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Unifying Concepts & Competing Themes,Concepts & Themes.,Questions What are Americas long-term objectives in foreign policy? What are its more immediate objectives? What are the principles underlying US foreign policy? What are the competing themes that have dominated US foreign policy?,Concepts & Themes.,US Foreign Policy Mission American Sense of Exceptionalism Thomas Jefferson US is “the last best hope of mankind” US is a “barrier against the return of ignorance & barbarism” Alexander Hamilton American Revolution would cause great impact on the Old Continent Benjamin Franklin US democratic rule offered hope to people still under tyranny John Adams US would emerge as the worlds greatest power.,Concepts & Themes.,US Foreign Policy Mission American Sense of Mission Thomas Jefferson Serve as an example Truman Support & maintain freedom Eisenhower Extend areas of freedom throughout the world Clinton Promote American pol, eco, & social values around the world Bush Defend freedom of people to live fear-free.,Concepts & Themes.,US Foreign Policy Mission Questions Should US serve as a model for others who desire democracy & freedom? Should US act militarily, economically, & politically to provide others such opportunities?,Concepts & Themes.,National Interests Goals that states pursue to maximize what is selfishly best for their country US National Interests Policies that advance the following are considered serving Americas natl interests. Power Hans Morgenthau: Any policy that enhances a states power is in its national interest. Military security & advantage Economic strength Ideology Promote democracy Anti-Communism,Concepts & Themes.,US National Interests Policies that advance the following are considered serving Americas natl interests. Power Military security & advantage Economic strength Ideology Morality & the rule of law Human rights The International Criminal Court Cultural identity Individualism Diversity,Concepts & Themes.,Controversies & Issues How to define power? Hans Morgenthau: power as anything that enables a state to control others Supporters Policies that enhance US power are in US interest & should be pursued Critics Influence rather than control better serves US interest What kind of military capabilities to aquire & maintain?,Concepts & Themes.,Controversies & Issues What kind of military capabilities/advantages to acquire & maintain? Should nuclear weapons the central element of defense? What about other weapons of mass destruction such as biological & chemical weapons? Should it pursue theatre strategic defense system? What would be an effective defense strategy against stateless terrorist groups? How to advance US economic power? Should US trade with Apartheid S Africa? Should US suspend Chinas MFN?,Concepts & Themes.,Controversies & Issues How to balance ideological goals with other interests? Promote democracy & develop normal trade relations How is US foreign policy reflective of morality & the rule of law? How consistently is human rights pursued in US foreign relations? If the rule of law such an important goal, why does the US reject the Intl Criminal Court? How easy is it to identify US foreign policy in terms of cultural identity? Which part of the cultural heritage?,Concepts & Themes.,Four American Principles Isolationism Geographical, emotional & ideological reasons Washingtons 1796 Farewell Address Moralistic “Open Door” Policy “Roosevelt Corollary” Morally imperative to spread American ideals and values by intervention & act as policeman in Latin America Wilson & US participation in WWI out of “making the world safe for democracy” Pragmatism Trade with both sides of the Napoleonic Wars Trade with Japan up to1941 unilateralism,Concepts & Themes.,Competing Themes Conflicts among the missions, interests, & principles gave rise to competing themes in US foreign policy over the last more than two & a quarter centuries. Idealism versus Realism Idealism Intl peace is attainable Intl law & intl organizations Human rights, arms control & disarmament Peaceful resolution of disputes thru diplomacy,Concepts & Themes.,Competing Themes Realism Pessimistic view of world politics Military & economic power Balance of power Military preparedness & deterrence Idealism or Realism in Foreign Policy Points to Remember: No presidents have held views or made policies that can be exclusively be labeled as “idealistic” or “realistic.” Idealism and realism are better viewed as polar extremes on a spectrum.,Concepts & Themes.,Idealism or Realism in Foreign Policy Points to Remember: Conflicts between idealism & realism started in early days of the US. Idealism or Realism? John Adams & his British Policy US could not afford a conflict with Britain US must recognize Britain's predominant power in world politics. Question: Realistic or idealistic? Answer: Realistic,Concepts & Themes.,Idealism or Realism in Foreign Policy Idea


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