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新人教版英语高三module 9《unit 2 sailing the oceans》ppt课件之二

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新人教版英语高三module 9《unit 2 sailing the oceans》ppt课件之二

高中英语 选修(模块)9-2.4,1.navigator n. 导航者,领航员 navigate vi. 航行, 航海, 航空 vt. 航行于, 驾驶, 操纵, 使通过 They navigated with difficulty through the crowd. 他们在人群中艰难行进。 navigation n. 航海,航行 navigational adj. 航海的,航行的,2.explorer n. 勘探者,考察者(考察的人,尤指考察某一地理区域的人) 他妈妈是一个到北极探险考察的人。 His mother is an arctic explorer. exploration n. 探险, 探测,explore v. 探险, 探测, 探究 We must explore all the possibilities for the solution of the problem. 我们必须探讨解决这个问题的所有可能性。 Have you really explored your nearest town? 你真的考察了离你们那儿最近的城镇了吗?,voyage n./ vi. 航海, 航行 The voyage from England to India used to take six months. 过去从英国航行到印度要六个月。 go on/make/take a sea voyage 去航海旅行 voyager n. 航行者, 航海者,at the mercy of without any protection against; helpless before 任由摆布;在面前无助 They were lost at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather. 他们在海上迷失了方向,任凭风和天气的摆布。 The sailors were left to the mercy of wind and weather. leaveto the mercy of 任凭处置,have mercy on/ show mercy to 对表示怜悯 The terrorists showed no mercy to the hostages. 恐怖分子对人质残酷无情。 without mercy 毫不留情地 The mother left the dying baby in the hospital without mercy. 那位母亲狠心地把垂死的婴儿丢弃在医院。,Its a mercy (that) (口)幸运的是,幸亏 (用于表示更遭的情况得以避免总算是幸运) Its a mercy the accident happened so near the hospital. 幸亏事故发生在离医院很近的地方。 Its a mercy she wasnt seriously hurt. 幸运的是她伤势不重。,alongside prep. = by the side of; side by side with在旁边;与并排 adv. = along, near, at, or to the side 在旁边,近旁,沿着边 He parked his car alongside the fence. 他把车沿着围墙停放。 A car drew up alongside. 一辆汽车开上来并排而行。,minimum (min) adj. 最小的, 最低的 n. 最小值, 最小化。 (pl) minima/minimums 其反义词为maximum (max) adj. 最高的, 最多的, 最大极限的 n. 最大量, 最大限度, 极大,keep/reduce sth. to a minimum 将某物保持在/降低到最低限度 公司设法最低限度减少开支。 The company manages to keep all the expenses to a minimum. 每个班学生人数的最高限额是58名。 The maximum number of students in each class is 58.,nowhere adv. 无处, 到处都无 我没工作,也没地方住。 I have no job and nowhere to live. Nowhere could I see him. 我哪儿也看不到他。 nowhere near=far from 差得远, 远非 e.g. The hall was nowhere near full.,offshore adj./adv. 向海面吹的, 离岸的, 海面上的, 海上/下作业的 offshore workers 海上作业的工人 The storm moved offshore. 风暴离岸移动。,secure adj.安全的, 可靠的, 放心的, 无虑的 v. 保护,使安全 Our house is secure from flood. 我们的房子没有被淹的危险。 Some measures are needed to secure the bank from a flood. 这道堤防需要采取一些措施, 免得被洪水冲坏。,security n.安全,保安,保护 Security was tight during the Presidents visit. 总统来访期间,保安工作十分严密。 the Security Council 安理会 the security guard 保安,involve vt. 包括,使陷于,使参与,影响 Dont involve other people in your mistakes. 别把别人牵涉到你的错误中去。,All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的戏剧。 The matter is serious because it involves your reputation. 这件事很严重,因为它影响到你的声誉。,involve 指必然包括的结果 include 指包括属于整体的部分 contain 指包含在内或含有几种成分 hold 常指含有多少容量,可与contain互换,involve, include, contain, hold,Taking the job _living abroad. 接受这项工作就一定要住在国外。 The price _postage charges. 价格包括邮资在内。 Beer _alcohol. 啤酒里含有酒精。 How much water does the pan_? 那盘子能盛多少水?,involves,includes,contains,hold,magnetic adj. 磁的, 有磁性的, 有吸引力的 magnet n. 磁体, 磁铁 a magnetic recorder 磁录音机 a magnetic person,random n. 随意, 任意 adj. 任意的, 随便的, 胡乱的 e.g. make a random choice 任意选择 at random = aimlessly; without any plan 随机,随便 e.g. He opened the book at random.,awkward adj. 难使用的, 笨拙的, 尴尬的; 棘手的,难处理的 an awkward remark 令人窘迫的评论 There was an awkward silence, when no one knew what to say. 当谁都不知道说什么时,出现了令人尴尬的沉默。,他很笨,总是丢东西。,He is awkward; he keeps dropping things.,An awkward situation arose during the peace talks.,在和平谈判中出现了棘手的情况。,reference n. 提及, 涉及, 参考, 参考书目, 证明书(人), At the meeting the teacher made references to his heroic deeds. 在会上老师提到了他的英雄事迹。 These are reference books for students. 这些是学生用的参考书。,refer v. 提到, 涉及, 查阅, 咨询 The teacher often refers her pupils to this dictionary. 老师经常让她的学生查这本字典。 Her pupils often refer to this dictionary. 她的学会经常查这本字典。 Dont refer to it again. 别再提那件事。,precise adj. 精确的, 准确的 precision n. 精确(性), 精密(度) A lawyer needs a precise mind. 律师需要一丝不苟的精神。 A camera is an instrument of precision. 照相机是一种精密仪器。,simplify vt. 单一化, 简单化 simple adj. 简单的 The English in this story has been simplified to make it easier to understand. 这个故事里的英语被简写以便更容易理解。 His father lived a simple life in the country. 他父亲在农村过着简朴的生活。,portable adj. 轻便的, 手提(式)的, 便携式的 a portable typewriter 提式打字机 a portable generator 便携式发电机,shortcoming n. 缺点, 短处(常用复数) In spite of all his shortcomings, he is still the best teacher the school has. 他尽管有些缺点,但仍然是该校最好的教师。,update v. 使现代化, 修正, 校正, 更新 n. 现代化, 更新 e.g. It is about time we updated the software. updated adj. 最新的,现代化的,适时的 an updated and revised edition 最新修订本,tendency n. 趋向, 倾向(to do sth./ towards sth.) have/show/reduce the tendency to do e.g. 女性越来越趋向晚婚. It is a growing tendency for women to marry late. tend to do/toward sth. e.g. His views tend towards the extreme. tend to sb. =take care of sb.,reliable adj. 可靠的, 可信赖的 e.g. She may forget to come - she is not very reliable. 她可能忘了来,她不太可信赖。 rely v.依赖, 依靠, 信赖, 信任, 依赖于 rely on sth./sb. to do reliability n.可靠性,Swoop v. to swoop down (on sb/sth) 朝俯冲 e.g. The eagle swooped down on the chicken. The police s


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