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,电子模块介绍,什么是电子模块?,可以将复杂的光、声、电器、感应等物理现象,通过简单模块化的组件呈现。 电子模块为磁性吸附式接头,巧妙的利用磁石特性及卡口齿印拼接。 普及性广,孩子或成人都可以从电子模块中获取基本的电子知识,培养逻辑思维,开发创意。,电子模块特点与用法,电源,连接,输入,输出,电子模块的分类,按颜色的不同,分为4种颜色的功能模块,电子模块连接方式,40个基本模块玩法和功能介绍,紫色模块,一个可以充电的电源模块,为其他模块提供电源, 它可以通过标准的智慧手机充电器进行充电。 A rechargeable power module can recharge . power with a standard mobile portable charger.,p2-可充电电源模块 Rechargeable Power,绿色模块,一、电源+输出,最简单的拼接方式,适用于所有绿色输出模块的实现,翠绿色的LED,连接到任意电路就被点亮。 Green LED, snap to power module or other module after power to light on LED.,o1-LED灯/LED,创意应用: 信号指示灯(如电器按开 关后,指示已通电的信号灯),o2-三色灯/RGB LED,调节上面的电位器,红绿蓝三种基色可以调配出各种颜色的LED灯。 Use a screwdriver to adjust the dimmer of the module to change the color of RGB LED.,创意应用:交通灯 课堂学习:认识光的三原色,o3-条形灯/Bargraph,包含五颗灯的模块,随着输入信号强弱的不同,亮灯的数量随之会不同。 It has 5 LEDs in different colors to show you how much signal the module is receiving.,创意应用: 电流强度指示灯,o4-震动/Vibration motor,这是一个像手机振动时里面装的振动器, 能够疯狂的振动并且很安静。 The vibration motor is the similar device that makes your cellphone to vibrate when someone calls.,创意应用: 手机振动、按摩器,o7-蜂鸣器/Buzzer,可以发出蜂鸣声的模块,类似于防盗 系统之类电器的报警器。 The buzzer module is just what it sounds like: it makes a noise.,创意应用: 警报器、闹钟,o8-高亮LED/Bright LED,小小的一颗LED,却可以在黑暗中像手电筒一样为你照亮前行的道路。 A small LED with a powerful bright light.,创意应用: 手电筒、路灯、台灯,o9-直流马达S/DC motor S,通过长的引线将直流马达引出,方便将马达放置在任何地方。中间的输入口可以连接粉色的输入模块控制马达的正反转。 This is a dc motor with long connection wire, so you can put the motor to anywhere. Rotational direction of the motor module can be controlled by the main power jack on the middle. Providing power to the auxiliary jack in the middle would change the motor rotational direction.,创意应用: 车、风扇、轮船、传送带,o10-双LED/Double LED,通过长的引线将LED灯从模块上引出,在制作一些创意中可以将LED灯连接到更远的地方,该模块具有两盏灯。 This module comes with 2 long wired LEDs. It provides great flexibility for placing your lighting in different position .,创意应用: 车头灯、机器人眼睛,o12-彩灯/Colourful lights,由多盏彩色LED组成的灯,具有慢慢闪烁的功能。 The colourful lights include many blinking colourful LEDS.,创意应用:装饰彩灯,o13-红外反射电机/IR reflective motor,将红外反射开关(IR Reflective)拨在打开位(ON),当物体接近红外反射机头时电机启动。通过调节电位器可以微调红外反射距离。通过拨动正反转开关(“0”或“1”)可以改变电机旋转方向。 Turn IR reflective switch on. The motor will run when your hand close to the IR reflective sensor. You can tune the reflective distance though adjusting to “0” or “1” to change the rotary direction of the motor.,创意应用: 汽车防撞安全控制,粉红色模块,二、电源+输入+输出,输出模块仅受前方输入模块的控制,按下接通,松手断开,代表电路的两个状态:“0”和“1”。 Press and hold or release to make things happen.,i1-按钮/Button,创意应用:抓娃娃机按钮,旋转它可以调节信号的电位,也就是调节信号大小。 Rotate the dimmer to adjust signal.,i2-电位器/Dimmer,创意应用:风扇开关,通过触摸来激活的模块,你给它小小的挤压力来激活它,压力越大变化越大。 Its a touch activated module. Give its pad a little squeeze to activate it. The more pressure you apply, the more power it sends out.,i3-压力传感/Pressure sensor,创意应用: 大力锤游戏机,脉冲就像是脉搏一样的跳动,你可以通过螺丝刀调节跳动的快慢,也就是调节频率。 The pulse is like an electronic heartbeat.You can adjust the speed of the pulses faster or slower by using a screwdriver.,i4-脉冲/Pulse,创意应用:警车灯,拨动拨杆可实现电路的通断,电路在“0”和“1”之间切换。 The toggle is an on/off switch.,i5-拨动开关/Toggle,创意应用:电灯开关,对光线敏感,两种模式:“亮”和“暗”, 在亮模式下,光线越亮,输出信号越强。 在暗模式下,光线越暗,输出信号越强。 可以通过调节电位器来调节模块对光强的灵敏度。 The light sensor measures how much light shines on it. It has two modes:“light” and“dark”. In“light” mode, the more light shines on the sensor, the higher the signal it sends out. In dark mode”, it is opposite of the“light mode”.,i6-光敏/Light sensor,创意应用:智能窗帘,滚轮推入和释放代表接通和断开两个状态,拨动开关可以翻转状态。 It has a little lever with a wheel, and activates when something moves past it.You can also flip the mode switch to make it turn off when the lever is pushed in.,i7-滚轮开关/Roller switch,创意应用:保护装置 (小车碰撞实验),可以自锁的开关,按下接通,再按下断开。 It has a self-locking on/off button. It stays in the current locking stage or releasing stage until it is pressed again.,i8-按压开关/Switch,创意应用:电器开关,对声音敏感,可根据接收到的声音控制拼接在其后端的输出模块,通过调节模块上的电位器可以调节其灵敏度。 The sound trigger module reacts to any sound source when it gets over a certain level. You can adjust the sensitivity of the module by using a screwdriver.,i9-声控/Sound trigger,创意应用:声控灯,对输入信号进行延时后输出,通过调节模块上的电位器可实现大约3秒到2分钟左右的延时。具有“开-关”延时和“关-开”延时两种模式。 The time out module is a configurable timer.You can use a screwdriver to set the time from the range of 3 seconds to 2.5 minutes.It is possible to configure the module to switch on or off when a predefine amount of time has passed.,i10-延时/Time out,创意应用:烘炉、微波炉,推动滑杆可以调节信号的电位,也就是调节信号大小。 You can control the slide dimmer module by moving its lever from one end of the module to the other.,i11-滑动变阻器/Slide dimmer,创意应用:电灯、音响,运动感应模块可以感应到它周围很细小的运动。和楼道灯的控制很像,当晚上有人经过时灯就自动亮了,运动感应模块的感应范围是5米x5米。 The motion trigger module senses any slight movement around it , similar to a sensor on the lightof passageway. When someone is moving around it and the light will be turn on. The motion trigger can sense an area of around 5mX5m.,i12-运动感应/Motion trigger,创意应用: 防盗装置、感应门,对声音强度做出反应,声音越大输出信号强度越大。 It is a module which is in response to the sound volume.The louder sound it receives , the more intensity ofsignal it sends out.,i13-声强/Sound level,创意应用: 噪音强度检测仪,光敏触发模块可以检测环境中光线的强度,


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