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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)unit 1《we laughed into tears》ppt课件3

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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)unit 1《we laughed into tears》ppt课件3

Unit1 I laughed till I cried!,A survey,10. Read and tick.,Letters from our readers,Last week we asked our readers to write us funny stories. Bob and Ben sent us very amusing family stories.,Reading and writing,Dear Family Life, My mother is a career woman, but she never forgets her household duties. One snowy morning, she went out for her daily run. When she returned to the house, she slipped and hit her head on the driveway. I sent her to the hospital. When we arrived, the doctor asked my mom some questions to see if she was OK. “What day is today?” he asked. Without hesitation, Mom replied, “Cleaning day.” Yours, Bob,Reading and writing,10. Read and tick.,Dear Family Life, My mother is a typical housewife and she does nearly all the housework. My father is an engineer and he never does any family chores. Last Sunday afternoon my mother was ill, and my father volunteered to go to the supermarket for her. She gave him a shopping list with five items: 1 orange 2 eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers. Dad returned half an hour later. He opened a large grocery bag and started to count “one orange, two eggs, three hams, four eggplants, and five green peppers”. Mom and I laughed into tears! Yours, Ben,Reading and writing,10. Read and tick.,10. Read and tick.,Reading and writing,3,Bobs mother, Bob and a doctor,a career woman,one snowy morning,on the driveway,Mother slipped and hit her head.,3,Bobs parents and Bob,a typical housewife,last Sunday afternoon,at home,Mother was ill.,11. Read and tick.,Reading and writing,12. Read and tick.,Bens mother is a career woman. Bens father didnt want to go shopping for his wife when she was ill. Bens father didnt do any housework. Bobs mother is a career woman, so she doesnt do any housework. Bobs mother had a small accident after her daily run. The doctor asked Bob lots of questions.,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),Reading and writing,Bobs,volunteered,but she,Never forgets her household duties.,Bobs mother,13. Choose and complete.,Last Sunday afternoon, Bens mother _. His father _ _, and his mother _: 1 orange 2 eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers. His father returned with a big bag and _. In the bag there were one orange, two eggs, three hams, four eggplants, and five green peppers. Ben and his mom _.,was ill,volunteered to go,gave him a shopping list,started to count,laughed into tears,shopping,Reading and writing,14. Look and describe.,Last month, Marys mother was ill. And she stayed in bed.,Reading and writing,14. Look and describe.,Marys mother gave her daughter a shopping list.,Reading and writing,14. Look and describe.,Mary bought vegetables and fish in the supermarket.,Reading and writing,14. Look and describe.,Mary cooked in the kitchen. She burned the fish.,Reading and writing,15. Write and practice.,my mother was ill, and she stayed in bed. She gave me a shopping list. I went to the supermarket and bought some vegetables and fish. Then I cooked in the kitchen but I burned the fish.,Reading and writing,Your family story,How many people are there in your story? Who are they? When did the story happen? Where did the story happen? What was happened on your mother/father/you?,


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