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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第3册)unit 3《what courses do you offer》ppt课件6

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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第3册)unit 3《what courses do you offer》ppt课件6

Period 2,Speaking,Speaking,Speaking,certificate,schedule,course,Task 1: Look and review.,Lead-in,Cornell University,Lead-in,Video:Cornell University,Task 2: Watch and enjoy.,Sally: David: Sally: David:,Good morning. This is Jinghai Training School. What Can I do for you? Good morning. Im calling to ask if you offer any further education program for adults. Yes, we have courses on foreign languages and computer science for adults. What I want to learn is something new about computer programming.,Speaking,Listen and underline.,Sally: David: Sally: David: Sally: David: Sally: David: Sally:,Yes, we have courses on computer programming. The teaching materials in our school always keep pace with the latest development in this field. Good! Will I get a certificate after the program? Sure. Are there any part-time courses? Yes. We have both night and weekend courses for those who have to work at daytime. How do I sign up? You can find our homepage on the Internet and fill in the application form online. Great! It is good news to me that I can register online. Thank you very much. You are welcome!,Speaking,Listen and underline.,Speaking,Summary David is calling to ask if there is any f_ education program for adults. He wants to learn something new about c_ programming. He may get a c_ after the program. Jinghai Training School has both n_ courses and w_ courses for those who have to work at daytime. If David likes to s_ up, he can visit their h_ on the Internet and f_ in the application form online.,urther,omputer,ertificate,ill,ight,eekend,ign,omepage,Task 1: Read and complete.,Speaking,Task 2: Read and answer.,1. What courses does David want to learn? 2. Can David get a certificate after the program? 3. Are there any part-time courses in the program? 4. How can David sign up?,Speaking,Task 3:Explain and translate.,offer sb sth 提供某人某物 offer sth to sb 提供某物给某人 那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人。 The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus. The young man offered his own seat to the old man on the bus.,Speaking,2. further education program 3. something new一些新的东西 nothing,anything,everything等不定代词放在形容词和副词的前面 egs:一切美好的东西 everything good 没什么特别的东西 nothing special,Speaking,4. keep pace with 保持同步;并驾齐驱 keep up with 追上,赶上;不落后 keep away from 远离,回避 5. part-time courses 在职课;兼职课 do a part-time job 做兼职工作 6. at daytime 在白天 7. sign up 签到;报名 8. fill in the application form 填写申请表,Speaking,9. What I want to learn is something new about computer programming. 10. It is good news to me that I can register online. 1) It is +adj.+that 从句 2) It is (high) time that sb. did sth. 3) It is adj./n. (for/of sb.) to do sth.,Speaking,1.Im calling to ask if you offer any further education program for adults.,2.Will I get a certificate after the program?,3.Are there any part-time courses?,4.How do I sign up?,Task 4: Read and underline.,Speaking,Task 5:Listen and repeat.,Task 6:Practice .,Task:Choose and talk.,Consolidation,Task:Choose and talk.,Consolidation,Task:Act and practice.,Middle school student, New Concept English, only free on weekends,Extension,Act and practice.,Doctor, PETS, to get an English certificate,Extension,Act and practice.,College student, ILETS, to have the examination in February,Extension,Everyday English,Can you say something about the course? Are there any courses for ? Can I know the fees for the course? Do you have any requirements?,能介绍一下课程吗? 有方面的课程吗? 请问学费是多少? 有什么要求吗?,Speaking,Assignments,1.Practice the dialogue and recite it. 2.Learn words and phrases by heart.,Thank you!,Speaking,


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