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句子加长, BH kissed bond.1, 加形容词, 加副词, lovely bh deeply kissed sexy bond.2, 同位语,名词后加插入语,lovely bh, a fat boy, deeply kissed sexy bond, one of my friend who wears a green hat.3, 状语,in the forest, lovely bh, a fat boy, deeply kissed sexy bond, one of my friends who wears a green hat.4, 非限制性定语从句,in the forest, lovely bh, a fat boy, deeply kissed sexy bond, one of my friend who wears a green hat,which made us happy.5, 非谓语动词,bh is a lovely teacher. He kisses bond. Bh is a lovely teacher, and he kisses bond. Bh, Being a lovely teacher, kisses bond. 伴随状语,独立主格比如it is raining outside, I feel cold.It being raining outside, I feel cold.经典句型:1, 虚拟It is high time that 主语 后加过去式问题太严重了,我们应该马上采取措施解决它The problem being so serious, it is high time that effective measures were taken to cope with it.2, 倒装Sothat, 否定前置,only, 状语提前03年真题,, a boy runs on the playgroundOn the playground runs a boy.3, 强调4, 形式主语It goes without saying thatIt is universally acknowledged that5, 让步状语从句Whatever, whatever, however, whenever, whoever引导As although尽管互联网很重要,但是它仍然会带来很多问题Useful as internet is, it will still bring about several problems.Simple as the picture is, the true meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.词汇的提高,1,简单词复杂化。1 Adj=of +nImportant=of importance,Beautiful= of beauty2 n=the+adjThe poor, the old, the young3 so called所谓的So called idol worship2,杜绝恶心词汇重要important.非常very, extremely, 非常重要怎么说,significantly important 或者Of significantly vital importance.不同的 different, various, kinds of,认为 think,consider argue maintain claim .好 good, better, best, superb, excellent, outstanding, perfect, ideal, acceptable, 关联词:转折,并列,顺序,因为,所以。第一段:背景句,可以加,根据情况。,There has been a hot discussion about a picture from a newspaper然后开始描述图画As is symbolically illustrated in the picture, 07, As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, in a football field, a player is shooting, with a goalkeeper guarding the goal. On the one hand, the shooter significantly magnifies the goalkeeper.(可以改为 in front of the goal, the stressful shooter significantly magnifies the goalkeeper, which makes him feel desperate, 或者非谓语动词的写法也行magnifying the goalkeeper, the shooter believes that it is impossible to finish the goal)。On the other hand, the goalkeeper also imagines that he is so small to keep this huge goal. 09, ., in a so called net, a number of individuals, tied in their own grid(不会怎么办unit, space), are busy working. Let us take a closer look at the picture. (每个人都用互联网交流everyone communicates with internet) in this crowded net, everyone, in their personal cabin, all busily communicates by internet, a great invention which changes our life profoundly, rather than by words.(face-to-face)第二段:意义,是本文的核心。第二段第一句:可以加The past several years has witnessed a dramatic development in economy and society, in the meantime, some problems has been brought into our eyes, with the following one being the foremost后面加问题. 07年,The past several years has witnessed a dramatic development in economy and society, in the meantime, some problems has been brought into our eyes, with the youngs lacking confidence being the foremost.09年The past several years has witnessed a dramatic development in economy and society, in the meantime, some problems has been brought into our eyes, with the internets blocking communication between individuals being the foremost. 当然,第一句可以直白式的说。The authors purpose to draw the picture is that The drawer aims at reveal that The drawer aims at emphasize the importance of 07,1, 背景+调查+后果The young have never had hard work.换成during childhood, the young in China, like apples in their parents eyes, have never completely finished so called complex task. According to a recent survey by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences last year, 37.4% Chinese children are fear of facing difficulties. The young can not find a job.换成Due to the rapid pace of our life, competition becomes increasingly universal. Consequently, those who lack confidence will undoubtedly fail in job hunting. 2, 反方观点+2原因。 many people think that confidence will lead to selfishness. in our society, a number of individuals hold the opinion that to much confidence will lead to selfishness which is the main feature of the young. However, the importance of competition should not be ignored.Admittedly, undue confidence is always counterproductive, however, confidence, as the primary character of a successful person, will necessarily play an extremely crucial role in our routine life. 08题目Admittedly, overemphasizing the importance of XXX is always counterproductive, however, XXX, as the primary character of a successful person, will necessarily play an extremely crucial role in our routine life. For one thing, 自信使人从容, Facing difficulties, those with confidence can easily cope wit


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