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牛津深圳版英语七上unit 3《the earth》ppt课件

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牛津深圳版英语七上unit 3《the earth》ppt课件

Unit 3,The Earth,Lets watch a short film . The song is sung by Michael Jackson. Its Earth Song. When you enjoy it, please think about these questions: Whats your feeling(感觉) after watching? What should we do?,Have fun,How do you feel when you watch the film? (I feel sad /angry /sorry/ worried about) 2.What should we do? We should protect the Earth.,Talk About,A1.Look at the photos and speak out the name of them,stars the Earth the Moon the Sun,Pay attention : proper noun(专有名词) uses capital(大写),the Sun,the Moon,the Earth,stars,(1)What are the blue parts? (2)What are the green and brown parts? (3)What are the white parts?,Clouds land sea,They are sea.,They are land.,They are clouds.,A2 What do you know about the Earth?,B1.What is the poster about?,.,B2.What things are there on Earth?,air,rivers,pollution,sea,field,animals,Earth,water,forests,plants,people,mountains,Protect The Earth,True or False All places on Earth are warm. All plants need light and water. We get air , water and food from the Earth. There is air pollution ,water pollution and land pollution on Earth.,Listening,(F),(T),(T),(T),D1.Look for sentences like There is/are from the poster on Page 31 to describe(描述) these photos.,1.Today, there is a lot of pollution.,2.There are also many people like you and me on Earth.,3.There are many different plants. There are different animals on Earth too.,4. There are forests and rivers , mountains and fields.,D2.Read the poster again and answer the questions below in complete sentences. (1)What is the weather like in different places on Earth?,Some places are very hot, and some are very cold.,(2)Where do animals live on Earth? (3)What does the Earth provide us with?,Some live on the land. Some fly in the sky. Some live under the water.,The Earth provides us with air, water and food.,D3.What else do you know about the Earth? Discuss this in groups. There is / are(also) SomeSome,Look for a word to describe the Earth. The word must be an adj.(形容词),Read from P1 to P2.(Group1) The Earth is/Howthe Earth is! Read P3 .(Group2) The Earth is /Howthe Earth is! Read P4 (Group3) The Earth is/Howthe Earth is! Read from P5 to P6.(Group4) The Earth is/Howthe Earth is!,(1)What must people do to protect the Earth?,Post-reading,We must stop burning things to make energy. We must stop putting our rubbish into the sea and under the ground. We must stop cutting trees. We must stop wasting water We must plant more trees. We must save water,food and energy. We must. We can go to school by bus or by bike. ,(2) Is it important for us to stop doing these things? Why?,Yes .Because it is important for us to protect the Earth for our future,Retell the text,Protect the Earth,Places on Earth,Plants and animals,People on Earth,Pollution,What must we do?,Forest, river,Large, small, land ,sky,You, me,Air, water ,land,Stop doing,Homework,Finish the Reading exercises in Book B. (P41),Thank You!,


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