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分 类 号: B223.5 密 级: 学校代码: 10695 编 号: 硕 士 学 位 论 文庄子之知与波兰尼默会之知比较研究姓 名 任永康 指 导 教 师 朱连增 学科专 业(代码) 中国哲学(010102) 研 究 方 向 中西哲学比较 申 请 学 位 类 别 哲学硕士 西藏民族大学学位评定委员会陕西·咸阳二一八年五月摘 要庄子上承老子,对道的哲学做了更进一步的探索,特别地对于道与名言、道与意、道与真知等问题做了深刻的反思,对中国哲学中直观的思维方式产生了重要而深远的影响。近现代以来,西方哲学家也开始对传统知识论中所坚持的理性主义与客观主义进行反思与批判,在这一背景下,波兰尼率先提出了默会知识的概念。默会知识理论认为,确实存在一些不能用语言表达的知识,这种知识对于明述知识的生成和构建起一种前提和辅助的作用,并且明述知识在具体情境中运用时也必须通过默会知识的辅助才能外化为行动和实践。在二十世纪后半期默会知识思想传入中国后,很多人敏锐的察觉到其与东方庄子哲学神韵的相似性。学者先后在此领域展开工作,但是这一阶段的研究出现了一些问题,特别地,表现为范畴选取不当和诠释尺度不当,甚至很多人对某些重要概念做了过度的诠释。诸如某些学者将所谓只可意会、道不可言与默会知识不做界定的讨论,也有人用很含混的概念做过于宏观、宽泛地描述,并未具体地指出二者相似的品质为何物。笔者的一部分工作在于试图指出前面工作的理论欠缺,运用较为明晰地理论工具澄清庄子之知和默会知识理论中“默会知识”的异同。庄子中关于言不尽意和非明言之知的论述与波兰尼的默会之知具有部分相似的品质,但二者立足不同的哲学理想,使用着不同的哲学范畴,因而,在二人那里,探讨默会性之知的立场、维度、以及思考深度也将有所不同。这两种理论都主张在认知过程和认知结果的展示中不能剥离认知的主体,因为认识以及相关的知识建立在生活主体对情境的寓居之上,并与情境中人的默会整合机能密切相关。所以二人认为认识的直接结果,即知识,也必须通过主体的参与才能完整的展示,反对剥离主体的纯形式化认知结果(明言式知识)是知识的唯一形式。二人指出抽象的、命题性知识或者书本知识只是生活主体知识的一部分或者一种形式。另外,二人指出明言知识体系在实践活动中表现出明显的不自足性,明言知识体系中的概念-命题体系并不能畅通无阻地将人们从观念一路带到观念的外化实现。虽然这两种理论存在一些相似之处,但事实上二人的哲学体系存在巨大的差异。差异表现在波兰尼之默会知识理论仍然被烙上了柏拉图传统的印记,尽管波兰尼强调一种非名言性的默会知识之地位和重要性,但是波兰尼的研究仍然致力于界定何种知为默会之知并为默会性知识找到一种适合的展示方式,这一发现表明哲学的传统对某一哲学思想具有较大的影响和约束。同时笔者也提出对庄子与波兰尼进行比较研究时不能将庄子的体道之知当做意会知识或者默会性知识,因为使用意会知识概括庄子之真知会曲解庄子的文意。庄子的体道之真知与中国传统文化中的意会知识在含义上有一定距离,更与西方知识传统下的那种厚实的(广义的)知识存在着理论隔阂。关键词: 庄子;直观;默会与明言;具身 ;波兰尼;默会机能AbstractOn the basis of Lao Tzu, Chuang-tzu has further explored Taos philosophy, Chuang-tzu has made a profound question on the Tao and language, Tao and meaning, Tao and true knowledge. Chuang-tzus thought affected Chinese thinking mode. Modern Western philosophers began to reflect the rationalism and objectivism which rooted in the traditional epistemology, under this background, Michael Polanyi firstly proposed the tacit knowledge, The theory of tacit knowledge argued that there were some kind of knowledge that cannot be expressed in language. This kind of knowledge plays a prerequisite and auxiliary role in the formation and construction of knowledge. Under specific situations, only with the help of tacit knowledge, individual can make the idea to be reality.since the tacit knowledge had been introduced into China in 1980, many people were keenly aware of tacit knowledges similarity to the Oriental philosophy, especially Chuang-tzus thought. Scholars have done a lot of work in this field, but there were some problems in this stage, especially the improper selection of categories and improper interpretation scale. a lot of people have over-interpreted some important concepts. Some scholars discuss the similarity of Chuang-tzus knowledge and Polanyis tacit knowledge with some ambiguously words, but they did not clearly point out what the two similar qualities are. Part of my job is trying to point out the shortcoming of previous work, and use a more clear theoretical tool to clarify the difference between Chuang-tzus knowledge and Michael Polanyis tacit -knowledge. Chuang-tzu held the view that words cant wholly express knowing, and knowledge of how to do things cant be transferred to others, those idea are similar to Polanyis idea, but two theory based on different philosophical ideals, meanwhile they use different philosophical categories. Therefore, two theory indicates great differences in the aim, dimensions and depth of thought. Both theories argue that the cognitive process and cognitive outcome should not be separated from the subject, namely, living human-being. because cognition and knowledge based on the living human-beings living situation, cognition and knowledge are also closely related to the tacit integration. Therefore, two philosophers argue that the result of cognition, namely, knowledge, must be presented with the participation of the subject, explicit knowledge is not the only form of knowing. Chuang-tzu and Polanyi point out that abstract knowledge or knowledge included in books is only partial knowledge of the whole human-being knowledge. In addition, their thought indicate that explicit knowledge system shown insufficiency in guiding action. The explicit knowledge system and the concept-propositional system cant bring people from the idea to the reality. Although there are some similarities between Chuang-tzus knowledge and tacit knowledge, huge differences exists between two philosophy system. Polanyi's tacit knowledge still be branded with the mark of Plato tradition, Polanyi emphasized the exist of tacit knowledge, but Polandyi's research committed to define what tacit knowledge is, he also constantly find a suitable way to display


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