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Unit 1 Playing Sports,Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.,The Peoples Republic of China took part in the Olympics for the first time in _.,1952,Our Olympic Memories,Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for China in the _ Los Angeles Olympics in 1984.,23rd,Our Olympic Memories,China won _ gold medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.,28,Our Olympic Memories,China won _ gold medals in the 2004 Athens Olympics.,32,Our Olympic Memories,China won _ gold medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.,51,Our Olympic Memories,_ hosted the 30th Olympic Games in 2012. China won _ gold medals there.,London,38,Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.,The Peoples Republic of China _ (take) part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952. Xu Haifeng _ (win) the first gold medal for China in the _ (23) Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. China won 28 gold _ (medal) in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and 32 in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Beijing _ (host) the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 and China won 51 gold medals. We hope that China _ (win) more gold medals in the future.,took,won,23rd,medals,hosted,will win,3,1a,Match the years with the host cities of the Olympic Games.,2000,2004,2008,2012,London,Beijing,Athens,Sydney,Magazines, newspapers, books and the Internet are important sources of information. You can find out more about the Olympics and other topics from these resources.,1a,Watch the flash and enjoy the modern Olympics.,视频1a-P21,1a,Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.,Athens, Greece in 1896,Faster, Higher, Stronger,the five parts of the world,blue, yellow, black, green and red,代表,1a,Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.,There are _ and _ and they are both held every _ years. The _ are usually held two years _ the _.,Summer Olympics,Winter Olympics,four,Winter Olympics,Summer Olympics,before,hold: 举办,1a,Read Paragraph 3 and mark True or False.,The Olympics are held by different cities in turn. ( ) The developing countries have no chance to hold the Olympics. ( ) The Olympics will be more and more popular. ( ),T,F,T,Key points,The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games.,a symbol of : 的象征,Eg: 白鸽是和平的象征。 The white dove is a symbol of peace.,The five rings stand for the five parts of the world.,stand for : 代表着,Eg: 在中国,红色代表着幸运。 Red stands for luck in China.,至少: 轮流: 越来越受欢迎: 有机会去做某事:,Key points,at least,in turn,more and more popular,have the chance to do sth.,1b,Listen to 1a and complete the following notes.,录音1a-P21,The year of the first modern Olympics:_ The host city of the first modern Olympics:_ The motto of the Olympics Games:_ The symbol of the Olympics Games:_ The five rings stand for:_ The colors of the rings:_ The Summer Olympic Games are held every _ years.,in 1896,Athens, Greece,Faster, Higher, Stronger,the Olympic rings,the five parts of the world,blue, yellow, black, green and red,four,Project,The 29th Olympics are over. What is Beijing like now? What will you do from now on? Discuss in groups and then write a passage. Please use the future tense.,more trees and grass,more visitors,improve our environment,build ourselves up,more subways and buses,more buildings,You can write like this:,Now, after the 29th Olympics, Beijing is more popular with people all over the world. It is more beautiful than before.,Report,Summary,We know: The year of the first modern Olympics. The host city of the first modern Olympics. The motto of the Olympics games. The symbol of the Olympics games. The five rings stand for the five parts of the world. The colors of the rings are black, blue, yellow, green and red. The Summer Olympic Games are held every four years.,Homework,1.写一篇日记,描述你所参加过的学校运动会,注意日记格式及动词时态。,2. 搜集历届奥运会会徽,口号和吉祥物,与同学交流。,Thank you!,


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