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澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 2013.03.05 银川迎宾馆公共区域 景观方案设计 博 发 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell Project Understanding 项目背景 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 设计范围 Design Scope 客房 Hotel Rooms 会议室与宴会厅 Meeting the use of pink walls and black tiles commonly seen in homes of locals in south China; the rooftop which is the simplistic form of Chinese traditional palace; a grand lobby; the extremely high frame, propped up by two rows of dark wood columns. 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell Landscape Schematic Design 景观方案设计 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 景观设计重点 Key Considerations 1.通过景观将建筑更好地融合到周边的自然环境中,打造独特的山水度假 景观空间; 2.在客人到达时候为客人打造愉悦的第一印象,同时在客人离开的时候打 造难忘的印象; 3.为迎宾馆的酒店空间营造舒适的围合感与私密感; 4.使用当地自然的建筑材料和本地种植,体现地域特征; 5.在设计中考虑场地使用的灵活性; 6.在设计中考虑通过细节来体现品质感,同时也考虑到施工的简易性; 7.打造野生动植物自然栖息地,并让客人能零距离亲近大自然; 8.打造尺度舒适宜人,并能激起人们美好回忆的度假酒店; 9.为公共娱乐提供场地和设施,例如婚庆草坪、户外餐饮和其他功能。 1. Help integrate the building architecture onto the site and create an exclusive retreat 2. Plan a memorable visitor/guest arrival and departure sequence 3. Provide privacy and security needed for a state facility 4. Use natural building materials and local plants to maintain the regional character of the place 5. Keep a simple design for multiple uses and events to happen 6. Attention to details and construction quality 7. Establish wildlife habitats for guests to enjoy nature 8. Create comfortable, personal experience that is authentic 9. Provide facilities suitable for public use i.e. wedding lawn, outdoor dining and other functions 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 文化元素 Culture Elements 1.石牛 2.马 3.鱼 4.花瓶 5.花瓶 6.铜钟 7.雕刻艺术 8.雕刻艺术 9.装裱细节 Stone Bull Feature Horse Fish Pot Pot Bell Engraving Engraving Detail Animal References Pots a simple, open park like character that ingrates the proposed buildings into the lake side landscape. The idea is to create a scenic, picturesque landscape; modern is form and use but using traditional detailing and materials for a timeless garden design. The central lawn and lake is the primary landscape feature. Smaller terraces and garden rooms are designed around the buildings, lake and stream for people to enjoy and use. Planting design will provide seasonal interest and themed gardens create memorable places by smell, color and sound. 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 鸟瞰图 Bird Eye View 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell Detail Precincts 分区详图 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店南面主入口 Hotel South Main Entry 酒店南面主入口的造景广场以南北向轴线布景,带出强烈的轴线效 果,并呈现出一种威严大气的宫廷式的感觉。 大面积的镜面水景打造出南北轴向布景,并适当地饰以文化浮雕和 极具当地特色的石牛和铜马,以此反映银川历史悠久的农业发展。 The hotel south entry plaza is set as a south-north landscape axis, making the strong axis effect and present grand palace atmosphere. The axis features a broad skin or water, embossed with appropriate cultural patterns and graced with both stone or bronze animals (bulls and horses) which reference the regions long agricultural pursuits. 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店南面主入口 Hotel South Main Entry 1 3 5 2 4 6 规整草坪 Formal Lawn 规整的花树阵列 Formal Flowering Trees 美丽的自然树林 Hotel Tree Grove 迎宾水景池 Arriving Water Feature 生态停车场 Eco Carpark 3 5 2 4 6 大气的大堂入口 Grand Lobby Entry 1 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店南面主入口立面 Hotel South Main Entry Elevation 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店南面主入口剖面 Hotel South Main Entry Section 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店南面主入口 Hotel South Main Entry 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店南面主入口 Hotel South Main Entry 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店南面宾客入口 Hotel South Pedestrian Entry 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店南面大堂入口 Hotel South Porte Cochere 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店东入口 Hotel East Entry 酒店入口标识与门岗 Hotel Sign and Gard House 入口水景墙 Entry Water Wall 入口花园 Entry Garden 水景池 Water Feature 林荫大道 Formal Avenue 自然树林 Natural Tree Grove 1 1 3 3 5 5 2 2 4 4 6 6 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店东入口剖面 Hotel East Entry Section 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店东入口水景 Hotel East Entry Stream 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店东大堂入口 Hotel East Entry Porte Cochere 澳派 银川迎宾馆公共区域景观方案设计 Greenland Yinchuan Hotel Schematic Design 博 发 Boffa Miskell 酒店北面公共区 Hotel North


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