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藁城市20032004学年度第二学期终结性评价题小学三年级英 语评价项目综合评价评价等级.Read and change a letter . 读一读,改一个字母组成新单词are-arm book- go- cat- son- food- bear- I have eyes . but I cannot see. What am I?I have a mouth, but cant sing. I have arms and legs, but cant dance.Children(孩子们) like to play with me.Read and add a letter . 读一读,加一个字母组成新单词cat-coat is- eat- all-thirty- man- the- bbmmsstt.Fill in the blanks(填字母,组成单词).Read and match .(读一读,把意思相反的词连线)bighardshortnewsoftbelowcoldoldabovesmalltallhot.Count and match. (数一数,再连线) .Find friends . (找朋友).Read and draw.( 读读画画)1. Draw a table.2. Draw a ball below the table.3. Draw an apple on the table.4. Draw a pair of slippers beside the table.Match the questions and answers.( 根据问句找出对应答句)1.What do you want to do? ( )2.Would you like to play ping-pong? ( )3.How many? ( )4.What is it? ( )5.Where is it? ( )a. The picture is above the bed.b. Its a ball.c. Okay. Lets play ping-pong.d. Twenty-one.e. I want to play badminton.What does your family like to eat? (你们全家一日三餐喜欢吃什么)breakfastlunchsupperFather and mother I , my brother or sister.Read and guess. (读一读,猜一猜) I have eyes . but I cannot see. I have a mouth, but cant sing. I have arms and legs, but cant dance.Children(孩子们) like to play with me.What am I? I am a .藁城市20032004学年度第二学期终结性评价题小学四年级英 语评价项目综合评价评价等级.Fill in the blanks.(仿照例子填空) blackboard 1.er s 2.p p 3.p c 4.ch k 5.m k 6.sh .Fill in the blanks.(仿照例子把与其他三个词不是同类的画出来填空)she you his they ( his ) 1. pink white green sunny ( ) 2. Saturday September May July ( ) 3. seventh second eight fifth ( ) 4. read road write like ( ) 5. paper pencil eraser jeans ( ).Fill in the blanks.(仿照例子填空)three .Read and fill in the blanks. (读一读,按例子写句子。)Model : She has brown hair. Her hair is brown.1.You have a red book. book is .2.We have orange desks. desks are .3. They have green pens. pens are .4. Tom has a pink maker. marker is .Read and match .(读一读,再连线)Hows the weather today? I live in a house.How old are you? I am 1.2metres tall.How tall are you? I am 11 years old.When is it? It is rainy.Where do you live? It is 7:00 in the morning.Read and match .(读一读,再填空)How many days in a month? How many days in a week? How many hours(小时) in a day? How many minutes(分钟) in an hour? .Read , fill in the blanks. (读一读,填一填)M: Mother X: Xiao Li M: Breakfast is ready. Please get up, Xiao Li.X: Ok! Im coming.Hows the weather today?M: Its _.X: What day is it?M: Its _. Is it Teachers Day?X: No, Teachers Day is .M: Dont forget to say:“Happy teachers day to your teacher”X: O.K!.Read and choose the correct answer. 读句子,选择正确答案。 Hello! My name is Bill, Im ten years old. Im 1.5 meters tall. Now Im wearing a T-shirt, shorts, socks, and shoes. I like purple. Thats my favourite colour. I like to draw pictures. its my favourite school work. I like pizza and ice cream. They are my favourite food. I like hot dogs, too.( ) 1. How old is Bill? A. Nine B. Ten C. Eleven( ) 2. Whats his favourite colour? A. Black B. White C. Purple( ) 3. Whats his favourite food? A. Donuts and pop B. Dumplings and soup.C. Pizza and ice cream.( ) 4. Whats his favourite school work? A. Sing songs B. Draw pictures C. Read books.Read and choose. 读一读,选择合适的词语填空。L: Hi, Steven! How are you?S: I


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