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2017年外研版 九年级(上)英语秋季课程 第十一讲:module 9 great inventions教案

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2017年外研版 九年级(上)英语秋季课程 第十一讲:module 9 great inventions教案

2017年外研版 九年级(上)英语秋季课程 第十一讲:Module 9 Great inventions (120分钟)一、课程介绍知识点:重点词汇用法:borrow /lend /compare /amount /full/development/result/introduction/replace的用法:重点词组用法be full of/put up/hundreds of/look through/as a result/in a way /compare with/compare to/a large amount of /by hand/的用法:重点语法1: 比较级重点语法2:make+宾语+宾补重点语法3: 被动语态教学难点:能掌握一般将来时的被动,熟练掌握一般将来时的被动。二、要点回顾1.词汇根据句意和汉语提示及所给的单词,完成句子。1I have two hats but neither fits me _(合适地)2What are you doing?I'm reading the _(说明书) of the mobile phone.3He is one of the most _(有影响力的) directors in Hollywood.4_(电子的) networks may change our life.5Jiangnan Examination Office in Confucius Temple attracted_(千) of tourists on China Tourism Day this year.(南京)6What_(方向)do you think the computer will take in the future?7The news _(传播) quickly.8There are _(各种各样的) forms of transport.9The book is in its sixth _(印刷)10No one can stop the_(发展) of history.11.Do you think people will be r_ by robots to do the dangerous or unpleasant work?12.The inventor will be invited to give us a report about great i_ next Tuesday.13.Has the e_ been connected yet? I can't wait to watch my favorite TV show. Wait a minute. It'll be finished soon.14.Please i_ your pen pal to me. I want to make friends with her.15.In the modern world,scientific knowledge is_(传播) very quickly.【答案】1.properly2.instructions 3powerful4.Electronic5.thousands 6.direction7.spread8.varied9printing10.development11.replaced12.inventions13.electricity 14introduce15.spread2.短语用所给词组的适当形式填空direction, introduce, imagine, do research, keep away1.(2014乐山改编)Can you _ a life without phones or the Internet?2.Can you give me an _ to that movie?3.The bees flew away in all _.4.Everybody should _ from drugs to keep healthy.5.Before you start writing,you must _.【答案】1.imagine2.introduction3.directions 4keep away5.do researchform,look through,a large amount of,at a time,by hand6.He _ the newspaper and found some useful information.7.There are varied _ of transport.8.My grandmother made a pair of shoes for me _.9.She has made _ money by singing.10.The doctor told him to take two pills _.【答案】6.looked through7.forms 8.by hand 9a large amount of 10.at a time三、知识精要1.词汇thousands 千properly 合适地,合理地borrow 借 direction 方向development 发展invention 发明introduce 介绍 spread 传播replace 代替 form 形成,类型compare 对比 amount 数量 connection 连接single 单个的2.短语重点短语复习巩固be full of 充满put up张贴look through 浏览as a result 结果 in a way 在某种程度上compare with 对比 a large amount of 大量的by hand 手工 at a time 一次take care of 照顾 to some degree 在某种程度上 3. 语法 一般将来时的被动语态一般将来时的被动语态表示“将要被”【语法点1】【考查点】构成一般将来时的被动语态,首先应掌握其各种结构形式。 肯定式will(shall)be动词的过去分词 否定式will(shall)notbe动词的过去分词 疑问式Will(Shall)主语be动词的过去分词? 简略回答Yes,主语will(shall)No,主语won't(shan't) 例:A new stadium will be put up here A new stadium will not(won't)be put up here 疑问句及简略回答:Will a new stadium be put up here?Yes,it willNo,it won't 特殊疑问句及回答:What will be put up here?A new stadium 【语法点2】【考查点】 使用一般将来时的被动语态时,应注意以下两点: 在时间、条件状语从句中,应使用现在时表示将来时。同样,应使用现在时的被动语态表示将来时的被动语态。例:He says he will leave the company if he is punished for this 使用一般将来时被动语态时,学生易遗漏被动式中的be。例: 【误】A new film will shown at the cinema next week 【正】A new film will be shown at the cinema next week. 【误】Is this bridge going to completed before the end of this year? 【正】Is this bridge going to be completed before the end of this year? 【语法点3】动词的主动形式表示被动之意 be动词 起来(7个):look/seem/appear, feel(感觉,摸起来), sound, smell, taste She seems/appears happy. It smells terrible. (逐渐)变得/变成:become, grow, get, turn, come, go His wish has come true. People often went hungry in the old days. The tree is growing tall. 保持:keep, stayWe must keep quiet in the reading room.【语法点4】感官动词的被动语态。感官动词后面的宾语有三种形式:doing,done和do(不带to的不定式)。但在变为被动语态时,省略to 的不定式要还原to。感官动词主要有 see, watch, notice, observe, hear, feel主动: 后接不带to的不定式表示一个发生过或者还没发生具体的动作。I often heard the song sung, but I have never heard you sing it.When you go to watch the football watch, you will enjoy seeing the Chinese football team win.后接V-ing形式表伴随的动作。Seeing the sun rising above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.Hearing this, I felt my heart beating fast.后接V-ed形式表被动意义。After his return twenty years later, he found his home town greatly changed.Although I had learnt some English, I had never heard a word of it spoken.被动1,I saw him go upstairs. He wa


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