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Virtual Infrastructure,By: Andy Chau Farzana Mohsini Anya Mojiri Virginia Nguyen Bobby Phimmasane,Introduction,The Reports Objective Prove that virtual infrastructures can be implemented into information systems using the system development life cycle stages Focus of Our Presentation Introduce a complex topic by going through the basics Demonstrate how virtualization technology works Information about Virtual Infrastructure Benefits of Virtual Infrastructures Limitations of Virtual Infrastructures Suggestions and Recommendations,Virtualization,What is server or computer virtualization? Basic idea: converting a physical computer to a virtual machine What is a virtual machine? Its a computer (except that its virtual). Operating system running on software that emulates hardware (virtual hardware). Hardware parts of a typical computer: Processor Memory Hard Drive CDROM Network card Etc Convert all hardware to software All previously listed hardware are now software Operating system still thinks its running on hardware,Virtualization,What is server or computer virtualization? Basic idea: converting a physical computer to a virtual machine What is a virtual machine?,Physical Hardware,Virtual Machine,converted,Virtualization,What is server or computer virtualization? Basic idea: converting a physical computer to a virtual machine What is a virtual machine?,No hardware just a virtual machine,Virtualization,What do we do with this virtual machine? Where does it run? The virtual machine runs a physical computer using the virtualization software. A bunch of virtual computer on top of one physical computers.,5 Virtual Machines,Physical Server,Per,Virtualization Demo,Windows Vista,Mac OS X Leopard,Physical Server (Bobbys Laptop) with Virtualization Software,2 Virtual Machines,Virtual Infrastructure,What is it? Three components Single-node hypervisors (physical component) Virtualization-based distributed system Automations solutions,Virtual Infrastructure Setup,Virtual Infrastructure (continued),Current status of virtual infrastructures Hardware advancements Running multiple-operating systems Meeting business needs,Benefits,Use fewer computers Does the job of multiple computers Allows you to use your hardware sources more efficiently Gain better desktop management,Security Benefits,Safe and secure virtualization platform More than 100,000 customers trust it Many virtualization security resources,Cost Benefits,Reduces cost Cost reduction from combining server outputs Main reason why businesses choose to virtualize their physical infrastructures Reduces space Put everything you need all in one computer,Limitations,Challenge Main purpose of virtualization Hosting hardware choices,Capacity Planning,Definition Place virtual machines correctly Job of virtualization vendors & software developers,Hidden Costs,Could easily incur Power costs Heat costs,Necessary Changes,Dynamic Mobility Split a single physical hard drive into multiple logical or “imaginary” drives Storage must be agile and manageable Cooperate with other storage networks in the infrastructure,Linear Performance,Start with a small infrastructure and grow it over time Increase resource utilization as the company gets bigger Make better use of the operating systems Make each virtual machines operating system handle different roles independently,Specialists/Expert/Personnel,You need the following personnel System Engineer System Administrator Only a few people are needed to run a virtual infrastructure They need to have strong skills for network applications and storage optimization,People Recommendations,Have people (most important component) who can maintain, update, and monitor the infrastructure System administrators need to be competent To monitor the infrastructure To update the infrastructure To be able to recover from failures To carry out maintenance procedures,Any Questions?,


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