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牛津译林版选修六unit 2《what is happiness to you》ppt课件

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牛津译林版选修六unit 2《what is happiness to you》ppt课件

,-Weng Decui Jiangsu Jiangpu High School,Non finite verbs as adverbials,Unit 2 Grammar & Usage,Step 1. To infinitive,We run every day to keep healthy.,In order to /To keep healthy, we run every day.,= in order to /so as to keep healthy.,So as to keep healthy, we run every day.,F,( ) 1. To protect the Great Wall from being damaged, we should take action.,( ) 2. To protect the Great Wall from being damaged, action should be taken.,T,F,NOTE :when to do is used to express purpose, its logical subject is that of the sentence.,1.*to do can be used to express purpose, (= in order to do, so as to do),=The parents were _ angry _ they punished the boy.,mixed double,The parents were so angry as to punish the boy.,So,that,2.The baby isnt old _ _ go to school.,3.The baby is _ young _ go to school.,4.The baby is _ young _ _ _ go to school.,1.The baby is so young that he cant go to school.,enough,to,too,to,so,as,not,to,1.Its never too late to learn. 2. Im only too glad to see you again.,Translation,活到老,学到老.,我非常高兴再次见到你.,NOTE 1: * pay attention to the meanings of such phrases like “too eager to do ; too willing to do ;too ready to do ”.,I took a taxi to the railway station, only to find the train had already left.,Translation,译:我乘出租车赶到达火车站,不料却/结果却发现火车已经离开了.,NOTE 2 :*only to do is used to express the unexpected result.,2.*to do can be used in the drills (enough to ; so/such as to; tooto ) to express result,and only to do refers to unexpected result.,1.George returned after the war, only _that his wife had left him.(2012山东卷) to be told B. Telling c. Being told D. told,2.He was so foolish _his car unlocked. to leave B. that leave C. as to leave D for him to leave,1.I was really sorry /sad/angry to hear about the tragedy.,2.I was also disappointed /surprised to see so many people were cold-hearted.,3.*to do is usually used after the words “happy, sorry, glad, sad, surprised, disappointed” to express reason.,The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy _ anything that happened to be on.(2012全国卷) A. to watch B. watching C. watched D. to have watched,Step 2、Verb-ing & verb-ed,1.She got off the bus, but left her handbag on her seat. 2.She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat.,1.*一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词 and, but ,so 的情况下,可用doing 或 done做状语.,1. _ill , so he didnt go to school today .,2. _ill , he didnt go to school today .,A. Being B. He was,B,_,A,1)_ ( study) hard, you will pass the final exam. 2)_ ( study) hard, and you will pass the final exam.,Studying,Study,1. Because she was moved by the hero, she decided to study harder.,2. When he walked in the street, he went home.,2*:active voice (doing )or passive voice (done) .,1._from the top of the hill, our town is very beautiful. 2_from the top of the hill, I find our town very beautiful. (see),Seeing,Seen,1._in the book, he didnt notice the sound. 2._himself in the book, he didnt notice the sound. (bury),Buried,Burying,After he graduated from Harvard, Obama worked as a lawyer, lecturer and then took up politics.,Having graduated from Harvard, Obama worked as a lawyer, lecturer and then took up politics.,Because he was trapped in traffic for hours, he was late for work.,_in traffic for hours, he was late for work.,Having been trapped,3* “having done ,having been done” are used when they happen before the predicate verbs .,_ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited,1,1).Not knowing his address, we cant get in touch with him.,4.The negative word “not” always appear before doing or done.,2)_(not treat) in time, the disease may cause death.,Not treated,1.While reading the novel, he nodded from time to time. 2.Once seen , it will never be forgotten. 3.Though feeling tired, he keeps on running.,5.*We can use doing or done after conjunctions(when, while, once, if, unless, though, although).,True or false,1.Being an orphan, the nurse treated the boy kindly.,F,T,7:独立结构: 逻辑主语+doing/done,1.Being an orphan, the boy was treated kindly.,2. Because the boy was an orphan, the nurse treated him kindly.,2.The boy being an orphan, the nurse treated him kindly.,3.Everything prepared, we began to carry out the project.,6 :the agreement of the subject.,1.If time permits, I will call on you. 2.After my homework was finished, I could go to play outside.,Time permitting, I will call on you.,Paraphrase these sentences:,My homework finished, I could go to play outside.,The party will be held in the garden, weather_(2012全国卷) A. permitting B. to permit C. permitted D. permit,8 . set phrases:,1. generally/personally/strictly speaking; 2.judging from/by; 3.considering; =taking into consideration/account; 4 .providing/provided /sup


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