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1 / 59A 期末试卷 01一、单项选择(17%)1.Please check your spelling carefully . Youve dropped _ “ I ” here .A. a B. an C. the D. /2.Id rather _ your phone number in my note book , _ I will forget it . A. write , or B. to write , or C. write , however D. to write , however3. The sentence structure of “ I call my little cat Mimi ” is _ . A. S+V+P B. S+V+DO+OC C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO4.The doctors gave up saving the boys life because he _ away . A. had assed B. has passed C. would pass D. passed 5.Wed better _ the door _ when _ PE class . A. keep , open , having B. keep , open , to have C. to keep, opened , having D. keep , opened , t have 6.May I borrow your bike ? Sorry , somebody _ it . But you can use my brothers . Its nice of you . _ .A. lent , With pleasure . B. has lent , My pleasure .C. borrowed , With pleasure . D. has borrowed , My pleasure .7.After the big fire there was _ left in that place . _ of us could believe what had happened there . A. nothing , Nobody B. none , Nobody C. nothing , None D. none , None 8.Im often told by my teacher to _ to my spelling . A. notice B. pay attention to C. care about D. look after 9.Mike works much harder than before _ he can get better marks in the exams . A. so that B. so C. in order D. otherwise 10.“ Only hard work can bring you _ ” that means “ Only when you work hard can you do everything _ .” A. success , successful B. successful , successfully C. success , successfully D. successfully , successfully 11.Would you like _ to help you with your work ? You are so thoughtful . _ is OK . Im afraid I cant finish the work without others help . A. someone , Anyone B. anyone , Everyone C. anyone , Anyone D. someone , Someone 12.Can you tell me _ ?A. how many star signs is a year divided into B. how far is it from Shanghai to Beijing C. what colour to wear when I feel blue D. to choose which one 13.Its reported that the victim was murdered _ 1;00 am _ 1;30 am .A. from , to B. between , and C. form , and D. between , to 14. Kitty is _ to dance for 2 hours a day . A. enough energetic B. enough , energy C. energetic , enough D. energy , enough15.Its generous _ Millie to donate all her pocket money to UNICEF . Yes . Its really meaningful _ people to do something for charities . 2 / 5A. of , of B. for , for C. for , of D. of , for 16.How long has your father _ ? He _ last month . A. left , left B. been away , was away C. left , was away D. been away , left 17.Id like to know if you _ to do something to improve your English . If so , I can give you some _ about it . A. will decide , advise B. would decide , suggestion C. have decided , advice D. decided , suggestions 二、根据中文,填写正确的英语单词(10%)1.The police have caught one of the _ (小偷)2.The swimming pool is _ only in summer . (可用的)3.Please place the ladder _ the wall .(紧靠)4.The tusk is too difficult and _ my ability . (超过)5.Thank you for _ your help to me . (主动提出)6.It is possible that there were more than two _ .(攻击者)7.He is very _ and friendly to his students . (耐心)8.The students have _ lots of progress since last month . (取得)9.He _ heavily after running for 15 minutes . (呼吸)10.Everything is in _ at this time of day . (寂静)三、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10%)1.Did you see Mr. Green at the meeting ? No , he _ (leave ) by the time I got there . 2.90per cent of the pollution in this river _( deal ) with since the government _( take ) som active actions . 3.We can never follow the fashion because it _ ( change ) all the time . 4.Before John went to the USA , he _ ( be ) a famous director in Hong Kong for many years . 5.In order t make the river clean , people should _ ( prevent ) from throwing rubbish into it . 6._ ( learn ) English well , you need to practice a lot until you succeed one day .7.I am very angry because I _ ( not receive ) the things that I ordered online . 8.Nowadays people prefer _ ( send ) e-mails to each other to _( write ) letters 四、中译英(18%)1.感谢你聆听我的问题并给予我宝贵的意见。2.他还不够大不会给自己穿衣服。3.上星期天,杰克宁愿待在家里也不愿和他的朋友去钓鱼。4.老师告诉了我,我才意识到自己的错误。5.赫本一生致力于通过展示大自然的美来保护环境。6.对那个导演的采访是昨天现场直播的吗?五、完形填空(10%)Just put on your special clothes in the morning and you could jump 3 meters into the air and even _1_ more than 60 kg without


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