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考研冲刺写作补充(2013-11-20 19:29:22) 大作文第二段推荐句型 1, the evidence . manifests that. the evidence that blue sky cannot be seen manifests that pollution is becoing increaingly severe throughout the world. 2, 虚拟语气 if every one of 人 did sth, a dim and gloomy future would be awaiting all the human beings. if every one of 人 failed to do sth,.万能理由 1:with the advance of communication revolution, sth will enable 人 to make more intimate friends ; 2: in present-day society, sth will make 人 to be delighted in our routing life 3. sth, as we all know, indeed lets 人 reap a lot of fruits in current society. 4. without sth, an increasing amount of private individuals would do sth (witness a dim and gloomy future) 1. 举例: 2. 引用名人名言 Once , there seemed a writer who has gained great reputation in Japan named _stating that: sth is to human beings as blue sky is to little larks. sth is to human beings as earthquakes are to natives. 3 数据列举 A recent study revealed the shocking/delightful fact that a large proporation chinese adults hold that sth is playing a key / unnecessary role in our life.话题预测1.success;the way to success; failure;frustration;Fake advertisements; unfair competition;Teamwork; cooperation; independence;心理健康;Experience; Civilized ; civilization moral 2.chance;opportunity;challenge;difficulty; pirated discs; authentic ones; knowledge; Education 第三段 第一句话:A (坏东西) Therefore, it is high time that effective measures must be taken to solve the problem. The essential solution, in my opinion, is to . In addition /apart from this, peoples awareness must be heightened through education and publicity. In a word, we can never solve the problem until all of us take action to regulate peoples behaviors C (好东西可以提倡保护) what should be done to promote (好事情 the communication between people in the present-day society)? Chinese citizens are excepted to enhance their awareness that sth is an indispensable part for sth (the construction of harmonious society). The local and central authorities, not only Chinese but also foreign ones, in coordination with the press, are obliged to , only through these action can the culture between nations have a glorious future. 最后一句:喊口号 1 总结法:every coin has two sides, sth is no exception. What we should pay attention is to 限制缺点发扬优点。 The sooner effective measures are taken, the more glorious future we will have. I believe that a happy and bright future is awaiting us if we make every effort to promote(好事)/ ban (坏事) 反问法:isnt sth is indispensable for the mental health of peopleincluding the young and the old ? Shouldnt we, pay much attention to the issue of sth? What does the future hold if mankind persists in doing sth?( wasting natural resources)完型常见的逻辑关系词(2013-08-14 13:35:13) 一)逻辑关系题 n1,并列关系:and, and also, or, neithernor., eitheror, not onlybut also, likewise, similarly, equally, in the same way, that is (to say), as well as, the same as.n 2, 递进关系:also, then, besides, in addition, additionally, moreover, whats more, furthermore, indeedn3,因果关系:because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so that, such that, in order that, accordingly, consequently, due to, thanks to, as a result, on account of =in response to=because ofnIn that=because, seeing that, considering that, now thatn4, 转折关系:but, however, yet, by contrast, on the contrary, contrarily, on the other hand, unfortunatelyn 5, 让步关系:although, though, even though, even if , even, in spite of, despite, nevertheless, much as, while ,whereas, asn 6, 其他表示对比关系的词:rather than, instead of, against unlike, notbutn7, 列举关系:first, second, last,to begin with,/ to continue,/ next, first/then, on one hand/on the other hand, for one thing/for another thing, one/another, some/others/still othersn8,条件关系:if, only if, if only, unless, otherwise, suppose/ing, provide/ed, as soon as, as long as, in case, when, withn 9, 举例关系:for example/instance, such as, of/among these+具体例子,to take an example, to illustrate, lets imagine, more specifically speaking97 2014考研完型冲刺内容(2013-01-01 10:17:02) 亲爱的同学们,把完型冲刺的东西整理出来了,希望对同学们有所帮助,呵呵,预祝大家今年考研成功。一) 概率原则:2001年改革以后,完型有10个选项变成了20个选项,总结规律发现A. B.C.D四个答案各自所占的个数有三种情况,4个,5个,或6个,这不是偶然,是非常符合语言学规律的,所以完型想考0分真的很难,你至少可以得两分没问题的,至多得三分,并且在这四个答案中,A比较稳定。二) 红花绿叶原则:红花词:because, while, however, yet, although绿叶词:since, ever since, now that, what,unless,关于:about, as to, with /in reference to, with, respect to, with regard to if only (in case =lest三) 优先做逻辑关系题:通过前后句的意思及句子内部的关系判断题目的答案。逻辑关系词一般都是虚词,你都认识,不像实词,涉及到单词的辨析,有难度的。1, 逻辑关系词的总结:1,并列关系:and, and also, or, neithernor., eitheror, not onlybut also, likewise, similarly, equally, in the same way, that is (to say), as well as, the same as.1), 递进关系:also, then, besides, in addition, additionally, moreover, whats more, furthermore, indeed(特殊递进,表示强调), 没有still (05 16)2),因果关系:因:because in that as since for


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