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Sales & Operations Planning Two Decades of Learning at BASF 销售与运作计划管理 BASF20年学习经验分享,Alan L. Milliken CFPIM CIRM CSCP April 14, 2007,Advancing Productivity, Innovation, and Competitive Success,Region IV,Alan L. Milliken CFPIM CIRM CSCP,20+ years at major manufacturing sites working in Production, Logistics, Process & Quality Control, Industrial Engineering, Training, and Scheduling 20年以上专业制造场所从事生产,物流,流程和质量控制,工业工程,培训,和调度工作 11+ years as a Supply Chain Consultant and APICS Instructor including two years in Mexico City helping BASF Mexicana improve their supply chain 11年以上供应链顾问和APICS讲师,包括在墨西哥巴斯夫的两年,帮助其提高供应链管理水平 Identified by an independent consulting firm as one of three APICS members who best answer the question, “What is a Supply Chain Manager?” 由一个独立的咨询公司确定为三个APICS成员之一,并最好地回答了“供应链管理是什么?“这个问题。 Served as an SME (Subject Matter Expert) on the team that developed the new Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) program. 作为项目专家在团队中开发新的CSCP(认证供应链专家)项目。 Served as an SME on the team that developed the new Certified Forecasting Professional (CFP) for the Institute of Business Forecasting (IBF) 作为项目专家为商业预测研究所(IBF)开发了新的认证预测师(CFP)项目 Engineering Degree from Auburn University and MBA from Clemson University Auburn大学工程学学位,Clemson大学MBA,Objectives of the Presentation目标,Define formal Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) 销售与运作计划定义 Describe the primary steps in the formal S&OP Process and explain the purpose of each 描述标准S&OP的实施步骤,并对每个步骤进行解释说明 Relate the inputs and outputs of each step in the process 每一步骤相关的输入与输出 Identify the participants in and responsibilities for each primary step 为每个主要步骤识别主责和参与者 Discuss Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each step in the process 讨论每个步骤的关键绩效指标(KPIs),S&OP Process Overview S&OP过程概述,S&OP is the process with which we bring together all the plans for the business (customers, sales, marketing, development, manufacturing, sourcing, and financial) into one integrated set of plans. S&OP是将所有业务计划(客户、销售、市场、开发、生产、资源以及财务)集成在一起的计划集。 The objective of Sales & Operations Planning is to arrive at a business “Game Plan” to help manage and allocate critical resources to meet the needs of the customer at the least cost to do so. S&OP的目标是帮助管理和分配关键资源,在成本最低的条件下满足客户的要求,是一套业务“游戏计划”。,What is formal Sales & Operations Planning? 什么是销售与运作计划?,Source: APICS Illustrated Dictionary,S&OP links Strategic Planning to Operations,S&OP as part of ERP,业务计划,S&OP,需求管理,主生产计划(MPS),粗能力需求计划(RCCP),最终装配计划(FAS),材料需求计划(MRP),能力需求计划 (CPP),采购,质量管理,生产活动控制 (PAC),仓储,APS,MES,数据收集,财务,通用总帐,应收帐款,应付帐款,固定资产,编制预算,成本计算,业务量成本法,数据库,BOM,工艺路线,库存余量,未结订单,历史数据,供应商,客户,能力测量,高层管理计划(长期),业务管理计划(中期),业务管理执行(短期),先进技术,EDI,电子商务,Sales & Operations Planning,Master Scheduling,Detailed Planning & Scheduling,C A P A C I T Y P L A N N I N G,F O R E C A S T I N G & D E M A N D,Business Planning,High Level Enterprise Resource Planning Model,Annually,Monthly,Weekly,Daily,Strategic Planning,2-10 Years,Forecast Only,Forecast Only,Forecast Only,Forecast & Orders,Orders Only,Rough-cut Capacity Planning,Capacity Requirements Planning,Resource Planning,S&OP,粗计划排期,详细计划排期,能力规划,预测与需求,业务规划,高级别企业资源计划模型,年度,月度,周,日,战略计划,2-10 年,仅预测,仅预测,仅预测,预测 +需求订单,仅需求订单,粗能力要求计划,能力 需求计划,资源计划,SKU by Customer by Location,SKU by Customer,Stock Keeping Unit (SKU),Package Size,Model / Brand,Subfamily,Family,Business Unit,Total Company,S&OP Levels,Too Aggregated,Too Detailed,Forecasts are more accurate higher in the hierarchy,Actual Demand is collected at the detailed level.,S&OP in Product Hierarchy,S&OP is usually performed at an aggregated level (e.g. Product Family or Group),根据客户要求与存储地点确定的SKU,按客户要求确定的SKU,库存单位(SKU),包装尺寸,型号/品牌,产品子族,产品家族,业务单元,全公司,S&OP 级别,过分聚集,过分详细,预测数据愈发精确,收集来自于客户端的详细信息.,S&OP 在产品层级中的地位,S&OP 通常在聚集层面上执行 (如产品门类或产品组合),S&OP is a Five-Step Process:S&OP五步曲,4-5步可以合并为一个会议,历史数据生成,需求规划 检查销售预测与计划,供应规划 检查产能与效率满足程度、拟定生产计划,设置异常解决方案,Pre-S&OP 需求与供应平衡 检查实际需求与计划的配合程度,回检财务情况与计划的配合度,回检例外情况的预案,验证以往各个步骤,S&OP执行 与Pre-S&OP会议的内容相类似,在执行中不断解决问题,The Basic S&OP Grid(S&OP基本表格):,从历史数据中可以得到计划与实际达成结果的对照,Inventory Plan = Planned Opening Inventory + Planned Production - Planned Sales,Actual Inventory = Opening Inventory + Actual Production - Actual Sales,市场/销售,产品定义,产品需求,资金,主计划排期,业务规划,劳动力,财务,材料,运营,人力资源,工程,管理,生产能力,S&OP Process,S&OP is a Cross-Functional Process S&OP是跨职能的过程,Must champion the process,improved customer service提高客户服务水平 reduced inventory降低库存 lower manufacturing & distribution costs降低生产和分销成本 better control of overall business performance很好地控制总体业务 increased team work within and across functions提高跨职能团队的工作效能,Benefits of S&OP S&OP的益处,If implemented and used effectively, S&OP will yield major benefits to the firm有效实施或应用S&OP,将带来如下效果:,Steps in the S&OP Process S&OP实施步骤,Step 1: Updating Input Data更新输入数据,Results: High Inventory Low Service High Unit Cost Poor Decisions,Remember the GIGO Principle. It takes much effort to ensure accurate & timely data is driving the process. 垃圾进,垃圾出。所有必须确保导入系统的数据精确及时;,S&OP Planning Process,Data,E,R,R,O,R,Key


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