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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第1册)unit 4《welcome to our party!》ppt课件3

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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第1册)unit 4《welcome to our party!》ppt课件3

LEAD-IN,READING AND WRITING,LISTENING AND SPEAKING,LANGUAGE IN USE,LIFE AND CULTURE,SELF-CHECK,UNIT TASK,WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE,Lead-in,Lead-in,单词分析,snowy (形容词)下雪的 由snow(名词)+y组成 rainy(形容词) 下雨的 由rain(名词)+y组成 windy (形容词) 刮风的 由wind (名词)+y组成 sunny (形容词) 晴朗的 由sun (名词)+ny组成 Australia(名词)澳大利亚 Australian'streln adj. 澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的 cloudy (形容词) 多云的 由cloud(名词)+y组成 foggy(形容词)多雾的 由fog(名词)+gy组成,1/20/2019,频度副词 usually often always,频度副词是副词的一种 一、频度副词在句中的位置。 频度副词在句中习惯上位于be动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前。 如: 1.She is often late for school.她上学经常迟到。 2.He usually goes to bed at about 12.他通常(午夜)十二点钟睡觉。 3.When do you usually get up in the morning?早上你通常什么时候起床? 二、表示频度方面的区别。 always是频度最大的词,意为“总是;永远“。如: I shall always remember my first day at school.我将永远记住我上学的第一天。 usually意为“通常“,即很少例外,频度仅次于always。如: What do you usually have for breakfast?你通常早餐吃什么? often意为“经常“,在频度上不如usually那么频繁。 如: Li Ping often does his homework in the afternoon.李平经常在下午做作业。 三、频度副词与not连用时,表示部分否定;对频度副词进行提问时,要用how often。如: 1.A great scholar is not always a very wise man.大学者未必一定是极聪明的人。 2.We often go to the cinema .(对划线部分提问) How often do you go to the cinema?,1/20/2019,单词分析,host 主人,它与master,owner意思相近 without(介词)没有,不带 eg: Milk without sugar. 不加糖的牛奶。 eg: Fish can't live without water. 鱼离不开水。 joke (名词)笑话 eg: tell a jok/tell jokes讲笑话 invite(动词) 邀请 1.invite+sb 邀请某人 2.invite+sb+to do sth 邀请某人做某事 3.invite+sb+to a place(指一个地方)邀请某人到某地 此外,invite还可变形为invitation,从动词的邀请变为名词的邀请书,1/20/2019,1. Listen and match.,Lead-in,Party,派对,聚会,是西方常见的社交活动。 Party按照内容分类有 birthday party, Christmas party, welcome party 和 graduation party等。按照参加者性别分类有 hen party(只有女性参加的聚会)和 stag party(只有 男性参加的聚会)。此外,还有 dinner party, garden party(下午时在私家花园里举行 的正式聚会)等。 由于派对种类繁多,深受人们喜爱,社会上还 出现了一个专门的职业叫 party planner (派对策划师)。,a birthday party,a Christmas party,Welcome party,1/20/2019,graduation party,Christmas party,Hen party,1/20/2019,A stag party 只有男性参加的聚会,a garden party,Baby shower,婴儿洗礼: shower原意是“阵雨”的意思,在这里指baby得到大批礼物,或许是因为礼物多得像大雨中的雨点。当一个妇女怀了baby后,她的亲朋好友会聚在一起,送baby很多衣服、玩具等礼物。,1/20/2019,假面舞会,1/20/2019,睡衣派对,1/20/2019,游园会,1/20/2019,Before you attend a party ,what do you need to think of?,dress,Sometimes , you can take some gifts for the party.,A box of chocolates,a bunch of flowers,a bottle of wine,举行派对(party)和天气有关,接下来来看看与天气有 关的词,Spring,warm,Summer,hot,Autumn,cool,Winter,cold,cloudy,snowy,sunny,windy,rainy,foggy,这些名词后加上-y就变成了形容词 还要注意,sun,fog要双写再加-y.,Choose the words to fill in the blanks.,晴朗的 _有雾的 _ 有风的 _ 多云的 _下雪的 _ 下雨的 _,sunny windy rainy cloudy snowy foggy,sunny,foggy,windy,cloudy,snowy,rainy,Talking about the weather,Rainy windy,cloudy,sunny,snowy,foggy,New York(纽约) 温暖但是有雪,Australia(澳大利亚) 凉爽并且多云,Speaking Practice,1. Listen and match.,Lead-in,snowy,sunny,rainy,windy,snowy,rainy,snowy,windy,rainy,snowy,Listening and Speaking,Listening and Speaking,2. Listen and judge.,Listening and Speaking,Dialogue,3. Listen and complete.,Listening and Speaking,Welcome,Hello,like,please,4. Listen, read and underline.,Li Xiaonian: Mr Smith: Li Xiaonian: Mr Smith: Li Xiaonian: Mr Smith: Li Xiaonian: Mr Smith: Li Xiaonian:,Hello, Mr Smith! Welcome to our party! Hello, Xiaonian! Its very cold today. Yeah, its sunny but cold. Would you like something to drink? Uh, tea, please. With or without milk? Without milk, please. Heres your tea, Mr Smith. Thanks. Youre welcome. Please help yourself.,Listening and Speaking,Mr Smith: Li Xiaonian: Mr Smith:,Is it always cold at this time in Xian? Yes, its usually cold and windy. Whats the weather like in Australia now? Well, its usually warm and cloudy at this time.,Listening and Speaking,4. Listen, read and underline.,(Several minutes later),Q: 1.Whats the weather like today? 2.How is the weather?,A: Its +表示天气的形容词,-Whats the weather like today? (How is the weather today?),-Its sunny.,-Whats the weather like today? (How is the weather today?),-Its windy.,- How is the weather in Beijing?,Ask and answer,- Its sunny.,Exercise-9-2,重点词汇和句型,Would you like something to drink? 您想喝点儿什么? 这是主人用来招待客人的句子。 eg Would you like something to eat? 您想吃点儿什么? Would you like some fruit? 您想来点儿水果吗? Would you like a cup of tea? 您想来杯茶吗?,2019/1/20,Exercise-9-3,重点词汇和句型,With or without milk? 加不加牛奶? 通常在确定喝什么以后再问是否要加点儿什么。 eg Id like some pure water, please. 我要纯净水。 OK. With or without ice? 好的。加不加冰?,2019/1/20,5. Practice and act.,Listening and Speaking,coffee milk water orange grape cookie biscuit apple dragon fruit,Would you like ?/ What would you like, or ?/ What about ? Here you are. Youre welcome. Id like , please. , please. Thank you.,6. Tick, talk and circle.,Listening and Speaking,Everyday English,Its a nice day, isnt it? Its cloudy today. / Its a cloudy day today. Welcome to our party! Would you like some tea? Yes, please. / No, thanks. Please help yourself.,今天天气不错。 今天多云。 欢迎参加聚会! 你喝茶吗? 好的。/ 不用了,谢谢。 请随便用。,Listening and Speaking,Summary,Welcome to


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