _(陪伴)Claire to the shops, he made shopping list for her. When the _(职员)at the _(柜台) was _to her, she _Tony_and later the man changed his _.,knowing,sense of failure,as a favor,more elegant,accompany,clerk,counter,rude,rang,up,attitude,As she _, there stood Gladys Claffern and this lady thought she was having _ with Tony. After turning back to her home, she _with anger in her _.In order to make Claire feel better, Tony advised Claire_her friends for a party to _(炫耀). As the clock _(strike) eight, the doorbell rang and her friends saw Tony _his arms around Claire.,turned around,an affair,wept,armchair,to invite,show off,struck,folding,What a sweet _to be _by those women but _Tony did was just to prevent her from_herself through her own sense of failure. Although Tony did a good job, he_to be _because we cant have women_in love with machines.,victory,envied,what,hurting,had,rebuilt,falling,情景重现,选修七,Unit 3 Under the sea,Working at the _ (whale) station, I had _ whales killed many times with my own eyes. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I _ (sort 短语) my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. Running down to the shore in time, we saw an _ (huge同义词)animal.,whaling,witnessed,was sorting out,enormous,Fill in the blanks according to the passage.,First anecdote,“It is called Old Tom, the killer.” George said as he ran ahead _ me. _ the distance we could see that something was happening. As we _ (draw短语), I could see a whale _ by a _ of about six killers. Being badly_, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was _by the killers down into the _ of the sea.,of,In,drew nearer,being attacked,pack,depths,dragged,wounded,Fill in the blanks.,Second anecdote,During a hunt, _was washed off the boat. _urged that they should turn the boat _. James was quite _of _(attack) and then suddenly a _appeared. After over _ when they _


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