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高中英语 module6 vocabulary and reading课件 外研版选修6

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高中英语 module6 vocabulary and reading课件 外研版选修6

Module 6,Vocabulary and reading,War and peace,Language points,declare war on/against sb. 向某人宣战,War has been declared. 已经宣战了。,declare for/against sth/sb 表示赞成(不赞成)某事物/人,The commission declared against the proposed scheme. 委员会反对所提的计划。,declaration n. 宣言;公告,a declaration of war 宣战,the Declaration of Human Rights 人权宣言,2. pick sb. up (1)用汽车搭载某人或接某人,Ill pick you up at 7 oclock. 7点钟我开车来接你。,(2)偶然结识某人,He picked up the girl at a college disco. 他在学校的迪斯科舞会上偶然结识了那姑娘。,(3) 救起某人,The lifeboat picked up all the survivors. 救生船救起了全部幸存者。,(4) 逮捕某人,The police picked him up as he was trying to leave the country. 他正要离开该国时,警方把他捉住了。,(5) 责备某人,She picked him up for using bad language. 她指责他出言不逊。,3. wound v. 使受伤,Ten soldiers were killed and thirty seriously wounded. 有十名士兵阵亡,三十名重伤。,The guard was wounded in the leg. 护卫员腿部受了伤。,wound和injure均指对身体的伤害,wound指利器或子弹对肉体造成的伤害。,It is a deliberate action, often connected with battles and war. 这种伤害是故意的行为,常与作战及战争有关。,injure通常指人在意外事故中受到的伤害,如由机器造成的或在运动中受到的伤害。,Compare in a war there are many more wounded than killed and In the coach crash 10 people died and 18 were seriously injured. 试比较这两个句子:“在一场战争中,受伤的远比死亡的人多伤。”,hurt指的伤害可与injure同样严重,也可指比较轻的疼痛。,They were badly hurt in the accident. 他们在事故中受了重伤。,I hurt my back lifting that box. 我抬那个箱子的时候伤了后背。,rescue sbs name from oblivion 使某人名声长在,You rescued me from an embarrassing situation. 是你给我解了围。,4. rescue v. rescue sb./sth. from sth./sb. (从危险、囚禁等中)搭救或救出某人/物,Police rescued the hostages. 警方救出了人质。,Look at the photograph and the map and answer the questions.,1. What kind of people can you see in the photograph?,Soldiers.,2. Where on the map do you think the photograph was taken?,Approaching the French coast.,3. What are the people in the photograph doing?,They are waiting to land on the French beaches.,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,abandon attempt danger kill,1. British and American troops _ to land in France. 2. These landings were very _.,attempted,dangerous,3. Many troops were _ during the landings. 4. At one point, military commanders thought about _ the operation.,abandon attempt danger kill,killed,abandoning,Read the meanings of some of the words and expressions.,to tell another country that you are going to start a war with them,a planned activity during a war,declare war on:,military operation:,to be successful,to die in water,people who are not killed in an accident,make a breakthrough:,drown:,survivors:,1. Where do you think the first passage is taken from? a. a history book b. A newspaper article,Choose the best answer.,b,2. What do you think the second passage is? a. a government report on the war b. the history of a particular group of soldiers,b,3. What is different about the third passage? a. It refers to an event related to the war. b. It refers to an event before the war.,a,1. What event started the Second World War?,Germanys invasion of Poland.,Answer the questions.,2. What was the purpose of Operation Overlord?,To invade France.,3. What nationality were the troops who took part in the operation?,British, American and Canadian.,4. Where was the most dangerous place to land?,Omaha Beach.,5. Was Operation Overlord successful?,Yes, it was.,Choose the correct endings to the sentences.,1. When the Germans started firing at the boats, _. a. the boats were so far from the beach that they werent hit b. the boats were one kilometre from the beach,a,2. When Boat 5 was hit by a shelf, _. a. everyone was killed b. Most of the men were rescued from the water,b,3. The men from Boat 3 had problems in the water because _. a. their backpacks were heavy b. the water was too deep,b,4. Six men tried to climb up the cliff and _. a. some of them managed to reach the top b. all of them reached the top,a,5. Two of the soldiers from Able Company _. a. stayed on the beach b. met some other soldiers,b,1. Why was 6 June 2004 an important date for the survivors?,It was the 60th anniversary of the landings.,Understanding,2. Why do you think so many soldiers were never found?,They were drowned or blown up.,3. In your own words, what does the poem say about the lost soldiers?,It says that they are not really lost because we will always remember them.,Answer the questions about the words in the box.,bravery confusion disappear exhausted heroism wounded,1. What is the difference between tired and exhausted?,Exhausted is extremely tired.,2. Give an example of bravery in a war situation.,Going back to help a wounded comrade in a dangerous place.,bravery confusion disappear exhausted heroism wounded,3. What is the difference between being killed and being wounded?,When you are killed, you are dead; when you are wounded, you can recover.,bravery confusion disappear exhausted heroism wounded,4. What could cause confusion in a battle?,One commander giving one order and another a different one.,bravery confusion disappear exhausted heroism wounded,5. W


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