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九年级英语 unit1-3单元复习课件 人教新目标版

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九年级英语 unit1-3单元复习课件 人教新目标版

英语:Unit1-3单元复习课件ppt(九年级上),Welcome to Tian Bao School!,Yang Li,Shanghai,Light,London,Chongqing,Qinghai,News,2012,the 2010 World Expo (2010年世博会),Earth Hour(地球一小时) save energy(节约能源) improve climate (改善气候),the 2012 Olympic Games,Five Chongqing,A Green Chongqing A Liveable Chongqing A Healthy Chongqing A Safe Chongqing A Transportation-developed Chongqing,the earthquake,a film 2012 Doomsday protect our earth (保护),Review of units 1-3,Grade Nine,2010“掌握”词汇 slowly adv. 缓慢地 quickly adv. 迅速地 afraid adj. 害怕的 sleep v. 睡觉 himself pron. 他自己 member n. 成员 study v.&n. 学习 easy adj . 容易的 face v. 面对 death n. 死亡 on adj. 开着的 important adj. 重要 present n. 目前,2010“理解”词汇 unless conj. 如果不 duty n. 责任 friendship n. 友谊 develop v. 发展 lose v. 失去 cause v. 造成 patient adj 耐心的 experience n. 经历 success n. 成功 waste v. 浪费 secret n. 秘密,Step 1: 单词,1.afraid adj. 害怕的 2.sleep v. 睡觉 3.himself pron. 他自己 4.member n. 成员 5.study v.&n. 学习 6.easy adj . 容易的 7.face v. 面对 8.death n. 死亡 9.on adj. 开着的 10.important adj.重要,1. In the test, I made a few _ (mistake) 2.The _(die) of his dog made him very sad. 3.My mother _(teach) in the country school since ten years ago 4. He sings so well.He learns all by _(him). 5.She wont _ (sleep) until her mother comes back. 6.S_hard, and you will make progress soon. 7. Both of them are m_of the tennis club. 8. Its very i_ for us to make a plan before a new term . 9. I often go to sleep with my bedroom light o_. 10.The math problem is so difficult that you cant work it out e_,mistakes,on,death,has taught,easily,himself,Study,members,sleep,important,单词填空,Step 2: 短语,1.嘲笑 2. 查阅(字典) 3.生的气 4.过去经常 5.入睡 6.最后 7.令某人惊奇的是 8.不再;已不 9.放弃 10.代替,laugh at look up be angry with used to go to sleep in the end to ones surprise no more=not any more give up instead of,Make sentences,1.(09重庆)短文填空 My parents dont shout at me _more and my classmates become friendly to me. 2.(09广州) Why couldnt you _ the correct spelling of the word? -ErI hadnt got a Chinese-English dictionary at hand. A.look for B.look down C.look up D.look at 3.(09呼和浩特)We should take our own cloth bags when shopping _ _using plastic bags. 4.(09广东)Dont _ others.Sometimes you may make mistakes too. A.knock at B.laugh at C.look at D.arrive at,any,C,instead of,B,现学现用,1.I learn English _. 我通过大声朗读学英语。 2.He _ be a quiet boy. A.is used to B.used to C.was used to D.got used to 3.Many trees and flowers _in our school last year and they made our school beautiful garden. (07重庆) A.plant B. planted C. have planted D. were planted 4.Waste paper shouldnt _ everywhere. Its our duty to keep our city clean. (09重庆) A.be thrown B. throw C. is thrown D. are thrown 5.More and more foreigners speak Chinese in the world now.(改为被动语态) .(08重庆) Chinese _ _ by more and more foreigners in the world now. 6.He can make paper ships (改为被动语态) Paper ships can _ _ by him.,Step 3 :句型,1.I learn English _. 我通过大声朗读学英语。,Step 3 :句型,by reading aloud,要点剖析:by +doing,2.He _ be a quiet boy. A. is used to B. used to C. was used to D. got used to,B,要点剖析 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 拓展应用 (1) be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事(to为介词) (2) be used to do sth. = be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事,3.Many trees and flowers _in our school last year and they made our school beautiful garden. (07重庆) A.plant B. planted C. have planted D. were planted 4.Waste paper shouldnt _ everywhere. Its our duty to keep our city clean. (09重庆) A.be thrown B. throw C. is thrown D. are thrown 5.More and more foreigners speak Chinese in the world now.(改为被动语态) .(08重庆) Chinese _ _ by more and more foreigners in the world now. 6.He can make paper ships (改为被动语态) Paper ships can _ _ by him.,D,A,is spoken,be made,要点剖析: 被动语态 (1) (2) (3),含情态动词的被动语态:can/may/must/could/should+be+done,一般过去时的被动语态: was/were+done,一般现在时的被动语态: am/is/are+done,Step 3 :句型,Step 4:单元话题,Unit谈论学习 -How do you study math? -By working with a group.,Unit谈论过去 I used to be afraid of the dark.,Unit谈论规则 -I think teenagers shouldnt be allowed to choose their own clothes. -I agree.,(09湖南衡阳市) 同学们你们是怎样学习英语的?关于如何学英语,我们对50位学生学习英语的方法进行了一次调查,下表中列出了其中两种方法。请根据下面图表提供的信息,并结合你自己的实际谈谈你的学习方法。 注意1、所写类容从必须包括下表中提到的两种方法和你自己的至少三种方法 2、词数80左右;短文开头以给出(不记入总的词数) 3、文中不要出现真实姓名和校名,书面表达,We made a survey on (我们对进行了一次调查)。 Different students have different ways to study About 30% of the students study by reading magazines or newsparpers.But in my opinion,(但我的观点是)we should is also a good way to improve As everyone knows (正如每个


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