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动词不定式的基本用法:动词不定式可在句中作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语用:(1). 作主语:To help each other is good. 动词不定式作主语时,一般可用it作形式主语,而将作主语的动词不定式置于句末,如:It is good to help each other.不定式和动名词作主语或宾语有何不同:动名词可以表示习惯性、经常性的行为,不定式可以表示一次性、具体的行为。例如:Looking after children is her job.To clean the classroom is our job today.I like reading in bed.I like to have a talk with you tonight._ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk(2)作表语:My job is to drive them to the power station every day.(3)作独立成分:To tell the truth, I dont agree with you.(4)作宾语:She wishes to be a musician.I am determined to give up smoking.Can you give us some advice on what to do next?(5)作宾语补足语Tell the children not to play on the street.动词为see, hear, watch, notice, observe, listen to, look at, have, make, let等,省去to。比较:When I came in, I saw her dancing happily.I saw Li Ping pass by and enter the next room just now.注意:I advise to wait till the proper time. (错误)I advise you to wait till the proper time. (正确)I advise waiting till the proper time. (正确)The manager has _ to improve the working conditions in the company.A. accepted B. allowed C. permitted D. agreed注意下面句子的演化I often hear him sing the song.He is often heard _ the song.I often hear the song _.The song is often heard _.I heard him singing the song just now.He was heard _ the song.(6)作定语:Is this the best way to help him?作定语用的动词不定式如果是不及物动词,不定式后面就要用必要的介词,如:He is the man to depend on.请大家填上合适的介词:Give me a piece of paper to write _.I find the man hard to get along _ .The Browns have a comfortable house to live _.There is nothing to worry _.Please give me a knife to cut _.Here is some paper for you to write _.He felt sad because he had no one to turn _ for help.但是,不定式所修饰的名词如果是time, place 或way时,不定式后面的介词习惯上省去。如:He had no money and no place to live (in).We found a way to solve this problem (in).不定式作定语只能用主动式的情形:1. Li Xuemei was the first athlete to get to the finishing line.He is always the first to bear hardships,the last to enjoy comforts.2. Our teacher arranged us six exercises to do athomeFather always bought his son some toys to playwith after his business3. 在there be结构中,则主被动形式都可以:Theres a lot of work to do/ to be done.4. With a lot of difficult problems _ , the newly-elected president is having a hard timeAsettled Bsettling C. to settle Dbeing settledWith several meetings to attend,he couldnt go to the Great Wall with usWithout two members to come,wed better not start the meetingWithout anything to do,he turned off the lights and went to bed5. Have you anything to send ?Have you anything to be sent ?6.当名词与定语有同位关系时。We got the order to leave the city.当名词与定语间有主谓关系时。We must find a person to do the job.We need someone to go and get a doctor.当定语表示未来的还没做的动作时。The letter to be written is to my father.I borrowed some books to read during myholiday.(7)作状语:目的状语:Every morning he gets up very early to read English.She reads China Daily every day in order to (so as to) improve her English.To master a foreign language, one must work hard at it.结果状语The thief stole into the house, only to be caught by the owner.His father died, leaving him a lot of money.He got up early, only to find it was raining heavily.复合结构不定式:Its very difficult for us to finish so much work in such short time.Its very kind of you to help me.疑问词 + 动词不定式:How to prevent them from swimming in this river is a problem.动词不定式的否定式:Its wrong of you not to attend the meeting.动词不定式的时态形式(1)一般式:We decided to plant more trees this spring.They often watch us play table tennis.(同时);(2)完成式:动词不式完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前I am sorry to have kept you waiting.(3)进行式:She happened to be writing a letter in the room when I came in.动词不定式的被动语态用法:What is to be done next hasnt been decided yet.动词need, require, want 作“需要”解,且其后的动词与主语构成动宾关系时,其后必须用动名词的主动形式或不定式的被动形式作宾语。The window needs cleaning.The window needs to be cleaned.不定式中to的省略:1) 情态动词 ( 除ought 外,ought to)后:2) 使役动词 let, have, make使役动词后3) 感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice ,observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略to。注意:在被动语态中则to 不能省掉。4)would rather,had better,might (just) as well, rather than后Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bike.5)在why (not)?之后的不定式不能带to。如:Why go with him?Why not try to expand your story into a novel?6) help 可带to,也可不带to, help sb (to) do sth.在当help用于被动语态时,不定式前的to不能省略。The boy was helped by a woman to collect hisscattered coins.7) 当两个或多个不定时短语由连词and,but或or连接时,后一个或几个不定式符号to常省略。如:He wants to move to France and marry the girl.但若表示对比、对照关系时,则不能省略。The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.To try and fail is better than not to try at all.8) 不定式做表语时,一般要带to,但若主语


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