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加拿大paper写作--Green development and lifestyle

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加拿大paper写作--Green development and lifestyle

摆渡论文网(www.baydue.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心加拿大paper写作-Green development and lifestyleGreen development pattern and green way of life is linked together, it is a reflection of traditional natural ecological wisdom, also with the time the product of the combination of marxist ecological thought, in all aspects of economic, political, and social culture construction into the concept of green development, resource saving and ecological protection, the combination of commitment to sustainable development. Green development means firmly taking the development road of production development, living affluence and ecological civilization, ensuring the harmonious coexistence of human and nature, and ensuring the steady progress of social modernization. Adhering to the green development mode is the only way to build a beautiful China. The green lifestyle under the guidance of the green development concept is the awakening of people's life concept and life style. People change the past a single pursuit of material satisfaction, began to look at the reflection of previous way of life, in addition to pay attention to the interests of the individual, also began to think about the social nature of development, adhere to the harmonious, green, and the comprehensive development concept, abandon the extreme individualism, out of its deformity of consumerism, combine personal interests and social collective interests, pay attention to the social sustainable development as a whole. Party's 18 "four one" general layout, the economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and ecological civilization construction, promoted the "five one" the overall layout and write into the eighteenth big report, become to promote China's economic and social development strategy, the great momentum, layout, fully embodies the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics and build a well-off society in an all-round way of systematic and systemization. The 19th CPC national congress clearly pointed out that the overall layout of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics is "five-in-one". For a nation or a country, the development concept must have a corresponding way of life. In the new era, we advocate green development, and the corresponding lifestyle is green life.Green development way and way of life is green development concept under the guidance of theory and reality, the product of subjective and objective combination, it puts forward from xi in contemporary scientific grasp the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, from the Chinese communists inherited the concept of scientific development, from the construction of China bear responsibility and mission to pursue beauty. The proposal of green development mode and life style also has realistic significance.Constant development of economy in our country, also meet ecological destruction in the development of the bottleneck restriction, especially since the reform and opening up, China's ecological civilization construction is not coordinated with the economic take-off, we more in-depth research on the socialist construction law, we began to rethink the strategic significance of construction of ecological civilization and the eighteenth big put forward "five one" the construction of the general layout, the ecological civilization construction into economic and social development, green development are derived from the method and way of life. In essence, this is the inherent requirement of scientific practice and the guiding direction for the sustainable and stable development of China's society. The party is in power for the people and adheres to the scientific outlook on development. Under the guidance of scientific development concept, we must take the road of green development and life. The former lays the ideological foundation and theoretical origin for the latter. Marx's development elaboration also involves the thought of green development, which holds that the nature is objective and preconceived to man, man is always a part of nature, and man depends on nature for survival and development. Therefore, we must recognize, respect and protect nature. Guided by marxism, the CPC naturally must adhere to green development and lifestyle. This is the inheritance and development of the scientific outlook on development of the communist party of China.The green development mode and life mode are based on the green development concept, which is supported by practice and based on theory. In the new era, building a beautiful and prosperous China is the task of the party and the hope of the people. Xi has found in practice that to achieve the beauty and prosperity of the nation, we must maintain a full fighting capacity, which comes from the correct concept of development. The decline of traditional industry also proves the irrationality of simply taking the road of economic development. The 19th


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