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高中英语必修五《unit4 making the news》示范说课稿

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高中英语必修五《unit4 making the news》示范说课稿

Book5 unit4 making the news,Good evening every one! Im glade to share my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is Book5 unit4 making the news. Ill be ready to begin my lesson from eight parts. 1.Analysis of the teaching material; 2.Analysis of the students;3.The teaching aims;4.The teaching methods;5.The teaching aids;6The teaching procedure;7.Blackboard design;8.conclusion,1.Analysis of the teaching material,This is the first teaching period of this unit, which introduces sts to the media and how news is collected and published.Warming up is for sts to recongnize the varieties of jobs in newspapers.pre-reading is to give sts a realistic idea of what is needed to work in a newspaper office.This reading passage titled My first work assignment introduces sts to the first day at work of a new journalist called Zhou Yang.,2.Analysis of the students,Most sts may know sth about the jobs of a journalist,an editor or even a phtographer,but they might not be familiar with the process of making the news.Thats the most difficult point.,3.The teaching aims,Knowledge aims: 1.Get the sts to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part. 2.Let sts learn about jobs in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 3.Have sts read the passage and know about Zhou Yangs first work assignment. Ability aims: 1.develop stss reading ability and let them learn different reading skills. 2.Enable sts to talk about jobs in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. Emotional aims: 1.stimulate stss interest in newspapers and the basic procedure of making the news 2.develop stss sense of cooperative learning .,4.The teaching methods,Real object showing; skimming; scanning; reading ;practice ; task-based approach etc. 5.The teaching aids A copy of newspaper; multi-media;blackboard 6.The teaching procedure It consists of 5 steps: warming up; lead-in; Contents key points, difficult points and homework,Step1.warming up,For warming up , I ll use a copy of newspaper and some pictures to arouse stss interest in jobs of newspaper.eg.,Unit 4,Making the news,Step 2 lead-in,For lead-in, Ill review some useful new words and expressions as follows.,Words preview,Delighted adj. 快乐的; 欣喜的 admirable adj. 值得赞扬的 unusual adj. 不同寻常的 assist vt. 帮助;协助;援助 Assistant n. 助手; 助理; 售货员 submit vt. 递交; 呈递 Professional adj. 专业的;职业的 n. 专业人员 meanwhile adv. 其间; 同时 case n. 情况; 病历; 案例 accuse vt. 指责;谴责;控告 deliberately adv. 故意地 skeptical adj. 怀疑的 dilemma n. 困境; 窘境 demand n. 需求; 要求 vt. 强烈需求,Expressions preview,concentrate on集中; 全神贯注 depend on依靠; 依赖 accuse of因指责或 控告 so as to (do sth)为了(做),Step3 key point,Reading is the key point of the reading passage My first work assignment “Unforgettable”, says new journalist. So Ill have the sts read the passage 2 times to get the main idea and some detailed information.,Reading,MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT “Unforgettable,” says new journalist,Skimming to get general ideas,the main idea of the passage,This passage is about _s first assignment at the office of a popular _ newspaper. And his _ with his new boss, _, was to strongly influence his life as a _.,Zhou Yang,English,Hu Xin,discussion,journalist,Skimming,Reading Comprehension I,Read the passage quickly, and find out all the questions Zhou Yang asked his new boss, Hu Xin. Please underline all these questions.,Skimming,Reading Comprehension II,1. Can I go out on a story immediately? 2. What do I need to take with me? 3. What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story? 4. What should I keep in mind? 5. Why is listening so important? 6. How can I listen carefully while taking notes? 7. Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?,The questions develop naturally from the answers Hu Xin gives, yet they form a develop mental whole.,things to take,things to remember,things to avoid,importance of listening and ensuring accuracy,Step 4 difficult point,Its very difficult to get most detailed information and grasp the structure of the article, especially, some idiomatic expressions. so I ll use careful-reading to deal with the difficult points just like this.,Careful reading to solve difficult points,Divide the passage into three sections. Then write down the main idea of each section.,Main ideas: Section 1: Section 2: Section 3:,how to work in a team,how to get an accurate story,how to protect a story from accusations,Scanning to get detail information,1 Zhou can go out on a story immediately.,2 Zhou took a notebook, a pen, a camera with himself.,3 While interviewing, the journalist would just ask the questions prepared before hand.,4 Zhou took a course of photography at mid-school.,5 Zhou is very enthusiastic.,True or False,Scanning,Reading Comprehension III,1. Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment at the office because_. A. his first assignment was quite a failure B.


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