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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)unit 10《why was it built》ppt课件3

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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)unit 10《why was it built》ppt课件3

Unit10 Why was it built?,英语2(基础模块 高教版),Words and expressions,guide,tourist,design,locate,revolution,pyramid,stair,expert,keep out,向导,导游,旅行者,观光客,设计;绘制,在设置,坐落于,革命,金字塔,(楼梯的) 一级,专家,(使) 留在外面,collection,congress,include,more than,rebuild,describe,description,electricity,Words and expressions,收集;收取,领取,国会;代表大会,包括,含有,多于,重建,描述,描述,电,Why were so many buildings built in Shanghai?,Let's watch a video!,They were built to hold the Shanghai World Expo.,China pavilion中国馆,We also know other great buildings of the world,The Statue of Liberty 自由女神像,America,Big Ben大本钟,The Great Britain,Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔,Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院,Australia,The Great Pyramid 金字塔,The Taj Mahal泰姬陵,The Pisa Tower 比萨斜塔,Stonehenge巨石阵,The Great Britain,The Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥,America,The Palace Museum 故宫博物院,Guess who I am,Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院,The Palace Museum,The Pisa Tower 比萨斜塔,Stonehenge巨石阵,The Taj Mahal泰姬陵,The Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥,Listening,Listen and order the pictures.,A. Eiffel Tower,B. The Statue of Liberty,C. The Great Wall of China,C B A,Listen and decide on the relationship of the speakers.,teacher and student,guide and tourist,husband and wife,Listen and circle.,Listen again and complete the fact file.,1884,France,1886,142,Speaking,Read aloud after the tape and underline.,Guide: Janet: Guide: Janet: Guide: Janet: Guide: Janet: Guide:,Look, this is the Eiffel Tower, the tallest building in Paris. Wow! It looks great! When was it built? It was built in 1889. Thats a long time ago. Why was it built? It was built to celebrate the success of the French revolution. I see. Who designed it? It was designed by Alexander Eiffel, a French engineer. Can we go inside now? Of course, we can climb the stairs all the way up to the top. But it will take a long time. It has 1,665 steps!,建造它是为了,它是谁设计的? design v. “设计”,be designed by由设计的,It was built to 建造它是为了,The Great Wall was built to keep out enemies.,e.g. 建造长城是为了抵御外敌入侵。,Who designed it? 它是谁设计的?,design v. “设计”,她自己设计衣服。,She designs her own clothes.,他为学校运动会设计了一张海报。,He designed a poster for the school sports meeting.,e.g. The bridge was designed by a Chinese engineer.,It was designed by Alexander Eiffel, a French engineer. 它是由法国的一名叫Alexander Eiffel工程师设计的。,be designed by由。设计的,这座桥是由一名中国工程师设计的。,Role play,Summary,The Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Big Ben大本钟 Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔 Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院 The Great Pyramid金字塔 The Taj Mahal泰姬陵 The Pisa Tower比萨斜塔 Stonehenge巨石阵 The Palace Museum故宫博物院,Summary,Why was it built?为什么建它? It was built to 建造它是为了 When was it built?它是什么时候建立的? It was started in它开始于 It was completed in它竣工于 Who designed it ? 它是谁设计的? It was designed by它是由谁设计的,组: 该组荣获英语课堂比赛一等奖,特发此状, 以兹鼓励。 2012年7月10日 英语教研组,HW : Make a dialogue using the above sentences (Tourists and guide are on a visit to the Great Wall of China),Thank you!,


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