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人教版高中英语必修三说课课件《unit 2 healthy eating》

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人教版高中英语必修三说课课件《unit 2 healthy eating》

unit 2 healthy eating -reading,Analysis of Teaching Material,Analysis of the students,Analysis of teaching methods,Analysis of teaching aims,Analysis of teaching aids,Analysis of teaching procedure,Analysis of Teaching Material,Analysis of the students,Analysis of teaching methods,contents,Analysis of Teaching Material,Analysis of teaching methods,Analysis of Teaching Material,Analysis of teaching aims,Analysis of Teaching Material,The content of my lesson is from New Senior English For China's Students book3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating -reading,back,Analysis of Teaching Material,age knowledge interest,Analysis of the students,Communicative method,Analysis of teaching methods,knowledge aim: develop Ss basic skills of reading, such as predicting, skimming, scanning ability aim: encourage Ss to practice, participate, and co-operate in the classroom activities. emotional aim: let Ss to know something about food and have a better comprehension towards a balanced diet.,Analysis of teaching aims,projector multi-media computer system blackboard,Analysis of teaching aids,warming up(5min) review the words about food,step1,COME AND EAT HERE,Analysis of teaching procedures,what do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? what kind of food do you like best? why are you so strong/weak/fat/thin?Does it have anything to do with you diet?,pre-reading (8min),activity1: free talk Which kind of food can be included in a healthy diet? What's the special food in you hometown,is it healthy?,step2,activity2: guess(group work) According to the title and pictures, guess what does the passage talks about.(use several words to explain it),Wang Peng and Yong Hui served different _in their restaurants . The foods in Wang Pengs make people _while the foods in Yong Huis make people_.,Activity1: go through the passage quickly and try to get the main idea,diets,fat,thin/slim,step3,fast reading(5min),: He sat in his restaurant_ very _.,: _, _ and _.,: something_ must have happened if he was not coming to_ as he always did.,feeling,frustrated,mutton kebabs,roast pork,fried rice,terrible,eat in his restaurant,feelings,foods,Li Maochang,Careful reading(12min),step4,questions,What food were served in Yong Huis restaurant? There were only few choices of food and drink: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar fruit and water. 2.Compared with the price of the food in Wang Pengs restaurant, what do you think about the price in Yong Huis? It was more expensive than Wang Pengs. It cost more a Good meal in Wang Peng Restaurant.,3.What did Wang decide to do after he left there? He decided to go to library to find out whether his restaurants food made people fat. 4.What did Wang find out after reading?What did he do then? He found out that Yong Huis restaurant was not giving its customers energy-giving food. He wrote a sign to win his customer back!,post reading(5min),True or faulse questions. 1. Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. 2. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. It would take longer than that. 3. Wang Pengs regular customers often became fat. Yong Huis menu gave customers more emery-giving food. No. it gave them protective food but no energy-giving or body-building food.,step5,F,F,T,5. Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food. 6. Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu. He decided to advertise the benefits of his menu.,F,F,conclusion(8min),listen to the tape and retell the story,step6,homework(2min),write a summary of this story(100words) how do you think the story will end? think about it ,and then write it down.,step7,blackboard design,new words,第一组 第二组 第三组,the passage talks about.,thank you,


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